Society and Economics

ISSN (print)0207-3676

Media registration certificate: No. 0110199 dated 05/05/1999

Founder: Russian Academy of Sciences

Editor-in-Chief: Kokhno Pavel Antonovich

Number of issues per year: 12

Indexation: RISC, list of Higher Attestation Commissions, CrossRef


The journal "Society and Economics" was established on the initiative of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in accordance with the decree of the Council of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (Decree of the Council of IAAS No. 37 of November 17, 1995).

The presidents of the member academies of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (IAAS) issued a Memorandum of Association for the publication of the journal “Society and Economy” as an international journal and signed the Charter of the journal. From the pages of the journal, the presidents of Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, the Prime Minister of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of Armenia addressed the readers in different years. Representatives of the academies of sciences of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, as well as the National Center for Social and Human Sciences of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam were delegated to the editorial board of the journal.

In accordance with the Charter of the journal, in addition to publishing the journal, its international editorial board and the editorial team of the journal, with the active participation of scientists from the CIS countries, carry out research, as well as scientific and organizational work on the publication of monographs of international authors' teams (a total of 5 such monographs have been published, and international scientific conferences have been held).

The journal contributes to the development of multilateral scientific ties between scientists, including those working in the CIS countries, which has a positive impact on the formation of mutual understanding, and allows the exchange of practical experience of socio-economic development. Besides an international journal of historical studies, this is the only international journal of the CIS countries, dedicated to social issues.

The journal “Society and Economy” welcomes innovative approaches that are debatable in nature, providing an opportunity for famous scientists and young specialists to report on:

  • economic models in the modern world;
  • methods of stabilizing the economy in a crisis;
  • problems of balance in the economy;
  • modern concepts of economic growth;
  • problems of the political organization of society in post-socialist countries.

Current Issue

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No 6 (2024)

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The paternalistic state and civil society: the problem of socio-economic inequality
Anisimova G.

The issues of socio-economic inequality and stratification are quite relevant for modern Russia. At the same time, there is no objective justification for the inequality existing within the Russian population today, which undermines the basis for the formation of civil society. In the article the need for an active role of the state in regulating the level of socio-economic inequality is substantiated.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):5-13
pages 5-13 views
The effect of the Paradox of thrift on modern Russia and the ways of countering it with social fiscal instruments
Kapkanshchikov S.

The article explains the essence of the paradox of thrift and the reasons why it currently manifests itself in Russia and in a number of other countries, with an emphasis on the excessive income differentiation and insufficiency of social guarantees to the population, together with the policy of financial authorities aiming at the value increase of the sovereign funds while unemployment is still high. The Classical relationship between savings, investment, and GDP growth is contrasted with the Keynesian one – consumption – GDP growth – investment – while proving the much greater applicability of the latter to the assessment of current situation in Russia. The evolution of the share of savings in the Russian national product over the past three decades is presented, indicating the factors that determine it. Based on that, the author substantiates the need for dynamic optimization of the relationship between consumption and savings to accelerate the growth of Russian economy. To neutralize the paradox of thrift, the author suggests the ways of increasing the effectiveness of state social policy through a transition from the categorical principle of its formation to the principle of targeting and prioritization.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):14-31
pages 14-31 views
A ticket to the future or a window of opportunity for the republic of Kyrgyzstan
Bizengin B., Eneeva M., Sarbasheva E., Uyanaeva K.

The article examines the phenomenon of “economic miracle” for the states of the former USSR on the basis of the provision on the economic uncertainty of development. The possibilities of these states to create their own “economic miracle” are analyzed. It has been established that the Republic of Kyrgyzstan has the greatest opportunities to create its own “economic miracle”. The strengths and weaknesses of Kyrgyzstan have been identified. The directions and measures to strengthen the position of Kyrgyzstan on the way to creating a “Kyrgyz economic miracle” are proposed. The difficulties that stand in the way of realizing their “economic miracle” for other states of the former USSR are indicated.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):32-48
pages 32-48 views


On the strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the formation of technological sovereignty of Russia in the context of the prospects for the eurasian partnership
Dorzhieva V.

The article analyzes the impact of sanctions on the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry and possible risks for the future in the context of the development of Eurasian integration. The results of the implementation of the pharmaceutical industry development strategy “Pharma 2020” and of the first year of “Pharma 2030” are analyzed based on an assessment of the main indicators characterizing the ongoing transformations in the pharmaceutical industry. It is shown that Russia can achieve technological sovereignty by accelerating the modernization of existing production facilities, creating modern full-cycle pharmaceutical enterprises and using scientific and technical potential to develop its own innovative medicines. It is noted that in order to increase its competitiveness and achieve a leading position in technology, Russia should strengthen cooperation within the framework of regional integration associations throughout the Eurasian continent. It is assumed that certain aspects of the regulatory framework of the EAEU will stimulate the development of the pharmaceutical industry. The paper also provides an overview of the achievements of Russia and the EAEU member states in this area.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):49-60
pages 49-60 views
State corporations in the implementation of scientific and technological policy of Russia
Vologova Y.

The article examines the features of modern scientific and technological policy (STP) in the context of external challenges and selected development priorities. The key directions for the implementation of the STP before and after 2022 are analyzed separately, with an emphasis on new directions in the Policy of Technological Sovereignty. The place of state corporations in the implementation of the STP is identified, and a comprehensive analysis of the interim results of the activities of the state corporations Rostec, Rosatom and Roscosmos is carried out in the most important areas of the STP until 2022, as well as an analysis of scientific and production potential and prospects for the inclusion of state corporations in the development of new directions. A conclusion is drawn about the active participation of state corporations in the implementation of the main directions of scientific and technical progress, including the Policy of Technological Sovereignty. The main barriers that reduce the effectiveness of state corporations are identified, and recommendations are developed to optimize their participation.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):61-81
pages 61-81 views


Labour shortage in industrial regions of russia: can interregional migration help mitigate the problem?
Sorokina N.

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of using the mechanism of interregional migration to mitigate the problem of labour shortage in the industrial regions of Russia. The object of the study is old industrial regions as a special type of industrial territories. It is concluded that in modern conditions interregional migration is not capable of having a positive impact on the functioning of regional labour markets in old industrial regions. It is shown that there is a reserve for increasing the level of wages in the manufacturing industries of the old industrial regions of Russia. Measures of a tactical and strategic nature are proposed to help increase the attractiveness of old industrial regions for internal migrants.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):82-92
pages 82-92 views


On the consequences of climate change for the most vulnerable populations in the Central Asian region
Romanchuk Y.

The article reveals the problem of the impact of climate change in the Central Asian region on the most vulnerable segments of its population. The analysis identifies factors that negatively affect the level of poverty in the region, which include aging infrastructure and environmentally harmful economic activities in Central Asian countries. Climate change and its accompanying phenomena such as the increased incidence of natural disasters will lead to deterioration of the macroeconomic indicators of the Central Asian republics in the medium and long-term run and will increase in the number of people living below the international and national poverty lines. In this regard, the author proposes to attract the resources of the Eurasian Development Bank and the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development already present in the region to assist the countries of Central Asia in overcoming the problems caused by climate change and adapting to this phenomenon.

Society and Economics. 2024;(6):93-107
pages 93-107 views

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