
Nafigin, I.

栏目 标题 文件
卷 2023, 编号 2 (2023) МЕТОДЫ И СРЕДСТВА ОБРАБОТКИ И ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ Territory Suitability Assessment for Conducting Detailed Geological and Mineralogical Mapping Based on Statistical Methods of Remote Sensing Data Processing Landsat-8: A Case Study in the Southeastern Transbaikalia, Russia
卷 2023, 编号 1 (2023) ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ О ЗЕМЛЕ Application of Landsat-8 Satellite Data to Predict Ore Mineralization for the Northern Territories on the Example of the Central Part of the Maloural Zone (The Polar Urals)
卷 2023, 编号 5 (2023) ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ О ЗЕМЛЕ Identification of Zones of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks Using WorldView-2 Data at the Talman Site (Talmanskaya Area, South-Eastern Transbaikal, Russia)
卷 2023, 编号 6 (2023) ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ О ЗЕМЛЕ Application of the Landsat-8 Data Set and the Digital Elevation Model SRTM to Prediction Gold-Polymetallic Mineralization to the Central Part of the Malouralskaya Zone, the Polar Urals
卷 2023, 编号 6 (2023) МЕТОДЫ И СРЕДСТВА ОБРАБОТКИ И ИНТЕРПРЕТАЦИИ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ Development of a Technique for Automatic Lineament Allocation Based on a Neural Network Approach