The Underwater Esmeralda Volcano (Mariana Island Arch) and some Features of the Composition of its Composition Rocks


Дәйексөз келтіру

Толық мәтін

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


A generalization of the available original data and literature data on the geological and geophysical knowledge of the underwater volcano Esmeralda, located in the Mariana Island Arc, has been carried out. As a result of studying the rocks dredged during the 4th and 5th cruises of the R/V Vulkanolog at the present level, new data were obtained on the silicate and rare-element composition of the rock samples that make up this underwater volcano. It has been established that the studied volcanic edifice is composed of five types of rocks: basalts, basaltic andesites, dacites, gabbro, and basanites. For the first time, samples of dacite and basanite have been discovered, indicating that the petrochemical diversity of the underwater volcano Esmeralda is wider than previously thought. All dredged rocks are characterized by a slightly increased content of incoherent elements LILE and HFSE. The studies carried out made it possible to attribute the main part of the dredged rocks to the association of island-arc ferruginous tholeiites (IAB, IAT) and only the composition of a single sample of alkaline basalt (basanite) falls into the field of alkaline basalts of oceanic islands (OIB, OIA). The increased content of iron in plagioclase phenocrysts confirms that the rocks belong to the high-iron tholeiite association.

Толық мәтін

Рұқсат жабық

Авторлар туралы

V. Ananyev

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Хат алмасуға жауапты Автор.
Ресей, bulvar Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

V. Petrova

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, Pyzhevsky lane, 7, bld. 1, Moscow, 119017

V. Rashidov

Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far East Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Ресей, bulvar Piipa, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006

Әдебиет тізімі

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Қосымша файлдар

Қосымша файлдар
2. Fig. 1. Underwater volcanoes of the Mariana island arc.

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3. Fig. 2. Bathymetric map of the Esmeralda underwater volcano. The polygon indicates the dredging area, and the dot indicates the location of the underwater fumaroles. The inset shows the fumaroles in the volcano's crater, recorded during the 4th cruise of the "Vulcanologist".

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4. Fig. 3. A sample of aphyric amygdaloidal basalt (a) and a mini-bomb (b).

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5. Fig. 4. Polished sections of rocks. BSE image. a – basalt; b – basaltic andesite; c – dacite; d – gabbro.

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6. Fig. 5. Basanite with inclusion of spinel lherzolite xenolith B4-1 (a) and polished section (b). BSE image; Pl – plagioclase; Ol – olivine.

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7. Fig. 6. Chemical classification diagram of igneous rocks, total alkali – silica (TAS). 1–3 – data from the authors of this article: 1 – effusive rocks, 2 – alkali basalt, 3 – gabbro; 4 – data from [Stern, Bibee, 1984]; 5 – data from [Pearce, 2005]; 6 – data from [Wang et al., 2020]; 7 – data from [Gorshkov et al., 1980].

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8. Fig. 7. AMF discriminant diagram [Irvine, Baragar, 1971] (a), MnO‒TiO2‒P2O5 discriminant diagram [Mullen, 1983] (b), SiO2‒FeO/MgO discriminant diagram [Miyashiro, 1974] (c). See Fig. 6 for legend.

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9. Fig. 8. Si‒Ti‒Sr discriminant diagram [Vermeesch, 2006] (a); V‒Ti‒Sc discriminant diagram [Vermeesch, 2006] (b); Cr-Y discriminant diagram [Pearce et al., 1981] (c). See Fig. 6 for legend.

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10. Fig. 9. Primitive mantle-normalized [Sun, McDonough, 1989] rare elements.

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11. Fig. 10. Chondorite-normalized [Sun, McDonough, 1989] REE data for Esmeralda volcano basalts, the Mariana Trough [Stern, Bibee, 1984], and B4-1 basanite (a) and primitive mantle-normalized [Sun, McDonough, 1989] rare and rare earth elements in B4-1 basanite (b).

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12. Fig. 11. Ti‒Zr discriminant diagram. 1 – Esmeralda volcano composition zone (according to our data); 2 – composition zone (according to [Stern, Bibee, 1984]); 3 – Mariana island arc composition zone; B and C – ocean floor basalt field; A and B – island arc tholeiite field; A, B, and D – alkaline earth series rock field. For legend, see Fig. 6.

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