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卷 25, 编号 3 (2019)


Chiral Cosmological Model of f(R) Gravity with a Kinetic Curvature Scalar

Chervon S., Fomin I., Mayorova T.


We consider modified f(R) gravity with a kinetic curvature scalar, which can be reduced to a chiral cosmological model of special kind. A detailed derivation is presented for the action of a chiral cosmological model as an equivalent to a gravitational model with higher derivatives with respect to the Ricci scalar using Lagrange multipliers and a transition from the Jordan frame to the Einstein one. The equations of the model are written in the spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric on the basis of the constructed chiral cosmological model. Examples of solutions are found, corresponding to a special choice of the field χ = χ* = const, and its fixed value \(\chi_0=-\sqrt{3/2}\;\text{ln}2\). For this value of χ0, in the case of the canonical inclusion of the kinetic component of the Ricci scalar, we have obtained a nonlinear second-order differential equation with respect to H, which is not amenable to analytic solution. Therefore we implement a transition to a noncanonical form of the kinetic term. Using a fixed value of χ0, an exact solution is obtained for power-law inflation. We have considered a transition from the de Sitter and power-law solutions specified in the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame for comparison with the results obtained in f(R) gravity with higher derivatives. It is proved that there is a Weyl conformal transformation which transforms the de Sitter and power-law solutions in one frame to similar solutions in the other.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):205-212
pages 205-212 views

On the Possible Anisotropy of the Unruh Radiation. Part I: Massless Scalar Field in (1+1)D Space-Time

Kholupenko E.


The Unruh effect for a massless scalar field in (1 + 1)D space-time is considered. It is shown that, under some natural assumptions like finiteness of the integration volume or finiteness of the interaction (propagation of information) speed, the Unruh effect should be anisotropic. This property is not connected with a particular detector design but is fundamental like the Unruh effect itself. This consideration can be generalized to the case of massless and massive particles in (3 + 1)D space-time. The obtained result and its further development may be important for specific applications of the Hawking-Unruh effect such as the description of black hole evaporation and motion dynamics of accelerated bodies.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):213-225
pages 213-225 views

Is There a Super-Selection Rule in Quantum Cosmology?

Santini E.


A certain approach to solving the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in quantum cosmology, based on a type of super-selection rule by which negative frequency solutions are discarded, is discussed. In a preliminary analysis: we recall well-known results in relativistic quantum field theory, showing that adopting this approach of super-selection by discarding a sector of the frequencies does not lead to acceptable results. In the area of quantum cosmology, a qualitatively similar result is obtained: we show that by discarding solutions with negative frequencies, which is usually done in order to demonstrate “strong” results on the resolution of the singularity, important physical processes are lost, namely, the existence of cyclic solutions, which, under certain reasonable assumptions, can be interpreted as processes of creation-annihilation at the Planck scale that are typical of any relativistic quantum field theory.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):226-236
pages 226-236 views

On a Generalization of the Einstein Gravitational Equations Based on Weyl Geometry

Rabinowitch A.


In the recent years, the interest in modifications of the Einstein theory of gravitation has seriously increased due to the unsolved problem of dark energy. One of them was suggested in our earlier publications where a generalization of the Einstein gravitational theory with Weyl’s connection was studied. In the generalization, the Weyl vector potentials were regarded as a weak field giving small corrections to the Einstein gravitational equations and which could be associated with dark energy. However, in these publications only uncharged dustlike matter was considered as a source of gravitation. In the present paper, we consider the generalized Einstein gravitational equations with Weyl’s connection in the important case in which gravitation is caused by charged matter consisting of particles interacting by means of gravitational and electromagnetic forces. In Weyl’s theory and in a number of other gravitational theories based on Weyl’s geometry, gauge-invariant Lagrangians of second order in the curvature were used, which gave gravitational equations of fourth order in the derivatives of the metric, in contrast to the second order of the Einstein equations. That is why we choose another way to investigate the Einstein gravitational equations with Weyl connection. We study the consequences of our equations and obtain conditions of their consistency. Using these conditions, we come to second-order differential equations for the Weyl vector field and to generalized dynamic equations for charged matter.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):237-242
pages 237-242 views

Splitting Into Two Isotropic Subspaces as a Result of Cosmological Evolution in Einstein—Gauss—Bonnet Gravity

Chirkov D., Toporensky A.


We consider numerically the dynamics of a flat anisotropic Universe in Einstein—Gauss—Bonnet gravity with positive Λ in dimensions 5 + 1 and 6 + 1. We identify three possible outcomes of the evolution, one singular and two nonsingular ones. The first nonsingular outcome is oscillatory. The second one is the known exponential solution. Its simplest version is the isotropic de Sitter solution. In Gauss—Bonnet cosmology there also exist anisotropic exponential solutions. When an exponential solution being a result of cosmological evolution has two different Hubble parameters, the evolution leads from an initially totally anisotropic stage to a warped product of two isotropic subspaces. We show that such a type of evolution is rather typical and possible even in the case where the de Sitter solution also exists.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):243-249
pages 243-249 views

Temporal Variation of Earth-Based Gravitational Constant Measurements

Mbelek J.


As one knows, strong discrepancies are found between the different precise measurements of the gravitational constant carried out in Earth-based laboratories. While the precision is increasing in different laboratories and with various methods, these measurements are even more and more discordant. We have shown since 2002 that an improved 5D Kaluza-Klein (KK) theory may provide a satisfactory explanation to these discrepancies by referring to the geomagnetic field as a possible cause. Here we take advantage of different precise measurements performed on the same location but at different epoch to address the temporal variation of the gravitational constant measurements. It turns out that taking into account the secular variation of the geomagnetic potential introduces a greater consistency into the apparent lack of concordance amongst the most precise gravitational constant measurements. Indeed, we obtain results that are in good agreement with all laboratory measurements. Moreover, this study yields an independent way to derive the coupling constant of the internal 5D KK scalar field to the electromagnetic field, namely, F−1 = (3.25 ± 0.35) × 10−14 m/J, which matches quite well with the earlier one, F-1 = (3.40 ± 0.41) × 10−14 m/J.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):250-258
pages 250-258 views

δ Gravity, δ Matter and the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

Alfaro J., González P.


Introducing an additional symmetry (δ symmetry) in the Einstein-Hilbert action, we obtain a gravitational field model (δ gravity) based on two symmetric tensors, gμv and ̃gμv where an effective metric, given by gμv = gμv + ̃gμv must be defined to describe the trajectories of massless particles. In previous papers, a truncated versions of δ gravity applied to cosmology was presented, where the δ symmetry was fixed in order to simplify the analysis of the model. The model predicts an accelerated expansion of the Universe without a cosmological constant or additional scalar fields, ending in a Big Rip. We present the full-fledged δ gravity, introducing a new kind of matter fields (δ matter) in order to preserve the δ symmetry. In this approach the prediction of the expansion of the Universe is preserved, but the value of the cosmological parameters improve greatly by the inclusion of δ matter. Additionally, δ matter gives us an excellent candidate for Dark Matter.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):259-267
pages 259-267 views

Dark Matter: the Problem of Motion

Kahil M.


Dark matter (DM) may be studied through the motion of objects following nongeodesic trajectories either due to the existence of an extra mass as a projection of higher dimensions onto lower ones or as motion of dipolar particles and fluids in the halos of spiral galaxies. The effect of DM has been extended nearby the core of the galaxy by means of the excess of mass appearing in the motion of fluids in the accretion disc. Nongeodesic equations and those of their deviation are derived in the presence of different classes of bimetric theories of gravity. The stability of these trajectories using the geodesic deviation technique is investigated.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):268-276
pages 268-276 views

Study of Entropy-Corrected Models Using Dark Energy in the Framework of a Complementary Gravitational Field

Aly A., Selim M.


The dark energy (DE) model of a complementary gravitational field is used to address the entropy-corrected cosmological model. The dominant DE universe can originate from an indirect coupling between vacuum energy and another complementary gravitational field. This idea is used together with entropy-corrected models to study the evolution of DE in the universe. The zero point energy is calculated from one-loop corrections and used to reconstruct the scale factor and the Hubble parameter. It is then used to evaluate the equation of state (EoS) parameter for both interacting and non-interacting DE and the cosmic pressure. The square of sound speed, used to assess the stability of DE models, and the deceleration parameter are obtained. Further, the geometrical statefinder parameters s and r and a new diagnostic statefinder parameter, om(z), are evaluated and used to distinguish between the energy densities of various DE models. It is found that the studied cosmological functions show strong variation with cosmic time, and numerical results show a good agreement with observations.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):277-282
pages 277-282 views

A Spin Coefficients Approach to Bianchi-I Space-Time in Einstein—Cartan Theory

Sinha S., Manna B., Sahoo S.


Using the Newman-Penrose-Jogia-Griffith spin coefficients approach, we obtain an exact solution for a Bianchi Type-I metric for a nonvanishing component of spin with torsion in the context of the Einstein–Cartan theory, and the solution is found to be Petrov type D. It is observed that in the absence of torsion the solution reduces to Petrov type O.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(3):283-288
pages 283-288 views