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卷 25, 编号 2 (2019)


New Quantum Structure of Space-Time

Sanchez N.


Starting from quantum theory (instead of general relativity) to approach quantum gravity within a minimal setting allows us here to describe the quantum space-time structure and the quantum light cone. From the classical-quantum duality and quantum harmonic oscillator (X, P) variables in global phase space, we promote the space-time coordinates to quantum noncommuting operators. The phase space instanton (X, P = iT) describes the hyperbolic quantum space-time structure and generates the quantum light cone. The classical Minkowski space-time null generators X = ±T disappear at the quantum level due to the relevant quantum [X, T] commutator which is always nonzero. A new quantum Planck scale vacuum region emerges. We describe the quantum Rindler and quantum Schwarzschild-Kruskal space-time structures. The horizons and the r = 0 space-time singularity are quantum mechanically erased. The four Kruskal regions merge inside a single quantum Planck scale “world.” The quantum space-time structure consists of hyper bolic discrete levels of odd numbers (X2T2)n = (2n + 1) (in Planck units ), n = 0,1, 2....(Xn, Tn) and the mass levels being v(2n + 1). A coherent picture emerges: large n levels are semiclassical tending towards a classical continuum space-time. Low n are quantum, the lowest mode (n = 0) being the Planck scale. Two dual (±) branches are present in the local variables (v2n + 1 ± v2n) reflecting the duality of the large and small n behaviors and covering the whole mass spectrum from the largest astrophysical objects in branch (+) to quantum elementary particles in branch (—) passing by the Planck mass. Black holes belong to both branches (+) and (—).

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):91-102
pages 91-102 views

Review on Dark Energy Models

Tawfik A., El Dahab E.


Based on quantum mechanics and general relativity, Karolyhazy proposed a generalization to the well-known Heisenberg uncertainty relation in which the energy density of quantum fluctuations of space-time plays a crucial role. Later on, various holographic DE models were suggested, in which the Hubble scale (size) and the age of the universe were assumed as measures for the largest infrared cutoff satisfying the holographic principle and energy bounds assuring applicability of quantum field theory. We review various models based on the holographic principle and the Karolyhazy relation and compare these to the space-time foam and superconducting DE models. We analyze their (in)stability against cosmological perturbation.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):103-115
pages 103-115 views

Space-time Singularities vs. Topologies in the Zeeman—Göbel Class

Papadopoulos K., Papadopoulos B.


We first observe that the Path topology of Hawking, King and MacCarthy is an analogue, in curved space-times, of a topology that was suggested by Zeeman as an alternative topology to his so-called Fine topology in Minkowski space-time. We then review a result of a recent paper on spaces of paths and the Path topology, and see that there are at least five more topologies in the class \(\mathfrak{Z}-\mathfrak{G}\) of Zeeman-Göbel topologies which admit a countable basis, incorporate the causal and conformal structures, but the Limit Curve Theorem (LCT) fails to hold. The “problem” that the LCT does not hold can be resolved by “adding back” the light cones in the basic-open sets of these topologies, and create new basic open sets for new topologies. But, the main question is: do we really need the LCT. to hold, and why? Why is the manifold topology, under which the group of homeomorphisms of a space-time is vast and of no physical significance (Zeeman), more preferable than an appropriate topology in the class \(\mathfrak{Z}-\mathfrak{G}\) under which a homeomorphism is an isometry (Göbel)? Since topological conditions that come as a result of a causality requirement are key in the existence of singularities in general relativity, the global topological conditions that one will supply the space-time manifold might play an important role in describing the transition from a quantum nonlocal theory to a classical local theory.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):116-121
pages 116-121 views

Rotating Cylinders with Anisotropic Fluids in General Relativity

Bolokhov S., Bronnikov K., Skvortsova M.


We consider anisotropic fluids with directional pressures pi = wiρ (ρ is the density, wi = const, i = 1, 2, 3) as sources of gravity in stationary cylindrically symmetric space-times. We describe a general way of obtaining exact solutions with such sources, where the main features are splitting of the Ricci tensor into static and rotational parts and using the harmonic radial coordinate. Depending on the values of wi, it appears possible to obtain general or special solutions to the Einstein equations, thus recovering some known solutions and finding new ones. Three particular examples of exact solutions are briefly described: with a stiff isotropic perfect fluid (p = ρ), with a distribution of cosmic strings of azimuthal direction (i.e., forming circles around the z axis), and with a stationary combination of two opposite radiation flows along the z axis.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):122-130
pages 122-130 views

A Cosmological Solution with Acceleration Caused by an Annihilation Shock Wave

Golubiatnikov A., Lyuboshits D.


A discontinuous spherically symmetric solution of the Einstein equations is found, containing an annihilation shock wave. Before the shock wave, there occurs a parabolic (with zero speed at infinity) compression of dust consisting of particles and antiparticles, which is glued on the wave of complete annihilation of antiparticles with hyperbolic expansion of a gas with an extremely stiff equation of state. Specifically, in contrast to the Friedmann homogeneous expansion. the solution behind the shock wave has a nonzero pressure gradient associated with acceleration of the continuum. Estimates are given for the parameters related to the stage of baryon-antibaryon annihilation at formation of the Universe.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):131-137
pages 131-137 views

The Theory of Direct Particle Interaction and a Stationary Cosmological Model

Romashka M.


The theory proposed in our previous work, describing electromagnetism, the emergence of particle masses and gravity as manifestations of a unique direct particle interaction is further developed. The electromagnetic interaction is primary in this theory, whereas the origin of masses and gravity can be considered as its consequences. The key ideas of the theory are the consideration of the advanced interaction along with the retarded one and inclusion of the Mach principle. A new element inserted to the theory in the present paper is the irreversibility mechanism described by Norman and Stegailov in molecular dynamics. This mechanism leads to cutting of the action radius of the electromagnetic interaction, making it possible to combine the theory with a stationary cosmological model and to solve a number of issues that remained open in our previous paper. The resulting equation motion for particles repeats the previous one but is justified in more detail. New results include the fact that the cosmological coincidences, previously used as postulates, are now consequences of the theory.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):138-147
pages 138-147 views

Unification Principle and a Cosmological Model

Wanas M., Nabil Osman S., Abdelhamid N.


We present a cosmological model constructed using a pure geometric field theory. The unification principle implies defining any physical object in the model using the building blocks of the geometry used, the Absolute Parallelism (AP) geometry. The type of AP geometry used has simultaneously nonvanishing curvature and torsion. The AP geometric structure, used for this application, satisfies the cosmological principle and switches off the electromagnetic sector of the theory automatically. The model obtained is found to be free from particle horizons and flatness problems. This model can be considered as representing a transition phase between a decelerated and accelerated Universe. Conservation in the model is guaranteed by the theory used.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):148-156
pages 148-156 views

De Sitter-Invariant Special Relativity and Galaxy Rotation Curves

Araujo A., López D., Pereira J.


Owing to the existence of an invariant length at the Planck scale, Einstein’s special relativity breaks down at that scale. A possible solution to this problem is arguably to replace the Poincaré-invariant Einstein special relativity with a de Sitter-invariant special relativity. In addition to reconciling Lorentz symmetry with the existence of an invariant length, such replacement produces concomitant changes in all relativistic theories, including general relativity, which becomes what we have called de Sitter modified general relativity. In this paper, the Newtonian limit of this theory is used to study the circular velocity of stars around the galactic center. It is shown that the de Sitter modified Newtonian force—which includes corrections coming from the underlying local kinematics—could possibly explain the rotation curves of galaxies without the necessity to suppose the existence of a dark matter halo.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):157-163
pages 157-163 views

Examples of Stable Exponential Cosmological Solutions with Three Factor Spaces in EGB Model with a Λ-Term

Ernazarov K., Ivashchuk V.


We deal with the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet model in dimension D with a cosmological constant. We obtain three stable cosmological solutions with exponential behavior (in time) of three scale factors, corresponding to subspaces of dimensions (l0l1l2 = 3, 4, 4), (3, 3, 2), (3, 4, 3) and D = 12, 9, 11, respectively. Any of the solutions may describe an exponential expansion of 3D subspace governed by the Hubble parameter H. Two of them may also describe a small enough variation of the effective gravitational constant G (in Jordan’s frame) for certain values of Λ.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):164-168
pages 164-168 views

A Unified Model of Dark Energy Based on the Mandelstam-Tamm Uncertainty Relation

Dumin Y.


It is commonly recognized now that Dark Energy (a cosmological constant) is of crucial importance both at the early (inflationary) stage of cosmological evolution and at the present time. However, little is known about its nature and origin till now. In particular, it is still unclear if the cosmological constant is a new fundamental constant or represents just an effective contribution from an underlying field theory. Here, we show that quite a promising and universal approach to this problemmight be based on the Mandelstam-Tamm uncertainty relation of quantum mechanics. As a result, we get an effective cosmological constant which is important throughout the entire history of the Universe. Besides, such an approach requires a substantial reconsideration of some other cosmological parameters, e.g., the age of the Universe.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):169-171
pages 169-171 views

Hyperbolic Potential with Original Chaplygin Gas in Braneworld Inflation

Khay I., Salamate F., Safsafi A., Chakir H., Bennai M.


We study the original Chaplygin gas model in the context of Randall-Sundrum type-II braneworld with a hyperbolic potential. We consider the Chaplygin gas as a candidate for inflation by using the latest data release from Planck 2015. We found that the various inflationary spectrum parameters ns, r and \(\frac{dn_{s}}{d\;\text{ln}\;k}\) depend only on the number of e-folds. The compatibility of these parameters with the last measurement of Planck is realized with large values of N. In this context, a suitable observational central value of ns = 0.965 is obtained in the case of the original Chaplygin gas and a hyperbolic potential.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):172-178
pages 172-178 views

Cosmological Solutions in 2 + 1-Dimensional New Massive Gravity in the Presence of the Dirac Field

Gecim G., Sucu Y.


We consider a 2 + 1-dimensional gravitational theory including a Dirac field that is minimally coupled to New Massive Gravity. We investigate cosmological solutions of the field equations by using the self-interaction potential obtained by the existence of Noether symmetry. In this context, we obtain cosmological solutions that correspond to inflationary as well as the oscillatory epochs of the universe. Moreover, we observe that the Dirac field behaves like dark energy in these epochs of the universe.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):179-183
pages 179-183 views

Geometric Phase of Linear Cosmological Perturbations in Two-Field Inflation

Balajany H., Mehrafarin M.


As a footprint of primordial perturbations in cosmological observations, the Berry phase of cosmological perturbations can serve to probe the cosmological inflation. Considering linear perturbations in two-field slow-roll inflation, we derive the Hamiltonians of the scalar and tensor Fourier modes in the form of time-dependent harmonic oscillator Hamiltonians. We find the invariant operators of the resulting Hamiltonians and use these invariants to calculate the Berry phase for sub-horizon scalar and tensor modes in the adiabatic limit.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):184-189
pages 184-189 views

Dyonic Black Holes with Nonlinear Logarithmic Electrodynamics

Kruglov S.


A new dyonic solution for black holes with spherically symmetric configurations in general relativity is obtained. We study black holes possessing electric and magnetic charges, and the source of the gravitational field is an electromagnetic field obeying logarithmic electrodynamics. This particular form of nonlinear electrodynamics is of interest because of its simplicity. Corrections to Coulomb’s law and the Reissner-Nordström solution are found. We calculate the Hawking temperature of black holes and show that second-order phase transitions occur for some parameters of the model.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):190-195
pages 190-195 views

Particle Acceleration in Rotating Modified Hayward and Bardeen Black Holes

Pourhassan B., Debnath U.


We consider a rotating modified Hayward black hole and construct a rotating modified Bardeen black hole to study particle acceleration of two colliding particles near the horizon. These classes of black holes have new and important parameters with mass dimension, which made crucial differences with the Kerr black hole. We investigate the CM energy of two colliding neutral particles with the same rest masses falling from rest at infinit to near the horizons of the mentioned black holes. We confirm that rotational motion of these black holes is necessary to have infinite CM energy for collision of two particles near the horizon. We also investigate the range of the particles’ angular momentum and the orbit of the particle, hence find an infinite region for the case of rotating modified Bardeen black hole and a finite region for the case of a modified Hayward black hole.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2019;25(2):196-204
pages 196-204 views