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卷 24, 编号 1 (2018)


Statistical Cosmological Fermion Systems with Phantom Scalar Interaction of Particles

Ignat’ev Y., Agathonov A., Ignatyev D.


The article represents a research of the cosmological evolution of fermion statistical systems with phantom scalar interaction where the “kinetic” term’s contribution to the total energy of a scalar field is negative. As a result of analytical and numerical simulation of such systems, we have revealed the existence of four possible scenarios depending on the system’s parameters and the initial conditions. Among them are scenarios with an early, intermediate and late nonrelativistic stages of the cosmological evolution, all of which also have a necessary inflationary stage. This paper contains only a small part of the research results. In a more complete form, they are presented in arXiv: 1608.05020 [1].

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):1-12
pages 1-12 views

Regular Rotating Black Holes and Solitons

Dymnikova I.


Solutions describing regular rotating black holes are typically obtained by applying the Newman-Janis complex translation to spherical metrics of the Kerr-Schild class. Regular solutions of this class are specified by Ttt = Trr and have necessarily de Sitter centers provided that the source terms Tki satisfy the weak energy condition. Rotation transforms a de Sitter center into a de Sitter vacuum disk which is the generic common constituent of all regular rotating objects. In nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to gravity all metrics belong to the Kerr-Schild class and have the Kerr-Newman asymptotic for a distant observer. The ring singularity is replaced with the superconducting ring current which represents an electromagnetic nondissipative source of any asymptotically Kerr-Newman geometry. We outline the basic generic features of regular rotating black holes and solitons which are regular compact objects without event horizons, replacing naked singularities.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):13-21
pages 13-21 views

The Effect of Inhomogeneous Background Magnetic Field on the Electromagnetic Response to High-Frequency Gravitational Waves

Wang L., Li J.


Transverse perturbative photon fluxes (PPFs) generated by an electromagnetic (EM) response system for high-frequency gravitational waves (HFGWs) detection, is a special physical effect related to some properties of HFGWs. Meanwhile, it is also influenced by the background static magnetic field. In this paper, based on the relationship between PPFs and the distribution of a Gaussian Beam with a homogeneous background static magnetic field, we study the distribution of PPFs and the width of positive signal photon fluxes with an inhomogeneous background static magnetic field. Under this condition, the strength of PPFs is enhanced significantly. Furthermore, by adjusting some parameters and an embedded non-coaxial coil in the background magnetic coil, the width of positive-signal photon fluxes would be enlarged greatly.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Friedmann Dynamics Recovered from Compactified Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet Cosmology

Canfora F., Giacomini A., Pavluchenko S., Toporensky A.


Cosmological dynamics is studied in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity with a perfect fluid source in arbitrary dimension. A systematic analysis is performed for the case that the theory does not admit maximally symmetric solutions. Considering two independent scale factors, namely, one for the 3D space and one for the extra-dimensional space, it is found that a regime exists where the scale factor of extra dimensions tends to a constant value via damped oscillations for not too negative pressure of the fluid, so that asymptotically the evolution of the (3 + 1)-dimensional Friedmann model with perfect fluid is recovered.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):28-38
pages 28-38 views

Planck-Scale Corrections to the Cardy–Verlinde Formula in SAdS Black Hole

Dehghani M.


Possible corrections to the thermodynamic quantities of a 4D Schwarzschild–anti–de Sitter (SAdS) black hole are investigated by considering the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) and the modified dispersion relation (MDR) separately. The quantum gravitational corrections to the Hawking temperature, energy and entropy of the black hole are calculated based on both the GUP and the MDR analysis. The explicit form of the corrections is worked out up to the sixth power of the Planck length. The quantum-corrected thermodynamic quantities due to GUP and MDR are used separately to obtain the quantum-gravitational corrections to the Cardy–Verlinde (C–V) formula. It is found that the C–V formula receives some new corrections in either of approaches. Through comparison of the corrections obtained from GUP and MDR approaches, it is shown that the results of these two alternative approaches should be identical if one uses the suitable expansion coefficients. Finally, the renormalized form of the C–V formula is introduced by redefining the Virasoro operator and the central charge within both the GUP and the MDR.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Finding Coefficients of the Full Array of Motion-Independent N-Body Potentials of Metric Gravity from Gravity’s Exterior and Interior Effacement Algebra

Nordtvedt K.


In the author’s previous publications, a recursive linear algebraic method was introduced for obtaining (without gravitational radiation) the full potential expansions for the gravitational metric field components and the Lagrangian for a general N-body system. Two apparent properties of gravity— Exterior Effacement and Interior Effacement—were defined and fully enforced to obtain the recursive algebra, especially for the motion-independent potential expansions of the general N-body situation. The linear algebraic equations of this method determine the potential coefficients at any order n of the expansions in terms of the lower-order coefficients. Then, enforcing Exterior and Interior Effacement on a selecedt few potential series of the full motion-independent potential expansions, the complete exterior metric field for a single, spherically-symmetric mass source was obtained, producing the Schwarzschild metric field of general relativity. In this fourth paper of this series, the complete spatial metric’s motion-independent potentials for N bodies are obtained using enforcement of Interior Effacement and knowledge of the Schwarzschild potentials. From the full spatial metric, the complete set of temporal metric potentials and Lagrangian potentials in the motion-independent case can then be found by transfer equations among the coefficients κ(n, α) → λ(n, ε) → ξ(n, α) with κ(n, α), λ(n, ε), ξ(n, α) being the numerical coefficients in the spatial metric, the Lagrangian, and the temporal metric potential expansions, respectively.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):46-51
pages 46-51 views

Polytropic Inspired Inflation on the Brane

Setare M., Ravanpak A., Farajollahi H.


The brane inflationary model inspired by a polytropic inflationary idea is studied. In the slow-roll approximation and high energy limit, for a chaotic potential, the model is developed, and its characteristics are discussed. We obtain explicit expressions for the scalar power spectrum, the tensor-scalar ratio, the scalar spectral index and its running in terms of the polytropic parameters. We find a new constraint on the energy scale of the inflation and the brane tension using the WMAP9 data.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Some Bulk-Viscous Solutions in a First-Order Theory

Beesham A., Tiwari R.


We first motivate the study of viscosity in cosmology. Whilst most studies assume that the universe is filled with a perfect fluid, viscosity is expected to play a role, at least during some stages of the evolution of the Universe. There are several theories of viscosity. Eckart’s first-order theory was found to permit superluminal signals, and equilibrium states were found to be unstable. To solve these problems, the Israel-Stewart second-order theory was proposed. More recently, a relatively new first-order theory has appeared, which is claimed to also solve these problems.We briefly reviewthis first-order theory and present the basic field equations. Then we attempt to find homogeneous and isotropic solutions in the theory. It is noted that there do not exist stiff matter (pressure = energy density) solutions in the theory, in contrast to other theories. We then find power-law solutions without a cosmological term. Surprisingly, there do not exist simple exponential solutions, again in contrast to other theories. Finally, we present a solution with a cosmological term and make some concluding remarks.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Thermodynamics and Null Geodesics of a Bardeen Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessence

Ghaderi K., Malakolkalami B.


We study the thermodynamics of a Bardeen black hole surrounded by quintessence, and we analyze null geodesics and all kinds of orbits corresponding to the energy levels for this black hole. Using the thermodynamical laws of the black holes, we derive the thermodynamic properties and investigate the mass, temperature and heat capacity as functions of entropy. We also study the circular orbits, calculate the deflection angle of photons and compare our results with those obtained for the Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by quintessence matter.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):61-70
pages 61-70 views

Stability of a d-Dimensional Thin-Shell Wormhole Surrounded by Quintessence

Banerjee A., Jusufi K., Bahamonde S.


We study the stability of different higher dimensional thin–shell wormholes (HDTSW) in general relativity with a cosmological constant. We show that a d-dimensional thin–shell wormhole surrounded by quintessence can have three different throat geometries: spherical, planar and hyperbolic. Unlike the spherical geometry, the planar and hyperbolic geometries allow different topologies that can be interpreted as higher-dimensional domain walls or branes connecting two universes. To construct these geometries, we use the cut-and-paste procedure by joining two identical vacuum space-time solutions. Properties such as the null energy condition and geodesics are also studied. A linear stability analysis around the static solutions is carried out, taking into account a more general HDTSW geometry than previous works, so it is possible to recover other well-known stability HDTSW conditions.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):71-79
pages 71-79 views

Multipolar Graviton in the Hydrogen Atoms

Jahan A., Karajabad H., Niri B.


We derive multipolar gravitational radiation in the framework of quantum field theory in which the atomic states are treated nonrelativistically, and the gravitational waves are quantized. By relaxing the constraint eik·x ≈ 1, the multipolar transition rate is calculated when one graviton is emitted. As a consistency check, we recover the semiclassical result in the dipole approximation regime. Besides, we show that the dynamical mechanism that gives rise to spontaneous graviton emission by an atom, has a profound consequence on the lifetime of the atomic electron.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):80-83
pages 80-83 views

Spinning and Spinning Deviation Equations for Special Types of Gauge Theories of Gravity

Kahil M.


The problem of spinning and spin deviation equations for particles as defined by their microscopic effect has led many authors to revisit non-Riemannian geometry describing torsion and its relation with the spin of elementary particles. We obtain a new method for detecting the existence of torsion by deriving the equations of spin deviations in different classes of non-Riemannian geometries, using a modified Bazˆ anski method. We find that the translational and rotational gauge potentials regulate the spin deviation equation in the framework of the Poincare gauge field theory of gravity.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):84-91
pages 84-91 views

On White Holes as Particle Accelerator

Zaslavskii O.


We analyze scenarios of particle collisions in the metric of a nonextremal black hole that can potentially lead to an ultrahigh energy Ec.m. in their center-of-mass frame. Particle 1 comes from infinity to the black hole horizon while particle 2 emerges from a white hole region. It is shown that an unbounded Ec.m. requires that particle 2 pass close to the bifurcation point. An analogy with collisions inside the horizon is discussed.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):92-96
pages 92-96 views

Relations between Transition Rates and Quantum Numbers in Gravitational Potentials

Whinray T., Ernest A.


This paper forms part of an ongoing investigation to examine the quantum prediction that isolated baryons and electrons in the deep gravity wells of galaxy halos should exhibit reduced interaction cross-sections by virtue of the composition of the gravitational eigenspectra of their wave functions, and thereby identify a possible mechanism responsible for the origin of dark matter, without resorting to new physics or unknown particles. Relevant to this investigation are the electromagnetic state-to-state transition rates of charged particles occupying these gravitational eigenstates (EinsteinA coefficients), and, in the present work, we examine trends in these rates and net state lifetimes for particles in 1/r potential wells for values of the principal quantum number n and the angular momentum quantum number l. We find that transition rates decrease with increasing n and l, and that the rate is more steeply dependent on l when the quantum parameter Δp (≡ Δn − Δl) is greater, in agreement with earlier work. It is also found that there is an empirical relationship between the total state lifetime τ and the eigenvalues n and l, which is given by τnαlβ, where α ≈ 3 and β ≈ 2. The results apply equally to electrical potential wells, where the phenomena of reduced cross-sections and long radiative lifetimes is well known in the case of the Rydberg states of electrons in atoms. More importantly, in the case of gravitational eigenstates discussed here, the quantum prediction of low Einstein A (and therefore B) coefficients ofmany of the stateto-state transitions will mean that a particle whose eigenspectral composition consists of many of these weakly interacting states will be less likely to undergo scattering processes such as Compton scattering. Trends in the Einstein coefficients over the range of component eigenstates are required for calculating the net visibility and interaction rates of the generalized wave functions representing charged particles in macroscopic gravitational fields.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):97-102
pages 97-102 views

Late-Time Power-Law Stages of Cosmological Evolution in Teleparallel Gravity with Nonminimal Coupling

Skugoreva M.


We investigate the Universe evolution at late-time stages in models of teleparallel gravity with power-lawnonminimal coupling and a decreasing power-lawpotential of the scalar field φ. New asymptotic solutions are found analytically for these models in vacuum and with a perfect fluid. Applying numerical integration, we show that the cosmological evolution leads to these solutions for some region of the initial conditions, and these asymptotic regimes are stable with respect to homogeneous variations of the initial data. The physical sense of the results is discussed.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(1):103-111
pages 103-111 views