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Том 22, № 1 (2016)


Spin-2 fields from torsion: Dark energy and bouncing cosmology

Antunes V., Novello M.


We study a modified theory of gravitation built on a restricted Riemann–Cartan space-time, characterized by reduction in the number of degrees of freedom of torsion. The dynamics is defined by the Einstein–Cartan action of the Einstein–Cartan–Sciama–Kibble (ECSK) theory, while the kinematical structure is defined in such a way that the general-relativistic kinematics is recovered in the associated Riemannian space-time. In this case, the torsion is automatically decomposed into two spin-2 fields with energies of opposite sign. Investigated is the special case where these spin-2 fields are “sterile” (i.e., only interact with other matter fields through gravitation) and have their number of degrees of freedom further reduced to only one. When these fields are furnished with a conservative self-interaction potential, the spatially homogeneous and isotropic cosmological solution obtained via numerical integration of the field equations exhibits accelerated expansion compatible with the current observational data, while the equation of state of both spin-2 fields have values confined in the interval between −1 and −1/3 during the whole cosmic history. Moreover, the present model exhibits nonsingular (bouncing) cosmological solutions.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):1-9
pages 1-9 views

Dark energy and inflation in a gravitational wave dominated universe

Marochnik L.


The empty space (with no matter fields) is not really empty because of natural metric fluctuations, quantum (gravitons) and classical (gravitational waves). We show that gravitons as well as classical gravitational waves of super-horizon wavelengths are able to form a de Sitter state of the empty homogeneous isotropic Universe. This state is an exact solution to the self-consistent equations of finite one-loop quantum gravity for gravitons in the empty FLRW space. It is also an exact solution to the selfconsistent equations of back-reaction for classical gravitational waves in the same space. Technically, to get this de Sitter solution in both quantum and classical cases, it is necessary to carry out a transition to imaginary time and then to return to real time, which is possible because this de Sitter state is invariant with respect to Wick rotation. Such a procedure means that time was used as a complex variable, and this fact has a deep but still not understood significance. The de Sitter accelerated expansion of the empty Universe naturally explains the origin of dark energy and inflation because the Universe is empty at the start (inflation) and by the end (dark energy) of its evolution. This theory is consistent with the existing observational data. The CMB anisotropy of the order of 10−5 is produced by fluctuations in the number of gravitons. The existence of a threshold and a unique coincidence of topologically impenetrable barriers for tunneling takes place for the matter-dominated epoch and de Sitter State only. These facts provide a solution to the coincidence problem. The theoretical prediction that the equation-of-state parameter should be w > −1 for inflation and w < −1 for dark energy is consistentwith the observational data. To provide the reader with a complete picture, this paper gather together new and some published results of the graviton theory of the origin of inflation and dark energy.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):10-19
pages 10-19 views

Collisionless self-gravitating statistical systems of scalarly interacting particles

Ignat’ev Y.


We consider the theory of collisionless statistical systems with interparticle scalar interaction. A mathematical model of such systems is constructed, and an exact solution of the Vlasov equation for the isotropic homogenous model of the Universe is found. Asymptotic solutions of the self-consistent Vlasov–Einstein model for conformally invariant scalar interactions are found. We obtain and study an exact cosmological solution of a self-consistent set of equations consisting of a collisionless kinetic equation for a plasma with interparticle scalar interaction and the scalar field equation with a source. It is shown that in the ultrarelativistic limit the scalar interaction of particles leads to generation of an effective mass of scalar bosons.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):20-25
pages 20-25 views

On horizons and wormholes in k-essence theories

Bronnikov K., Fabris J., Rodrigues D.


We study the properties of possible static, spherically symmetric configurations in k-essence theories with the Lagrangian functions of the form F(X), Xϕ,αϕ,α. A no-go theorem has been proved, claiming that a possible black-hole-like Killing horizon of finite radius cannot exist if the function F(X) is required to have a finite derivative dF/dX. Two exact solutions are obtained for special cases of kessence: one for F(X) = F0X1/3, another for F(X) = F0|X|1/2 − 2Λ, where F0 and Λ are constants. Both solutions contain horizons, are not asymptotically flat, and provide illustrations for the obtained nogo theorem. The first solution may be interpreted as describing a black hole in an asymptotically singular space-time, while in the second solution two horizons of infinite area are connected by a wormhole.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):26-31
pages 26-31 views

On Supersymmetric M-brane configurations with an R*1,1 /Z2 submanifold

Ivashchuk V.


We obtain new examples of partly supersymmetric M-brane solutions defined on products of Ricci-flat manifolds, which contain a two-dimensional Lorentzian submanifold R*1,1 /Z2 with one parallel spinor. The examples belong to the following configurations: M2, M5, M2 ∩M5 and M5 ∩M5. Among them, an M2 solution with N = 1/32 fractional number of preserved supersymmetries is presented.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Flat Friedmann cosmologies with stiff fluid in Einstein–Cartan theory

Galiakhmetov A.


Flat Friedmann cosmologies with stiff fluid are considered in the framework of the Einstein–Cartan theory. The version of this theory which simultaneously takes into consideration two sources of torsion, namely, a perfect fluid with the vacuum equation of state and a nonminimally coupled scalar field, is studied. It is demonstrated that, for bouncing models, phantom cosmologies with and without a Big Rip singularity are possible. Singular expanding models are presented where the early stages are dominated by a scalar-torsion field which behaves as an ultrastiff fluid, while the late stages are dominated by a perfect fluid which causes a de Sitter asymptotic. Some cosmological consequences of two sources of torsion are discussed.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Exact solution for a nonstatic cylindrically symmetric perfect fluid distribution in Einstein–Cartan theory

Manna B., Sinha S., Sahoo S.


We consider a nonstatic, spin-polarized cylindrically symmetric perfect fluid distribution in the Einstein-Cartan theory and obtain the field equations. These field equations are solved using the Ray–Smalley energy-momentum tensor.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):44-47
pages 44-47 views

A machian request for the equivalence principle in extended gravity and nongeodesic motion

Licata I., Corda C., Benedetto E.


Starting from the origin of Einstein’s general relativity (GR), the request of Mach on the theory’s structure has been the core of the foundational debate. That problem is strictly connected with the nature of the mass-energy equivalence. It is well known that this is exactly the key point that Einstein used to realize a metric theory of gravitation having an unequalled beauty and elegance. On the other hand, the current requirements of particle physics and the open questions within extended gravity theories request a better understanding of the Equivalence Principle (EP). TheMOND theory byMilgrom proposes a modification of Newtonian dynamics, and we consider a direct coupling between the Ricci curvature scalar and the matter Lagrangian showing that a nongeodesic ratio mi/mg can be fixed and that Milgrom’s acceleration is retrieved at low energies.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):48-53
pages 48-53 views

Chameleon scalar field in LRS Bianchi type I cosmological model

Chaubey R., Singh A., Raushan R.


We consider an anisotropic cosmological model with cold dark matter and a scalar field, where one component of the scale factor is taken in the framework of (i) a logamediate scenario (ii) an intermediate scenario, and (iii) an emergent scenario. In all cases we find expressions for the Chameleon field, Chameleon potential, the statefinder diagnostic pair, i.e., the {r, s} parameters, and the slow-roll parameters. All physical parameters are calculated and discussed in all three cases. It is also shown how the Chameleon field is directly affected by the role of curvature of space time. At large times (t→∞) the models tend asymptotically to an isotropic Friedmann–Robertson–Walker cosmological model.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Quantum dynamics of Friedmann’s universe

Burlankov D.


In the dynamics of three-dimensional space in global time, the global scale takes the form of a discrete variable whose dynamics is described by Friedmann models. Due to a nonzero Hamiltonian, a differential equation is formed for a vacuum configuration. This equation has exact discrete solutions with the spectrum εn = ±\(\sqrt {2n} \). Three Hilbert spaces are connected with this equation. We study the dynamics of wave packets on the basis of a small number of eigenfunctions.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Curvature correction to vacuum fluctuations and cosmic evolution with cosmological duality

Kalita S.


The curvature correction to the Lagrangian of vacuum fluctuations is studied. After a brief tour through the vacuum expectation value of the energy–momentum tensor 〈Tμν〉 and comparing this with the semiclassical averaging value of Tμν, it is found that vacuum polarization due to curvature determines the effective cosmological constant and the gravitational constant in such a way that the quantum corrections of order R2 are inevitable in the high curvature regime. Considering the asymptotic past and future as vacuum states of the Universe, a Cosmological Duality Conjecture (CDC) is put forward that “if there are terms proportional toRn (n > 0), there are also terms proportional toRm (m >0) in the gravitational Lagrangian.” The CDC indicates a cyclic cosmological evolution where the late-time dark energy phase comes to an end and a collapsing phase begins with reversal of the arrow of time.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2016;22(1):71-76
pages 71-76 views

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