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Volume 24, Nº 3 (2018)


Classical Electromagnetic Potential as a Part of Gravitational Connection: Ideas and History

Kharuk N., Paston S., Sheykin A.


We consider a natural form of a unified theory of gravity and electromagnetism which was somehow missed at the time of intense search for such a unification. The basic idea of this unification is to use the symmetric metric and a non-symmetric connection as independent variables, which generalizes the so-called Palatini formalism. For the first time this idea was applied to the construction of the action for a unified theory of gravity and electromagnetism without matter only in 1978, but this result did not receive wide recognition. In this paper we propose a natural way to include matter in the form of classical particles into the unified theory. The trace of connection in the appearing theory can be naturally identified with the electromagnetic potential, and the Einstein-Maxwell equations with classical matter are reproduced. We compare this approach with the known ideas of unification and briefly discuss the perspectives of a further development of this approach.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):209-219
pages 209-219 views

Quantum-Mechanical Problems Geometrically Represented within Virtual Ring Theory

Yefremov A.


Virtual Ring Theory implies replacement of a particle with a ghost ring endowed with certain standards that are used to measure distances and mechanical characteristics in integer numbers. This model is applied to three “classical” quantum-mechanical (QM) problems, 1D-box system, H-atom, and linear oscillator. It is shown that the relevant virtual geometric models entail the same energy levels as follow from the respective exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):220-223
pages 220-223 views

The Dirac Equation in the Kerr-de Sitter Metric

Batic D., Morgan K., Nowakowski M., Medina S.


We consider a Fermion in the presence of a rotating BH immersed in a universe with a positive cosmological constant. After presenting a rigorous classification of the number and type of the horizons, we adopt the Carter tetrad to separate the aforementioned equation into radial and angular equations. We show how the Chandrasekhar ansatz leads to the construction of a symmetry operator that in the limit of a vanishing cosmological constant reproduces the square root of the squared total angular momentum operator for a Dirac particle in the Kerr metric. Furthermore, we prove that the the spectrum of the angular operator is discrete and consists of simple eigenvalues, and by means of the functional Bethe ansatz method we also derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the angular operator to have polynomial solutions. Finally, we show that there exist no bound states for the Dirac equation in the non-extreme case.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):224-244
pages 224-244 views

Quantum Cosmological Scenarios of Brans-Dicke Gravity in Einstein and Jordan Frames

Almeida C., Batista A., Fabris J., Pinto-Neto N.


The Hamiltonian of any quantum cosmological model must obey some conditions in order to be self-adjoint or to admit self-adjoint extensions. We consider the self-adjoint character of the Hamiltonian resulting from the Brans-Dicke theory, both in Einstein and Jordan frames. In both cases we find the wave-function solutions in order to obtain concrete predictions for the evolution of the Universe. We show that the specific cosmological scenarios obtained depend very weakly on the conditions of having a self-adjoint operator. The problem of equivalence between the Einstein and Jordan frames is considered, and it is shown that this equivalence implies a specific ordering parameter as well as a particular choice of the physical variables.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):245-253
pages 245-253 views

Massive Mixed Symmetry Field Dynamics in Open Bosonic String Theory

Krykhtin V.


One of the ways to describe string interaction with background fields is the sigma-model approach. Since free string theory is Weyl-invariant, it is demanded that the interacting string theory be Weyl-invariant as well. This leads to some equations on the background fields. As a result, such an approach allows in principle to derive the higher-spin equations of motion from string theory and therefore provides a bridge between string theory and field theory. In the present paper, we derive the equation of motion in the linear approximation for the simplest field with mixed symmetry of the indices.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):254-260
pages 254-260 views

Plane Gravitational Waves, the Kinetic Energy of Free Particles and the Memory Effect

Maluf J., Rocha-Neto J., Ulhoa S., Carneiro F.


It is shown that in the passage of a short burst of nonlinear plane gravitational wave, the kinetic energy of free particles may either decrease or increase. The decrease or increase of the kinetic energy crucially depends on the initial conditions (position and velocity) of the a particle. Therefore a plane gravitational wave may extract energy from a physical system.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):261-266
pages 261-266 views

Topologically Nontrivial Solution in Einstein-Dirac Gravity on the Hopf Bundle

Dzhunushaliev V.


A topologically nontrivial solution in Einstein-Dirac gravity with a cosmological constant is obtained. The space-time has the Hopf bundle as a spatial section. It is shown that the Hopf invariant is related to the spinor current density. Two Dirac spinors are used for obtaining a diagonal energy-momentum tensor. Solutions to the nongravitating Dirac equation in background Lorentzian space-time with the Hopf bundle as a spatial section are also obtained. Nongravitating solutions of the Dirac equation are characterized by two quantum half-integer numbers m, n.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):267-273
pages 267-273 views

Five-Dimensional Warped Product Space-Time with Time-Dependent Warping and a Scalar Field in the Bulk

Guha S., Bhattacharya P.


We consider gravity in a five-dimensional warped product space-time, with a time-dependent warp factor and a time-dependent extra dimension. The five-dimensional field equations are derived for a spatially flat FRW brane, and the energy conditions and the nature of bulk geometry are examined. It is found that the expansion of the four-dimensional universe depends on its location along the extra dimension and is different at different locations in the bulk space-time. At low energies, the trapping of fields within the brane implies a specific correlation between the warp factor and the extra-dimensional scale factor. Generally, the bulk is not conformally flat. At high energies, the bulk is assumed to be sourced by a scalar field with self-interaction. The analysis shows that the potential of the scalar field source of gravity at a given position along the fifth dimension is related to the Hubble parameter on the brane at that position in the bulk.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):274-284
pages 274-284 views

Possible Means of Electrostatic Propulsion According to the Mbelek–Lachièze-Rey Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation

Minotti F.


As was shown recently, the scalar-tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey allows for a possible explanation of the forces reported in asymmetric microwave cavities. We show here that the theory in its revised version predicts a much simpler way of producing thrust by electrostatic means. We here briefly present the equations and derivations indicating that a constant force is predicted for a spherical capacitor with an asymmetric mass distribution, kept at constant voltage. Apart form other practical implications, this particular prediction, and a complementary proposal in which the spherical capacitor takes the place of the large mass in a Cavendish-like experiment, provides an additional possibility of experimentally testing this particular scalar-tensor gravitational theory.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):285-288
pages 285-288 views

Graviatom of Superheavy Dark Matter as a Source of Gravitational Radiation

Misyura M.


The nature of dark matter (DM) in modern physics is an important problem. We consider a quantum system consisting of two identical particles which are candidates for the role of DM.We call them graviatoms, and they could be formed in the early Universe. We find the energy spectrum of the gravitatom from DM particles, the Bohr radius, the intensity and frequency of gravitational radiation, and the lifetime of a state. This lifetime is large for superheavy particles. Estimates of these values for different masses of DM particles are given. The amplitude of a gravitational wave from a cloud of dark matter in the Milky Way is also estimated.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):289-291
pages 289-291 views

Reconstructing the Equation of State in Holographic Dark Energy in 5D Brans-Dicke Theory, and Comparison with ΛCDM Model and CPL Parametrization

Salehi A., Farajollahi H., Aryamanesh S.


We study Holographic dark energy in 5D Brans-Dicke cosmology. To investigate the stability and attractor solutions, we fit the model with the SNIa and Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) observational data. We also examine the holographic nature of dark energy in the model through the equation of state (EoS). In addition, a reconstructed form of the EoS from holographic dark energy on the model is driven The model strongly exhibits the present cosmic accelerating. It also shows that the universe starts from an unstable radiation-dominated epoch and reaches a stable late-time accelerated phase originating from holographic dark energy in the Brans-Dicke model.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):292-301
pages 292-301 views

Scalar Field Cosmology in f(R,T) Gravity with Λ

Aygün S., Aktaş C., Sahoo P., Bishi B.


We study the behavior of cosmological parameters, massive and massless scalar fields (normal or phantom) with a scalar potential in f(R, T) theory of gravity for a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe. To get exact solutions to the modified field equations, we use the f(R, T) = R + 2f(T) model by Harko et al. (T. Harko et al., Phys. Rev. D 84, 024020 (2011)), where R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the energy momentum tensor. Our cosmological parameter solutions agree with the recent observational data. Finally, we discuss our results with various graphics.

Gravitation and Cosmology. 2018;24(3):302-307
pages 302-307 views

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