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卷 50, 编号 2 (2016)


A reservoir radial-basis function neural network in prediction tasks

Tyshchenko O.


A reservoir radial-basis function neural network, which is based on the ideas of reservoir computing and neural networks and designated for solving extrapolation tasks of nonlinear non-stationary stochastic and chaotic time series under conditions of a short learning sample, is proposed in the paper. The network is built with the help of a radial-basis function neural network with an input layer, which is organized in a special manner and a kernel membership function. The proposed system provides high approximation quality in terms of a mean squared error and a high convergence speed using the second-order learning procedure. A software product that implements the proposed neural network has been developed. A number of experiments have been held in order to research the system’s properties. Experimental results prove the fact that the developed architecture can be used in Data Mining tasks and the fact that the proposed neural network has a higher accuracy compared to traditional forecasting neural systems.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):65-71
pages 65-71 views

Synchronization of fuzzy linear automata

Speranskiy D.


For fuzzy linear automaton the method constructing of generalized synchronization sequences that are optimized according to various criteria are proposed. It is assumed that the fuzziness inherent in the description of law of the automaton functioning.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Fuzzy dynamic fault tree analysis for electro-mechanical actuator based on algebraic model with common-cause failures

Yuyan C., Ting L., Jian W., Rong X., Xinmin W.


This paper deals with fuzzy dynamic fault tree analysis for the electro-mechanical actuator with common-cause failures to provide fast fault location strategy. To fully describe the level of uncertainty of basic events, triangle fuzzy set is used. Temporal operators are defined, algebraic model is used to model and analyze dynamic fault tree of the electro-mechanical actuator and is general to all kind of life distribution. An innovative common-cause gate with incomplete common-cause under consideration is raised and it can also match the algebraic model analysis method. Fuzzy probability importance is computed by level-progressive strategy, and complexity of solving entirely is avoided and calculation time is reduced. The analysis result shows that the method is flexible and effectively done with the reliability analysis of electro-mechanical actuator and can provide suggestions for faults location.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):80-90
pages 80-90 views

Overview of 3D printing technologies for reverse engineering product design

Zhang J., Yu Z.


With the rapid development of computer and information automatics, advanced manufacturing technologies (such as numerical control technology and computer-aided manufacturing) have been invented and matured. In the face of fierce competition in the international market of 21st century, high-tech application becomes one of the main battle fields. In recent years, reverse engineering technology has developed rapidly, through which the digital computer-aided design (CAD) models of products can be obtained rapidly and accurately; in association with optimization design, computer aided design and finite element analysis, reverse engineering technology significantly improves the development efficiency of new products. As one of the representative technologies of the third industrial revolution, three-dimensional (3D) printing technology is adopted in reverse engineering to realize rapid manufacturing of products in a lot of fields; in addition, 3D printing is gradually penetrating into each link of product design, attracting more and more attention from industrial and investment communities.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Research on the security mechanism of cloud computing service model

Zhang Y.


With the development of network technology, cloud computing as an emerging network technology has drawn more and more attention. At the same time, the security and efficiency of cloud computing technology has become major issues restricting the rapid development and popularization of cloud computing technology. By exploring the security of cloud computing service model, this study puts forward the architecture of a service model based on cloud computing. In order to implement the service model safely, a hybrid encryption algorithm is designed to ensure that data cannot be easily stolen during transmission and storage. Besides, this thesis also discusses different implementation mechanisms on data security storage, isolation and backup.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):98-106
pages 98-106 views

Digital watermark and fingerprint in variable rank linear-feedback shift register

Sergeichik V., Ivaniuk A.


This paper presents new watermarking approach for hardware IP-core (Intellectual Property core) protection. The approach operates in BIST’s (Built-In Self-Test) test pattern generation circuit—Variable Rank Linear-Feedback Shift Register (VR-LFSR), therefore it has wide application area. Theoretical part surveys related work, outlines the approach, studies attack resilience and probability of coincidence. Experimental part explores hardware implementations and their overheads. Fingerprinting approach, which can be used simultaneously with watermarking, is presented.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):107-115
pages 107-115 views

Backstepping control with speed estimation of PMSM based on MRAS

Liu X., Zhang G., Mei L., Wang D.


This paper presents a backstepping control method with speed estimation of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) based on model reference adaptive system (MRAS). First, a comprehensive dynamical model of PMSM in dq axis and its space state equations are established. Next, using Lyapunov stability theorem, based on the backstepping control theory, the PMSM rotor speed and current backstepping controllers are designed. Furthermore, using Popov stability theory, based on MRAS, the PMSM rotor speed observer is designed. Finally, Matlab/Simulink simulation results show that the backstepping control and speed observer are effective and feasible.

Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2016;50(2):116-123
pages 116-123 views