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卷 74, 编号 2 (2019)


Technogenic Transformation of the Ecological Functions of the Abiotic Spheres of the Earth under the Influence of Military Activities

Trofimov V., Khar’kina M., Zhigalin A., Baraboshkina T.


Military activities lead to the transformation of all ecological functions of the abiotic spheres of the Earth in both times of peace and war. A typification of the consequences of changes in the ecological situation caused by the development of the ecological functions of the abiotic spheres of the Earth when conducting tests of weapons, rockets, and space equipment and during military operations is presented.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):121-130
pages 121-130 views

The Behavior of Trace Elements in Interstitial Water and Bottom Sediments of the Black Sea

Gurskiy Y.


The results of long-term studies of geochemistry of trace elements in the interstitial waters and the sediments of the Black Sea are generalized. The works were carried out in the different areas, but the deepwater basin and facies profiles of the Yalta and Sochi polygons and the profile directed from the Kerch Strait southeast are described in more detail. The behavior of biogenic elements (N, P, and Si), B, J, Br, and 18 metals was examined according to the ISP and ISP-MS data. The average concentrations of the elements for three stratigraphic horizons were calculated. Factor analysis was used to process the results.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):131-142
pages 131-142 views

The Berriasian Tirnovella occitanica Zone in the Feodosia Area (Eastern Crimea)

Baraboshkin E., Arkadiev V., Guzhikov A., Baraboshkin E.


The occurrence of the Tirnovella occitanica Ammonite Zone in the Berriasian section of Feodosia was confirmed here for the first time. The results of sedimentological, bio-, and magnetostratigraphic study of this interval are discussed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):143-153
pages 143-153 views

A Thermodynamic Model of Chemical Remagnetization Based on the Example of the Girvas Paleovolcano in the Onega Structure of the Carelian Craton

Bychkov A., Popova Y., Kivadze O., Lubnina N.


The Girvas paleovolcano is a structurally complex volcanic complex of Jatulian age. Apparently, it is a shield volcano, which was probably one of the feeder channels of the vast lava field of the western Onega Region within the Girvas volcanic zone. Despite the fact that the Girvas paleovolcano is only partially exposed, the flow structure is well preserved in rocks, which allows one to reconstruct the direction of the lava flow. Within the Girvas paleovolcano, a zone of post-volcanic hydrothermal alterations in volcanic rocks (mainly, tourmalization and silicification in pockets and veins, as well as subsequent epidotization, sulfidization, chloritization and albitization) is distinguished. The secondary alteration zones are confined to fault zones, while their spatial–temporal correlation is still unclear. The paleoreconstruction of the geological structure showed that there were two main stages of the development of the Girvas paleovolcano: (1) pneumatolysis due to magmatic gases released from gabbro–dolerite sills, (2) heating and circulation of exogenous waters with formation of near-ore propylites. Based on the proposed scheme, a thermodynamic model was developed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):154-161
pages 154-161 views

Eocene Paleoseismodislocations of Mount Ak-Kaya (Belogorsk District, Crimea)

Lygina E., Nikishin A., Tveritinova T., Ustinova M., Nikitin M., Reentovich A.


The peculiarities of the structure of Cretaceous–Eocene boundary deposits in the Belogorsk district, Central Crimea, are considered. Tectonic structures interpreted as paleoseismodislocations are revealed and described; their age, structures, and evolutionary history are characterized; the magnitude and intensity of the seismic paleoevent are estimated. The position of steeply dipping fractures in Cretaceous rocks is regular and related to the bedding along the dip and strike of the structure. Their formation was caused by transverse extension in the background of general uplift at the beginning of Eocene, coincided in time with the main folding phase in North Turkey.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):162-172
pages 162-172 views

Calcareous Nannoplankton of Cretaceous Rocks of the Bakhchisarai Region of Southwest Crimea

Ustinova M., Gabdullin R.


Cretaceous calcareous nannoplankton was studied in the Lower Cretaceous Rezanaya and Biasala and Upper Cretaceous Belogorsk, Prokhladnoe, and Kudrino formations of the Bakhchisarai region of the southwest Crimea. The age of the host rocks was refined according to calcareous nannoplankton. No nannoplankton zone was identified in the Rezanaya Formation; the Biasala Formation probably contains part of the NC5 Zone. The Belogorsk and Kudrino formations host the (partly) UC3 Zone (Subzone b) and the UC20 Zone (Subzone UC20b), respectively. No upper and lower boundaries of zones were traced.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):173-184
pages 173-184 views

The Maastrichtian–Danian Boundary Deposits of Central Crimea: New Data on Calcareous Nanoplankton

Lygina E., Ustinova M., Gabdullin R., Reentovich A.


This article discusses the structural peculiarities and new data on the distribution of calcareous nanoplankton from Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary deposits of the central area of Piedmont (Predgornyi) Crimea. Both Maastrichtian and Danian rocks contain abundant Cretaceous nanoplankton assemblages. Danian nanoplankton is scarce, characterized by a poor degree of preservation, or even absent. Upper Maastrichtian rocks contain the species Tranolithus orionatus (=Tranolithus phacelosus Stover), which is typical of the Lower Maastrichtian and unknown in the Upper Maastrichtian of the European section; the only reported section of this age containing this species is in southwestern Tunisia. The NP2–NP4 zones are distinguished in the Danian deposits. The paleogeographic problem is also addressed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):185-196
pages 185-196 views

The Structure and Composition of Sediment Waves in the Middle Caspian Sea

Sorokin V., Roslyakov A.


Abstract—An integrated geological and geophysical study of wave-like accumulative bodies on the continental slope of the Caspian Sea was carried out to determine their origin. As a result, we revealed the regular change in geometry of layers and in the composition of sediments for different morphological elements of the waves. This pattern is manifested in their textural and structural features and is similar to the examples described in the literature for the regions, where the sediment waves are developed. The data we obtained allow us to interpret the studied accumulative formations as sediment waves.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):197-205
pages 197-205 views

A Model of the Accumulation of Radiolarite Layers in the Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia

Khotylev O., Balushkina N., Vishnevskaya V., Korobova N., Kalmykov G., Roslyakova A.


The Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia is one of the most important and promising high-carbon formations. Its peculiarity is a vast area and a high generation potential of constituent deposits. Another feature of this formation is the predominance of silicides, among which radiolarites that are often related to hydrocarbon inflows are the most interesting. However, the forecast procedure and their distribution nature are still disputable. Their formation model based on the interaction of plankton (radiolarians) and currents is proposed following the study of composition and textural features of the radiolarite layers in the clayey–siliceous rocks of the Bazhenov Formation.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):206-211
pages 206-211 views

Methods of Minimizing and Suppressing the Correlation Noise of Simultaneously Operating Sources in a Vibroseismic Survey

Oshkin A., Konkov A., Tarasov A., Shuvalov A., Ignatiev V.


Abstract—A seismologiсal survey with several simultaneous sources provides more data per time unit than a conventional one with a single source, and presents an opportunity to improve the seismic recording system. Depending on the type of seismic source (vibrating or pulse), different methods of deblending should be used. Deblending of vibroseismic signals source becomes possible at the stage of correlation processing of vibrograms. In this paper, we report the methods for generating non-correlating signals for a vibroseismic survey (with an example of applying such signals to synthetic data) and hyperbolic median filtering to minimize correlation and incoherent noise.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):212-220
pages 212-220 views

The Characteristics of Gas-Saturated Deposits of the Kandalaksha Bay, the White Sea, According to Seismoacoustic and Lithogeochemical Studies

Tokarev M., Poludetkina E., Starovoitov A., Pirogova A., Korost S., Oshkin A., Potemka A.


This paper discusses the results of comprehensive geological, geophysical, and geochemical studies of gas-saturated sediments within the Kandalaksha Bay, the White Sea. The marine study involved detailed seismoacoustic surveys that yielded data on seabed geometry and the geological structure of the sedimentary cover, including the zones of focused unloading of hydrocarbon fluids. Assemblages of gas caps are confined to the zones with a maximum thickness of postglacial sediments. The composition of organic matter in the sediments and the gas phase has been studied in detail.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):221-228
pages 221-228 views

Short Communications

Clay Mineral Complexes of the Quaternary Sediments in the Canyon–Cone System of the Shakhe River (Black Sea)

Ye Yuanqiu ., Luksha V.


The distribution features of clay minerals in the Quaternary sediments are considered in the canyon–deepwater cone sedimentary system of the Shakhe River in the Black Sea. The ratio of illite, chlorite, smectite, and kaolinite that occurs along the area and section is based on the transfer of sedimentary material by turbidity flows through the canyon with the formation of a unified mineralogical province.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2019;74(2):229-232
pages 229-232 views