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卷 72, 编号 4 (2017)


The 35th Session of the International Geological Congress, Cape Town, 2016

Starostin V., Perchuk A., Bobrov A.


The results of the 35th Session of the International Geological Congress held in 2016 in Cape Town (South Africa) are discussed in this paper. The major scientific problems discussed at the most popular sections are considered. Among them are the early stages in the evolution of the Earth, studies of mineral resources worldwide, and the problems of the deep structure of the Earth, as well as modern fields of mineralogy.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):231-234
pages 231-234 views

Expansion of oil and gas production and increase of environmental risk

Trofimov V., Nikolaev A., Zhigalin A., Baraboshkina T., Khar’kina M., Arkhipova E.


Onshore oil and gas production is often accompanied by accidents of varying severities and negative consequences. Operations within the areas of peripheral seas and the World Ocean have significantly aggravated the situation and driven a significant part of the emergencies related to the production of hydrocarbons to regional and global levels. The use of new technologies in the production of shale hydrocarbons has added a new problem, that is, the probability of total contamination of a large volume of geological environment with highly toxic chemicals. The discovery of a new promising fossil energy source, gas hydrates, makes it possible only to outline the possible related hazards and shows that the environmental risk can increase by many times. To withstand the threat of emergencies related to the growth of hydrocarbon production, it is advisable to establish special control and rapid-response structures on a nationwide scale. Such structures may be open to international cooperation in the jurisdiction of the United Nations, if necessary.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):235-244
pages 235-244 views

Actual problems of studies of recent platform structures: A case study of the East European Craton and adjacent parts of the Scythian Plate

Makarova N., Sukhanova T.


This article deals with the topical problems related to studies of recent tectonic structures of the East European Craton and Scythian Plate. These are, in particular, broad development of cover formations above neotectonic structures (such covers complicate the estimation of amplitudes of tectonic movements); discontinuous distribution and insufficient degree of preservation of deposits correlative to the recent stage; overestimated denudation cut from recent uplifts; different points of view on the type of structural forms (block or bend); character and type of boundaries between structural forms; neotectonic implications of buried valleys; change of structural plans during the recent stage; and geodynamic conditions and sources of tectonic stresses during the formation of recent structures.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):245-254
pages 245-254 views

Current problems in the Quaternary geology of Central Crimea

Zerkal O., Gabdullin R., Samarin E.


Two stages are distinguished in the study of Quaternary deposits in Crimea. At the first stage (from the late 19th century to the 1960s), the stratigraphic description of Quaternary strata was based on the allocation of terraced complexes (marine terraces in the coastal part and synchronous alluvial terraces in the continental part of the Crimean Peninsula). At the second stage, the description of Quaternary deposits was based on their climatostratigraphic classification, with the leading role of the loess-soil formation. The structure of the paleo-Dnieper and paleo-Dniester valleys was used as the basis for the stratigraphic subdivision of Quaternary deposits in Crimea. It is shown that the nonlinear reversible changes of the Black Sea level that took place in the Quaternary can break the rule that the lower the hypsometric level of a terrace is, the younger the terrace is.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):255-262
pages 255-262 views

The types of breccia of the ophiolite assemblage of Southwestern Crimea and their significance for the paleogeodynamics of the region

Promyslova M., Demina L., Gushin A., Koronovskii N.


This paper describes the types of breccia of the eastern part of Cape Fiolent, including verd antique (ophicalcite) for the first time, whose formation is associated with ophiolite. It has been shown that the formation of the ophiolite assemblage of the area occurred in the intersection zone of the rift valley and transform fault.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):263-268
pages 263-268 views

Geochemical specialization of terrigenous deposits of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium

Kovalev S., Snachev V., Romanovskaya M.


The materials on the geology and geochemical specialization of Riphean terrigenous rocks of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, including carbonaceous shale and conglomerate, are reported. Conglomerate is characterized by a high concentration of Au and PGEs mostly related to intensely dislocated zones. It is concluded that potentially ore-bearing zones in terrigenous deposits of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium were formed as a result of multistage polygene processes controlled by the Riphean–Vendian geodynamic evolution of the region.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):269-278
pages 269-278 views

Analysis of multiwell pumping tests in a confined aquifer under variations in the production rate and atmospheric pressure

Shtengelov R., Filimonova E., Shubin I.


Problems of the interpretation of long-term multiwell pumping tests that account for variations in the production rate and atmospheric pressure are considered. The barometric efficiency and corrections of actual drawdowns are calculated for the Udomlya groundwater basin; spatiotemporal development of the depression cone is analyzed. The hydrogeodynamic parameters are used for calibration of a numerical model of the groundwater basin and prediction of the periodic compensation water system for recharging the cooling lakes of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):279-289
pages 279-289 views

A study of strontium and cesium sorption-desorption on bentonites of different composition

Kuleshova M., Danchenko N., Kosorukov V., Sergeev V., Shimko T.


Five bentonite samples of different compositions and geneses were saturated with Cs and Sr in the static regime. Desorption is examined during the filtration of distilled water through saturated samples. Both elements are firmly retained to most of the bentonite samples. The Cs and Sr desorption values were 12–20%, and 2.5–23%, respectively. Structural changes in the clay fraction of bentonites resulted from the sorption–desorption of Cs and Sr were studied by the method of X-ray diffraction.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(4):290-298
pages 290-298 views