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卷 71, 编号 4 (2016)


The upper Bajocian of the Crimean Mountains: Paleogeography and sedimentation conditions from palynological data

Rostovceva J., Stafeev A., Sukhanova T., Latysheva I., Kosorukov V.


Based on the spore-pollen data, the mineral composition of clay rocks, analyzed structures and facies, and a general paleogeographic analysis, the sedimentation conditions and landscapes of islands located during the Late Bajocian in the region of the present-day the Crimean Mountains have been reconstructed. It is shown that the sublatitudinally elongated insular land zone had a width of 30 km, the heights of the islands were no more than 1 km, with steep mudflow-affected northern slopes and with an extensive river system on the southern slopes.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(4):281-289
pages 281-289 views

Structural paragenesises of the flysch complexes in the central part of the Uralian Foredeep

Tevelev A., Tevelev A., Prudnikov I., Khotylev A., Baraboshkin E., Popov S.


The structural features of the Upper Paleozoic flysch formations in the central part of the Cis-Uralian Foredeep were studied. Three types of structural paragenesises typical of thrust zones were distinguished. Among them are west vergent inclined folds and overfolds that pass into recumbent folds near a fault plane, structured tectonic melange, local thrusts, schistosity zones, and flat slipping planes. The various structural elements extend from northwest to northeast, due to the structural heterogeneity of the allochthon, approximately parallel to the strike of the Karantrav thrust.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(4):290-295
pages 290-295 views

On the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for high-precision measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field

Cherkasov S., Sterligov B., Zolotaya L.


A brief account of the evolution of Russian airborne geomagnetics is given. It is shown that the development of aeromagnetic systems based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is of great interest. This paper presents theoretical and experimental data that concern the development of the optimal UAV layout in order to create a UAV-based aeromagnetic survey system using a new-generation optically pumped quantum rubidium aeromagnetometer. The new UAV-based aeromagnetic system is planned for use for high-precision aeromagnetic surveying at low altitude (30 m and more) for geological, engineering, and environmental applications.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(4):296-299
pages 296-299 views

Radiowave and gas-emanation control of objects in the fuel and energy sector in the zones of natural and anthropogenic risks

Khmelevskoy V., Zaderigolova M.


Radiowave and gas-emanation geophysical methods have long been used to study the upper segment of a geological section, i.e., at the depths of the first tens of meters. This work deals with the improvement of these methods and the accuracy of the results of works due to the use of the new techniques and technology of other electrical prospecting methods. A complex of geophysical and geochemical methods based on studying the Earth’s radio fields (the ERF method) and the emanation fields of radon or other gases in the soil (EM) has been developed and widely tested. The proposed methods were tested during the study of the zones of natural and anthropogenic risks (landslides, karsts, etc.) at fuel and energy-sector objects (pipelines, their construction sites, etc.). They can be used to solve other engineering and hydrogeological tasks related to the upper segment of a geological section.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(4):300-303
pages 300-303 views

On the borders of the upper hydrogeodynamic zone in the Caspian artesian basin

Baranovskaya E., Pitjeva K.


This article provides the results from studying the upper part of the section of the entire Caspian artesian basin. The stratification map, the profile section and the isohyps map of the roof of the upper hydrogeodynamic zone were compiled on the basis of generalization of geological and general hydrogeological data. Systematized hydrogeological data on the depositional conditions, structural features and nature of the distribution within the upper hydrogeodynamic zone of the Caspian artesian basin, as well as the supply zones and the areas of transit and discharge of underground waters are provided. The borders of the upper hydrogeodynamic zone of the basin have been drawn as a result.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(4):304-310
pages 304-310 views