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Том 72, № 5 (2017)


Ca- and Mg-perovskite phases in the Earth’s mantle as a probable reservoir of Al: Computer-simulation evidence

Marchenko E., Eremin N., Bychkov A., Grechanovskii A.


Semi-empirical and quantum chemical studies of Al atom energy in CaSiO3 and MgSiO3 with the perovskite-type structure at pressures and temperatures of the Earth’s mantle are reported. The phase diagram for CaSiO3 is reproduced and refined. Probable mechanisms of Al incorporation in the structures studied are considered. According to the results of the calculations, Al is preferably incorporated into MgSiO3, rather than into CaSiO3. Evaluation of the isomorphic capacity of perovskite phases in relation to Al shows that the Al content in MgSiO3 may reach 2.4 mol % at 120 GPa and 2400 K. CaSiO3 cannot be a source of Al atoms in the Earth’s mantle.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):299-304
pages 299-304 views

A stratigraphic scheme for the division of the Prequaternary deposits of central Crimea

Gabdullin R., Shalimov I., Badulina N., Nigmadzhanov T., Sergienko A., Konovalova T.


A stratigraphic scheme for dividing the Triassic–Neogene deposits of the central Crimea by suites has been proposed. The division is based on the generalization of our own results and the analysis of the published and unpublished data.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):305-313
pages 305-313 views

The zircon-age distribution in metamorphic rocks of the Taratash block, Southern Urals (an initial provenance signal)

Tevelev A., Mosejchuk V., Tevelev A., Shkursky B.


A concept for the interpretation of the initial provenance signal in rocks of the Taratash block (in the Southern Urals) using the zircon isotope dating of the Archean and Early Proterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks was substantiated and carried out. Based on 132 zircon-age datings with a discordance of as much as 10%, a probability-density diagram was compiled first to compare these age data with those of detrital zircons from Lower Riphean sandstones of the Ai Formation and, secondly, with the probability density of zircon ages in metamorphic rocks of the Aleksandrovsk block, which is located to the east. The similarity of the distributions was verified using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):314-319
pages 314-319 views

The structural and textural features of felsic volcanics of the Sarbai Formation (Southern Urals)

Dyakonov V., Yapaskurt O., Kotelnikov A., Fedosova K.


The results of a microscope study of samples of felsic volcanic rocks from the upper horizons of the Sarbai Formation (O2–S1 sb) in the Southern Urals that compose the formation are presented. A detailed study of the samples and an evaluation of the results of a silicate analysis of these rocks showed their volcanogenic genesis. The rocks have been classified as volcanic glass that underwent several stages of transformation. Three newly-formed structural and textural types of mineralization were defined: spherulitic (felsophyric), axiolitic, and felsitic.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):320-325
pages 320-325 views

The uranium content in Dictyonema shale of the Kaibolovo–Gostilitsy Area in the Baltic basin (Leningrad Region)

Vyalov V., Bogomolov A., Mikhailov V., Semenov E.


This paper reports the data on the uranium content in Dictyonema shale and phosphate rock in the Kaibolovo–Gostilitsy Area of the Baltic Basin (Leningrad Region). Specific features of the uranium ore in the studied area and stratigraphic rock sequence of the Early Ordovician Pakerort horizon are considered. A high uranium concentration in the Dictyonema shale layer has been determined, the correlation of uranium with other elements was defined, probable conditions of uranium ore genesis are described, and predicted uranium resources within the studied area are estimated.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):326-331
pages 326-331 views

Comparison of one- and two-stage models of porphyry copper deposition

Plechov P., Nekrylov N., Blundy J.


This paper considers porphyry copper-deposition models examined from the petrological and geochemical points of view. The principal differences between the models include the time and mechanism of the sulfide-ore deposition and composition of the ore-bearing fluid. The copper-rich fluid inclusions contain an insufficient amount of sulfur to form sulfide ores; an independent sulfur source is necessary to form porphyry copper deposits.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):332-338
pages 332-338 views

Estimation of the heat-impact potential for stimulating the development of the deposits of the Bazhenov Formation according to the results of experimental studies

Erofeev A., Pachezhercev A., Karpov I., Morozov N., Kalmykov A., Cheremisin A., Kozlova E., Bychkov A.


The influence of temperature on rock samples of the Bazhenov Formation is shown. The samples underwent pyrolysis at 300–480°C, as well as in closed autoclaves in the presence of water under formation pressure. The temperature impact at 400°C resulted in a decrease in the S2 pyrolytic peak by 90–95% and almost complete formation of the generation potential of the rocks. Microtomographic studies of samples combined with raster electron microscopy revealed a correlation between the variable reservoir properties of the rocks. At 350°C, the rocks are characterized by a system of fractures; as a result of impacts, the porosity and permeability can increase from several to several tens of times. Our results will allow more precise modeling of the influence of tertiary processes on the rocks of the Bazhenov Formation in order to increase the final oil recovery of the bed.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):339-348
pages 339-348 views

A model of productive Miocene deposits, Odoptu area, Sea of Okhotsk

Volkonskaya A., Kerusov I., Konyukhov A., Karnyushina E., Krylov O., Kalmykov G.


The efficiency and abilities of the sequence-stratigraphic approach to the integrated interpretation of seismic and well data are considered based on the example of the Lower Nutovo subhorizon of the Odoptu area. The results of this study were used to build a sequence stratigraphic model, a curve of the relative sealevel changes, and a regional chronostratigraphic chart tied to the geochronologic timescale.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):349-354
pages 349-354 views

Application of scattered and emitted seismic waves for improving the efficiency of exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields

Kuznetsov O., Gaynanov V., Radwan A., Chirkin I., Rizanov E., Koligaev S.


The success of drilling oil and gas wells is largely determined by a high hydrocarbon content and reservoir permeability at the point of penetration. Microseismic emission and scattered reflection waves are used for the reliable study of these parameters. The Seismic Location of Emission Centers and Side-View Seismic Location technologies have been developed for the observation, selection, and positioning of waves in a geological environment, which significantly extend the range of problems that are solved during seismic exploration of hydrocarbon deposits. Examples of application of these technologies in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits are described.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):355-360
pages 355-360 views

Short Communications

The neotectonics of the central West Siberian Plate

Panina L., Manuilova E.


A structural–geomorphic analysis, including visual and computer interpretation of the topographic maps and satellite images, as well as statistical processing of the results of the interpretation, has been carried out to reveal an arch-block style of the recent dislocations in the central West Siberian Plate. The kinematics, formation environments, and character of the relationship with deep structures are determined for these dislocations. It is shown that the recent structure formed as a result of submeridional shortening.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):361-367
pages 361-367 views

An ion–salt complex of rocks from the Bazhenov formation of West Siberia

Kazak E., Kireeva T., Kazak A., Bogdanovich N.


The results of experimental studies on the macro- and microcomponent composition of the ion–salt complex of argillaceous siliceous rocks from the Bazhenov formation of West Siberia are presented. The studies were based on the analysis of samples using a high-resolution mass spectrometer with ionization in inductively coupled plasma, by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method, and via the study of water and ammonium extracts from samples with a natural moisture content, as well as after drying. It was established that the composition of the solutions of water extracts from rocks with a natural moisture content belongs to the sulfate- sodium-bicarbonate type with increased content of dissolved silicic acid with weakly alkaline pH values (∼9.5) and is considerably different from the content of water extracts from the samples after drying. Sodium dominates in the exchange complex; the cation exchange capacity is 14–19 mg-eq/100 g of rock. A sharp excess of the percentage abundance by 2–10 orders of magnitude was recorded for barium, boron, zinc, vanadium, uranium, and arsenic. The barium content in pore water exceeds the strontium content by a factor of 10, which is anomalous with respect to the reservoir formation waters in the majority of oil fields and to the ocean water.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2017;72(5):368-375
pages 368-375 views

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