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Том 71, № 2 (2016)


The influence of geodynamic factors on the lithification of sedimentary deposits in the stratisphere

Yapaskurt O.


The peculiarities of the processes of postsedimentary lithification and their dynamics in various geostructural areas (cratons, young platforms, and orogens) are considered. The direct and indirect impacts of geodynamic factors on these processes are substantiated.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):121-130
pages 121-130 views

The recent structure of Mahe Island (the Seychelles archipelago)

Panina L., Zaitsev V.


Complex studies were carried out, including structural and geomorphological analyses of space images and statistical processing of their deciphering results, which revealed the blocky pattern of the recent dislocations of Mahe Island, thus defining their relationships with a jointing pattern in granite outcrops. The results were compared with the geological data and instrumental observations of modern movements.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):131-136
pages 131-136 views

The mineralogical, isotope (K–Ar), structural, and textural features of the Jurassic siliciclastic complex in various tectonic environments (Greater Caucasus, Chechnya, and Georgia)

Gavrilov Y., Kushcheva Y., Latysheva I., Gushchin A., Sokolova A.


The variations in the structural, textural, mineralogical, and geochemical (isotope) features of Lower to Middle Jurassic siliciclastic sediments along the Chanty-Argun River in Mountainous Chechnya and Georgia are discussed. This profile transects areas with various types of deformed sediments, from the northern comparatively weakly deformed and altered zone, to the southern zone of intense deformation and cleavage. Southward along the profile, these alterations are accompanied by the evolution of clay mineral assemblages, as well as polytypic modifications of micas and their crystallinity index. Increasing intensity of rock alteration and cleavage leads to a change of the K–Ar system, which results in a substantially rejuvenated isotope age of the sediments with a simultaneous increase of their stratigraphic age.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):137-150
pages 137-150 views

The structure of the Tuapse shear zone according to the field tectonophysical data

Marinin A., Tveritinova T.


The results of field structural studies of the Tuapse shear zone in the Northwest Caucasus are presented. This zone is characterized by shear displacements of various scales with a dominant horizontal shear, viz., a geodynamic type of the stress state, which leads to the formation of faults with mostly lateral displacement of wings, i.e., along the strike of the fault surface. The quantitative characteristics of the local stress conditions in the shear zone (the positions of principal axes and the Lode–Nadai coefficient) are determined on the basis of cataclastic analysis and geological indicators of the paleostresses. The differences between these characteristics are considered for the large tectonic zones. Significant spatial (areal) variations in orientations of the axes of major normal stresses in the shear zone and their local weak gentle variations are evidence of a consistent general stress direction during the formation of faults during the Late Eocene–Miocene deformation epoch.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):151-166
pages 151-166 views

The facies structure of the Vasyugan Formation deposits within the junction of the Surgut Dome and the Northern Nizhnevartovsk Megaterrace

Gorbunova A., Gavrilov S., Nizyaeva I., Gatina N.


This paper considers the lithological peculiarities of the structure and formation conditions of the Upper Jurassic productive reservoirs in the junction zone of the Surgut Dome and the Northern Nizhnevartovsk Megaterrace in the Western Siberia Oil and Gas Basin. Based on the study of core samples and logging data we suggested a fundamentally new formation model for the U11 reservoir deposits in the Vasyugan Formation, which makes it possible to specify the major directions of further exploration.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):167-173
pages 167-173 views

Sedimentation control over the oil and gas contents in the cretaceous deposits of the Russkoe–Chaselka Mega-Arch (West Siberian oil and gas basin)

Zhemchugova V., Berbenev M.


Most of the hydrocarbon resources of the Russkoe–Chaselka Mega-Arch are related to the Pokur Formation reservoirs. They are generally composed of alluvial sandstones and shales. Due to their genesis the Pokur reservoirs have a complex structure and a localized spread within ancient alluvial plains. The performed integrated interpretation of the well and 3D seismic data made it possible to estimate new perspective fields and to geometrize the oil and gas deposits.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):174-180
pages 174-180 views

The lithological–geochemical characteristics for the Permian oil-and-gas bearing complex of the Lena-Anabar trough (based on the example of Ust’-Olenekskaya well no. 2370)

Bakay E., Smirnova M., Korobova N., Nadezhkin D.


Lithofacies of different geneses are identified in a section of Permian deposits based on the study of the core material; the best reservoirs in the Permian complex of the Lena-Anabar trough are related to the sand bodies of the delta system. The Permian oil-source strata, where organic matter was accumulated under marine conditions, are recognized, the initial characteristics of organic matter are estimated, and the initial high oil-generation potential is substantiated. The results of the lithological–geochemical studies of the samples from one of the northernmost wells in the Laptev Sea coast have been published for the first time.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):181-193
pages 181-193 views

The petrology of the Upper Albian tuffites from the Bakhchysarai district, southwestern Crimea

Popov D., Nekrylov N., Plechov P.


We present the first data on the composition of plagioclase and quartz-hosted melt inclusions, plagioclase primary magmatic zoning and mineral compositions for the Upper Albian tuffites from the Bakhchysarai district. The estimated composition of the magmatic melts corresponds to the high potassium rhyolites. The measured water content in the melt inclusions reaches 4 wt %. The phenocrysts crystallized at the temperature within the range 820–860°C and under the pressure not less than 0.1 GPa. The Upper Albian tuffites from the Bakhchysarai district were formed in the active continental margin environment.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):194-204
pages 194-204 views

Fracturing in the high-carbon formation of the northern flank of the South-Tatar arch

Sautkin R., Khamidullin R., Korobova N.


The problem of studying the Domanik deposits and their reservoir potential is among the most important ones. The discovery of hydrocarbon deposits in similar rocks at various depths, the considerable variability of reservoir properties, and ambiguity in establishing the values of the effective thickness set the task for researchers to estimate them more reliably. The high-carbon kerogenic-carbonate-siliceous stratum that is characterized by the development of differently-oriented systems of fractures is of outstanding interest.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):205-211
pages 205-211 views

Science and innovation day: New approaches and techniques for permafrost field studies

Isaev V., Tyurin A., Sergeev D., Gorshkov E., Volkov N., Stefanov S.


This paper discusses the use of innovative field techniques in permafrost investigations. The methods were tested during Science and Innovation Day within the framework of the Zvenigorod-based field course in geocryology.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(2):212-215
pages 212-215 views

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