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Volume 71, Nº 5 (2016)


The Paleoproterozoic remagnetization trend in rocks of the Belomorian mobile belt: Paleomagnetic and geologic evidence

Lubnina N., Slabunov A., Stepanova A., Bubnov A., Kosevich N., Novikova M., Tarasov N.


As a resulting of comprehensive studies of Paleoproterozoic igneous complexes a regular remagnetization trend is revealed. It is shown that the remagnetization front propagated from the northwest to southeast. The obtained remagnetization trend probably reflects the direction of the collision in the Paleoproterozoic. Correlation between remagnetization processes and rock compositions was found. The degree of conservation of secondary earlier and later magnetization components is likely associated to both the compositions of protoliths and different transformation conditions of rocks, including their fluid saturation.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):311-322
pages 311-322 views

Morphostructures in the island of Madagascar and their relationships with the general geological structure

Bozhko N., Bryantseva G.


This work describes the neotectonic structures of the island of Madagascar as established on the basis of structural–geomorphologic analysis and their relationships with ancient tectonic elements.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):323-329
pages 323-329 views

The Cr6+ impurity in supergene oxosalts in chromate mineralization occurrences of the Urals

Khanin D., Pekov I., Pakunova A., Ekimenkova I., Yapaskurt V.


Based on the results of more than 600 electron microprobe analyses of 25 minerals the distribution pattern of the Cr6+ impurity in vanadates, phosphates, and arsenates collected in oxidation zones of six ore deposits of the Urals was studied. Among them are Pb minerals of the brackebuschite, apatite, adelite, and tsumcorite groups and alunite supergroup, as well as carminite, cornwallite, and bayidonite. Vanadates and arsenates with brackebuschite-type structures show a high affinity to Cr6+. The maximum content of the Cr6+ impurity is characteristic of minerals with specified Fe3+ trivalent cations (ferribushmakinite, arsenbrackebuschite, and gartrellite) or Al3+ (plumbogummite and bushmakinite). The prevailing scheme of isomorphous substitution, according to which chromium enters into the compositions of these minerals, is heterovalent: Cr6+ + M2+Т5+ + M3+ (where Т = V, As, P; M3+ = Fe, Al; M2+ = Сu, Zn), whereas the role of isovalent substitutions Cr6+ → S6+ and Cr6+ → Mo6+ in oxosalts that formed in mineral occurrences of the Urals is insignificant.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):330-336
pages 330-336 views

Liquidus thermobarometer for chromite–melt equilibrium modeling: Development and verification

Aryaeva N., Koptev-Dvornikov E., Bychkov D.


Liquidus chromite–silicate melt thermobarometer has been calculated by multiple linear regression of 234 experimental chromite–mafic melt equilibriums. Equations with low error reproduce the experimental compositions in a wide range of the compositions of mafic rocks, temperature, and pressure. Verification of the thermobarometers showed that the maximum error of the reproduction of the liquidus temperature is less than ±12°C. The formation equation of the cumulative chromites in the vertical section of the Burakovskii pluton was predicted with an error of ±50 m.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):337-346
pages 337-346 views

Improving magnetotelluric data-processing methods

Epishkin D.


A magnetotelluric (MT) data processing algorithm that demonstrates high robustness to intense electromagnetic noise that occurs in measured MT data has been developed. The key features of the algorithm are a specific approach to estimating different transfer functions and the ability to utilize all four channels acquired at remote reference stations. The code utilizes various techniques to reduce the estimation errors, including the robust Huber estimator, jack-knife approach, improved remote reference technique, and compensating for overestimation of power spectra. The proposed algorithm has high efficiency in processing data with a low signal-to-noise ratio.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):347-354
pages 347-354 views

Conditions for the formation of the chemical composition of the water of the Firuza MGU carbonated spring (Northern Pamirs)

Bychkov A., Kireeva T., Salikhov F.


We considered the geological conditions and chemical composition of the water of the Firuza MGU carbonated spring, which was discovered in 2015 in Northern Pamir. This paper reports on the detailed composition of the miсrocomponents of the water as determined by an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry analysis (ICP-MS). A comparative review of the water composition and content of similar microcomponents in waters of carbonated springs in Kamchatka and the Russian Far East is given. On the basis of the B: Cl and K: Li: Rb: Cs ratios, which are close to the same ratios for chloride sodium hot springs in areas of active volcanism, it is concluded that the water of the spring has a deep origin. The temperature of the formation of water calculated by a Na–K geothermometer method is 147.3°C, suggesting the formation of the spring at a depth of approximately 5 km.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):355-360
pages 355-360 views

Magnetotelluric soundings for estimating the oil- and-gas content of the Mesozoic complex in Western Kazakhstan

Umirova G., Istekova S., Modin I.


The results of electrical exploration carried out using the method of magnetotelluric sounding at a deposit in Western Kazakhstan are presented. Based on processing and interpretation of the electrometric data, a digital geoelectric model of the exploration area is developed and a geoelectric section of the test profile is constructed. It is shown that MT soundings, along with a seismic survey and well-log data, can be effectively used to define a geological structure and to identify prospective oil-and-gas bearing segments in Mesozoic terrigeneous-sedimentary complexes.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):361-367
pages 361-367 views

Predicting kimberlite diamond deposits in the north of the Siberian Platform on the basis of interpretation of satellite imagery

Ishmukhametova V.


An essentially new method for the allocation of diamondiferous kimberlite pipes against surrounding rocks is proposed. The method is based on the interpretation of multispectral LANDSAT-7 ETM+ satellite images; it allows one to find the most promising areas within perspective sites revealed by other methods. It is demonstrated that application of GIS technologies for comprehensive use of geological, geophysical, and mineralogical data and the results of the interpretation of satellite images is efficient for predicting kimberlite diamond deposits in both studied areas and poorly explored territories.

Moscow University Geology Bulletin. 2016;71(5):368-371
pages 368-371 views

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