A Comparative Assessment of Content of a Number of Heavy Metals in Soft Tissues of Mytilus trossulus A. Gould, 1850, Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) and Their Hybrid Forms From Minonosok Bay of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan)




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A comparative assessment of the content of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, Pb, and Ni in the soft tissues of bivalve mollusks Mytilus trossulus, M. galloprovincialis and their hybrid forms from Minonosok Bay of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan) has been made. No significant differences in the accumulation of Fe and Cd in the tissues of all studied groups of mollusks were found. It has been shown that the hybrid forms of these species had more intensive growth, and against this background, they accumulated significantly lower concentrations of such metals as Cu, Mn, Pb and Ni in their soft tissues compared to the parental species. A significant negative correlation has been found between the accumulation of these metals in the tissues of mollusks and the length and weight of their shells and whole soft tissues. M. trossulus, which had a significantly lower weight of valves and soft tissues, differed from M. galloprovincialis in the accumulation of significantly higher concentrations of Zn, for which no relationship has been found between its content and all the studied size and weight characteristics. The conducted testing has not revealed any significant dependence of the accumulation of all studied metals, with the exception of Pb, in the tissues of mollusks on their condition index. The results obtained indicate the need to take into account the above features of the trace metal composition of the soft tissues of the studied species, when using them in monitoring environmental pollution with heavy metals.




V. Kavun

Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: vkavun11@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4739-4951
俄罗斯联邦, Vladivostok, 690041


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2. Fig. 1. Map-scheme of the area of ​​work in Minonosok Bay, Peter the Great Bay. The black circle is the location of mollusc sampling.

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3. Fig. 2. Samples of the shells of the studied mollusks: a – Mytilus trossulus (L = 32.9 mm), b – M. galloprovincialis (L = 35.9 mm), c – hybrid forms (L = 52.3 mm).

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4. Fig. 3. Average concentrations of metals (μg/g dry weight) in whole soft tissues (n = 5): 1 – Mytilus trossulus, 2 – M. galloprovincialis, 3 – hybrid forms.

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