Recent Variations in the Size and Age Structure of the Population of Horse Mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus (Steindachner, 1868) on the South-Western Shelf of Crimea




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The influence of the average annual sea surface temperature (SST) on the development of horse mackerel Trachurus mediterraneus on the south-western Crimean shelf has been shown. The changes in the main indicators of the population and their relationship with the change in the average annual SST (0.055°C/year) in 2000–2020 have been identified. Against the background of the observed increase in SST in recent years, the state of the horse mackerel population has improved: there has been an increase in the average age and, accordingly, the proportion of larger, well-fed individuals, and, in general, the average size and weight of fish. It has been shown that according to the nature of the change in the average annual SST, three periods can be distinguished: 2000−2007, 2008−2013 and 2014−2020.


E. Melnikova

Institute of Natural and Technical Systems

Russia, 299011, Sevastopol

N. Kuzminova

A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, RAS

Russia, 299011, Sevastopol

A. Melnikov

Sevastopol State University

Russia, 299053, Sevastopol


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版权所有 © Е.Б. Мельникова, Н.С. Кузьминова, А.В. Мельников, 2023
