Study of the Рossibility of Using Waste from the Agro-Industrial Complex and the Woodworking Industry in Order to Obtain High-Energy Fuel and Carbon Adsorbents

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Growing concerns about the environment are prompting the search for alternative energy sources and the possibility of processing agricultural waste into highly efficient absorbents. That is why the article considers methods for obtaining high-energy fuel from pinewood using acidic additives and the possibility of using chemically treated cherry stone shells as a carbon sorbent is evaluated. With the use of low-temperature pyrolysis, a number of carbon-containing materials have been obtained. The carbon content in these materials depends on the reagent used to treat the feedstock, the temperature and time of pyrolysis. The subsequent activation of carbonizate from the cherry stone shell with oxidizing agents revealed that nitric acid significantly increases the cation-exchange capacity of the material, which allows it to be used as an adsorbent.

About the authors

E. M. Krasnikova

Lipetsk State Technical University

Lipetsk, Russia

N. V. Moiseenko

Lipetsk State Technical University

Lipetsk, Russia

V. V. Goncharov

Lipetsk State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
Lipetsk, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Е.М. Красникова, Н.В. Моисеенко, В.В. Гончаров

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