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Animal behaviors are often characterized by behavioral asymmetry, or lateralization, which is caused in part by the morphological asymmetry of the body and/or brain. To test the hypothesis that functional asymmetry of grooming is connected with morphological asymmetry of the antennae in American cockroach Periplaneta americana, we measured the length of the antennae, scapus diameter, pedicel diameter and length, and segment’s diameter and length. The data obtained indicate statistically significant differences: segment length is greater on the left antennae, and segment width is greater on the right antennae, except for a short region near the base. Correlation analysis revealed the following relationships: longer right antenna corresponds to more time spent cleaning it; scapus diameter larger on the right antenna correlates with antenna cleaning frequency; asymmetry of flagellum segments has no effect on cleaning asymmetry. Presenting sex pheromone at a suprathreshold dose increased asymmetry of antennal grooming, while asymmetry for leg grooming was generally unchanged. Thus, the asymmetry of antennal grooming, resulting at least in part from morphological asymmetry, significantly changes in the presence of a biologically important olfactory stimulus, the sex pheromone.

Sobre autores

M. Zhukovskaya

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, St. Petersburg

E. Novikova

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, the Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, St. Petersburg


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