
Replacement of Acetonitrile with Ethanol in the Determination of Anthocyanins by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Deineka V., Oleinits E., Blinova I., Deineka L.
Chromatographic Determination of Drotaverine and Mathematical Modeling of Its Biodegradation in Soil
Vikhareva E., Selyaninov A., Tyumina E.
Метаболическое профилирование карбоновых и аминокислот в биологических жидкостях пациентов с диагнозом эндометриоз методами жидкостной (ВЭЖХ-УФ) и газовой (ГХ-МС) хроматографии
Бессонова Е., Арасланова А., Лазаретова А., Говоров И., Ситкин С., Карцова Л.
Specific Features of the Determination of Xanthophyll Esters under Reversed-Phase HPLC Conditions
Deineka V., Burzhinskaya T., Blinova I., Deineka L.
Chromatographic Determination of Ibuprofen in Rhodococcus Culture Media and Kinetic Modeling of Its Biodegradation Process
Vikhareva E., Selyaninov A., Bazhutin G., Tyumina E.
Chromatographic Determination of Diflubenzuron Residues in Agricultural Plant Matrices
Alekseev E., Chermenskaya T.
Chromatographic Assessment of the Concentration of Phenolic Compounds in Wild Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Extracts Obtained under Various Extraction Conditions
Temerdashev Z., Chubukina T., Vinitskaya E., Kiseleva N.
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