Use of Global Predictions for Beta-Decay Rates in Astrophysical Models




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The nucleosynthesis of heavy elements is calculated for two scenarios of neutron-star merger. Various global beta-decay models, including those based on the random-phase approximation (QRPA), relativistic quasiparticle RPA (pn-RQRPA), and the finite-amplitude method (FAM), were employed in these calculations. It is shown that the application of various global models in calculations of nucleosynthesis leads to the formation of a realistic structure of the curve of abundances of chemical elements. In contrast to nucleosynthesis in the scenario of merger of equal-mass neutron stars, the formation of elements in matter of the outer crust upon the explosion of a low-mass neutron star is weakly model-dependent in the region from the first to the second peak. However, the abundance of elements depends greatly on the beta-decay model in a strong r-process. No systematic effect of the beta-decay model on the results of nucleosynthesis is revealed.


I. Panov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

Moscow, Russia; Dolgoprudny, Moscow oblast, Russia


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