Search for New Physics in Ultraperipheral Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider




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Ultraperipheral collisions belong to special type of heavy-ion collisions since strong interactions are suppressed in them because of large impact parameters of such collisions. Such conditions provide a unique possibility for studying two-photon interactions. In particular, interest in studying the production of tau-lepton pairs and Light-by-Light (LbyL) scattering has grown in recent years: a deviation of the cross sections for these processes from the predictions of the Standard model could be a manifestation of new physics. In addition, the search for the production of axion-like particles in LbyL scattering at rather low invariant masses is of interest in and of itself. The most recent results of experiments performed at the Large Hadron Collider and devoted to measurement of the tau-lepton anomalous magnetic moment and cross sections for LbyL scattering and to the search for axion-like particles are discussed in the present article, along with prospects of future measurements in the ALICE experiment.


N. Burmasov

Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Gatchina, Russia; Dolgoprudny, Russia


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