Functional Interactions of BAF and LEM Proteins in the Formation of Germ Cells



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Recovery of the nuclear structure after cell division requires special interactions between the integral proteins of the inner nuclear membrane having a special LEM domain (LEMD), nuclear lamina proteins (lamins) and the conserved BAF protein that serves as a central link in these interactions, providing topological relationships between chromatin and nuclear envelope. The dynamic transformations of these protein ensembles in the mitotic cycle are characterized in detail at the molecular level, however, less attention is paid to the developing germ cells undergoing meiotic divisions, despite of their nuclei, especially in diplotene oocytes, differ significantly in structure from the somatic nucleus. This review summarizes the still relatively scarce experimental data proving the significance of functional interactions between BAF and LEMD proteins for gamete formation, from the selection of germline cells to the transformation of haploid spermatids into morphologically mature spermatozoa.

Sobre autores

I. Bogolyubova

Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 194064, St. Petersburg

D. Bogolyubov

Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Russia, 194064, St. Petersburg


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