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卷 65, 编号 13 (2018)


On the Technology of Sediment Sewage Utilization

Batenin V., Kovbasyuk V.


The solution of the problem of disposing of human waste, including sewage sludge, is an important task of environmental technologies, which today use modern energy achievements, safe combustion, and energy utilization. The specific goal of the present work was the qualitative improvement of technologies of this kind, not so much for the sake of obtaining a large energy output but for the creation of an efficient, affordable, and ecologically perfect equipment based on advanced developments in the field of power generation on wet fuels. The possibility for successful implementation of new technologies is oriented towards the drying of moisture in organic materials and gasification of dried mass. The examples of new equipment are not yet experimentally tested.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):935-937
pages 935-937 views

Method for Parametrically Optimizing a Power-Propulsion Complex for an Orbital Transport System

Evdokimov R.


A procedure for solving the problem of design-parameter optimization of the power-propulsion complex of an interorbital transport system on the basis of a reusable tug with electric propulsion power plants by considering the stochastic character of the initial information is presented. The efficiency factor of the power-propulsion complex is the probability of mission success. Conditions of mission success are presented as a set of stochastic inequalities. The problem is formalized, optimizing variables are determined, the relationships for calculating the target function are determined, and the restrictions are examined. It is shown that it is reasonable to consider the adaptive possibilities of the power-propulsion complex of an interorbital transport system under specifying the initial information, and the way for considering them is also presented. How to consider the uniqueness of the implementation stage of structure perfection (specific masses) for a power-propulsion complex’s elements, which are the random values at the early design stage, is examined.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):938-951
pages 938-951 views

Quantum-Mechanical Theory of Elastic Scattering and Cross Section Determination of Particle Interactions in Plasma

Shi N.


A quantum-mechanical description of the theory of elastic scattering and a technique for determining the cross sections of particle interactions in plasma are described. An asymptotic solution of the Schrödinger equation for the elastic interaction of plasma particles is presented. Algorithms for determining phase shifts based on the Modified Effective Range Theory (MERT) are given. The Born approximation is considered to determine the amplitude of the scattered waves and the scattering cross section of the particles. Data are presented on the cross sections for scattering of electrons by atoms and ions in argon.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):952-968
pages 952-968 views

On the Question of “Decisive Advantages” of Thermionic Conversion for Space Power Systems

Koroteev A.


The introduction of nuclear power in space at a new technological level will make it possible to create radically new space facilities and bring space activities to a qualitatively new level. One of the key problems in the development of space nuclear reactor power systems is choosing the system for conversion of the reactor thermal power to electricity. At present, thermionic and Brayton cycle gas turbine converters are considered for these power systems. The article presents the results of comparing these types of converters in one of the parameters that are important for space engineering: the required areas of the cooler-radiator for the release of the thermal power unused in the heat power converter. It has been shown that the thermionic converters have no significant advantages at the practically achievable efficiencies of conversion and thermal release temperatures as compared to the Brayton cycle converters with regard to the radiator area. These converters should be compared in terms of all parameters intrinsic to the space nuclear power systems.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):969-971
pages 969-971 views

Development and Experimental Research on the Electromagnetic Induction Lithium Coolant Transfer Pump of a High-Power Space-Based NPP High-Temperature Cooling System

Sinyavsky V.


In the project of a modular submegawatt space-based thermionic NPP for the interorbital tug Gerkules, niobium alloy is used as the main structural material and isotopically pure lithium-7 is used as a coolant. To transfer lithium coolant, a series of electromagnetic induction pumps (EMP) have been designed, manufactured, and tested. The main requirement for EMPs is to ensure lithium transfer at high operating temperatures up to 900°C. This required high-temperature structural, magnetic, conductive, and electrical insulating materials. The design and technological features of the developed EMP are given. The tests were carried out in a pressure chamber as part of the lithium-niobium circuit simulating the NPP cooling system unit. The dependences of the EMP head-flow characteristics on the current strength and frequency, the temperature of transferred lithium, and other parameters are presented. The scatter of the same EMPs does not exceed 6%.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):972-979
pages 972-979 views

Radio-Frequency Ion Thruster with Additional Magnetic Field: Experimental Investigation

Melnikov A., Khartov S.


Performances of a radio-frequency ion thruster with an additional external magnetic field in the area of the high-frequency discharge are experimentally investigated and the results of the investigation are presented. The calculated distribution of a magnetic field generated by an additional magnetic system for the current in the winding 1 A is given. How an additional external magnetic field influences on the ion current is examined. Performances of a laboratory model of a radio-frequency ion thruster with and without a constant external magnetic field are compared. Modes of thruster operation and current values in a magnetic system’s windings under which the increment of ion current is minimal are determined.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):980-985
pages 980-985 views

An Ion Thruster Accelerating Electrode Made of Carbon-Carbon Composite Material

Akhmetzhanov R., Balashov V., Bogachev Y., Yelakov A., Kashirin D., Svotina V., Spivak O., Cherkasova M.


At present, the requirements for the lifetime of electric propulsion thrusters of spacecraft are growing. The article is devoted to the selection of material of the accelerating electrode that is the critical element of the ion thruster from the lifetime point of view. The accelerating electrode of the ion thruster is exposed to bombardment by charge-exchange ions, which cause its erosion. The rate of erosion depends on the ion-sputtering rate of the material from which the accelerating electrode is made. Graphite-based materials have the lowest ion-sputtering rate. The article considers the use of carbon–carbon composite material based on the Ipresscon® carbon frame developed by OAO Kompozit as a material for manufacturing the ion thruster accelerating electrode. The results of calculation of erosion of such material and experimental verification of its application in the construction of the ion thruster are given in the article.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):986-993
pages 986-993 views

The Natural Electromagnetic Resonances of Test and Gas Discharge Chambers of Stationary Plasma Thrusters

Shishkin G., Shishkin A., Plokhikh A.


A possibility of assessing the electromagnetic emission of stationary plasma thrusters (SPTs) using standard metal vacuum chambers considering the origination of the natural resonances in the latter is studied. The primary wave modes that originate in cylindrical metal test chambers are defined and their influence on the measurement accuracy is assessed. To explain the nature of the SPT natural oscillations, the authors propose and analyze a model based on an equivalent coaxial resonator that describes resonant properties of the SPT gas discharge chamber. Analysis is made for the emission spectra of SPTs of various models. The analysis revealed coincidence of the spectrum components in frequency with the natural oscillations of the resonator that simulates the SPT gas discharge chamber.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):994-1001
pages 994-1001 views

Simulator of Emission from Electric Propulsion Thrusters

Vazhenin N., Plokhikh A., Popov G.


Primary approaches are considered for the development of emission simulators from electric propulsion thrusters (EPTs) in the radio-frequency range, including both the use of the stored actual member functions for the processes characterizing the EPT emission in the specified frequency ranges and the processes that are formed on the basis of emission simulation models. Various approaches to emission simulation modeling from stationary plasma thrusters are discussed. A possibility to use the earlier-developed mathematical models and software packages to simulate the EPT emission is considered; these models describe the complex envelope of the emission processes from a stationary plasma thruster in the given frequency ranges. Primary principles for the development of the radio simulators of the wanted signals and interference are also discussed. The application of multichannel vector generators is substantiated in view of the growth in complexity of simulated signals and interference. In such generators, the quadrature components of the processes describing EPT emission are employed that were obtained by test or by the simulation modeling methods. As an example, the simulator for EPT emission in the radio-frequency range is studied. This simulator provides such an electromagnetic environment in the given spatial region that takes various combinations of valid signals, thermal noises, and EPT emission into consideration. Recommendations are proposed on the use of the emission simulator as a part of the ground modeling complexes for defining possible influence of EPTs on onboard spacecraft systems.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):1002-1008
pages 1002-1008 views

Combustion of Lean Hydrogen-Based Mixtures in a Spark Ignition Engine

Zaichenko V., Kiverin A., Smygalina A., Tsyplakov A.


In this paper, the results of an experimental and modeling study of the combustion of lean mixtures based on hydrogen in a spark ignition engine are presented. A hydrogen and a hydrogen (90 vol %)-methane (10 vol %) mixture with air excess coefficients of 1.4–3.0 were used as fuel. “Back flashes” in the intake manifold were experimentally observed when the hydrogen-air mixture was burned at the air excess coefficient of 1.4. At large air excess coefficients, the key indicators of the engine performance are determined by using the experimental indicator diagrams. The efficiency indicator for hydrogen-air mixtures was 30–32%. The highest efficiency of 37% was obtained by using an earlier ignition in mixtures with methane addition. A weak dependence of the efficiency on the air excess coefficient was found. The major qualitative relationships obtained experimentally were supported by the performed 2D numerical simulation of the dynamics and combustion of mixtures under experimental conditions. Incomplete hydrogen combustion of up to 60% is observed at an air excess factor of 3.0.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):1009-1018
pages 1009-1018 views

On Calculation of the Ignition Voltage for a Back-Arc Discharge in a High-Voltage Thermionic Diode

Onufrieva E., Onufriev V., Grishin Y., Sidnyaev N., Sinyavsky V., Ivashkin A.


Development of large spacecraft propulsion units involves the creation of high-temperature radiation-resistant systems for current conversion based on thermionic devices of plasma electric power engineering, such as grid-controlled switches and high-voltage plasma thermionic diodes (HVPTD). The current conversion system (CCS) is required to match the electrical parameters of a thermionic conversion power reactor (with an output voltage of 120–150 V) with the parameters of the electric jet engine (having a working voltage of hundreds or thousands of volts). This brings about an urgent issue of calculating the ignition voltage for the back-arc discharge in the interelectrode gap (IEG) of HVPTDs. A semiempirical correlation is proposed for predicting the back-arc discharge ignition voltage as a function of the cesium vapor pressure in IEG and the anode temperature. It can be used by designers of thermionic plasma power engineering devices.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):1019-1023
pages 1019-1023 views

About Calculation of Combined Cooling Systems for Propulsion Engines

Borisov D., Shuraev Y., Mironov V.


A numerical method is proposed for solving conjugate heat transfer problems as applied for calculation of combined cooling systems for combustion chambers of propulsion systems. A procedure is presented for joint calculation of temperature conditions of gaseous cooling film and cooling system elements in the entire cross-section of a combustion chamber, including the inner wall material. The numerical results and their verification are presented.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):1024-1028
pages 1024-1028 views

The Plasma Ionization Mechanism for a Radio Frequency Ion Thruster with a Flat Coil Inductor

Piskunkov A., Kravchenko I.


A model of discharge for a radio frequency (RF) ion thruster with a flat induction coil is proposed. The configuration of magnetic fields and currents in 3D geometry is described. The skin layer boundary is determined by the condition at which the azimuthal current in plasma becomes zero under a transformer coupling with the inductor. Variation of radial magnetic field and azimuthal current at the generator driving frequency induces currents at the driving and second harmonic frequencies. Plasma becomes ionized due to magnetized collisional plasma electrons in mobile current layers. With operation at the optimal driving frequency, magnetic field of a definite sign fills the entire gas-discharge space in the course of convective diffusion within the current half-cycle. In the next half-cycle, it is filled with magnetic field of the opposite sign. Ohmic losses in the current layer are compensated in the course of field annihilation. The concentration of particles captured by the mobile layer was determined from the equality of “frosted” electron flows entering and leaving the layer in the course of single coulomb collisions with scattering at the pinch-angle. The azimuthal current of the fundamental harmonic component is determined by mobile layer currents outside the skin layer. The power losses are compensated by magnetic energy. The simulated results are compared with experimental data. The model of physical processes in radio frequency discharge with a flat induction coil has substantial peculiarities as compared with the discharge model using a cylindrical induction coil.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(13):1029-1035
pages 1029-1035 views