
Assessment of the potential for conversion of TP-108 boilers to firing natural gas and fuel oil
Tugov A., Supranov V., Izyumov M., Vereshchetin V., Usman Y., Natal’in A.
Study of connected system of automatic control of load and operation efficiency of a steam boiler with extremal controller on a simulation model
Sabanin V., Starostin A., Repin A., Popov A.
Development of the scheme of stepwise combustion of coal in the inverter firebox of a power unit of 1000 MW power
Prokhorov V., Chernov S., Kirichkov V.
Review of the coal-fired, over-supercritical and ultra-supercritical steam power plants
Tumanovskii A., Shvarts A., Somova E., Verbovetskii E., Avrutskii G., Ermakova S., Kalugin R., Lazarev M.
Configuration of Evaporators for Once-Through Heat Recovery Steam Generators of Combined-Cycle Units
Gorr D., Polonsky V., Tarasov D.
Study of flame combustion of off-design binary coal blends in steam boilers
Kapustyanskii A.
Results of examination of the TGMP-314 boiler superheaters of the power-generating units at Kashira state district power plant using a magnetic ferrite meter
Bogachev V., Pshechenkova T., Shumovskaya M.
Prospects for the development of coal-steam plants in Russia
Tumanovskii A.
Enhancement of the efficiency of the automatic control system to control the thermal load of steam boilers fired with fuels of several types
Ismatkhodzhaev S., Kuzishchin V.
Thermal gain of CHP steam generator plants and heat supply systems
Ziganshina S., Kudinov A.
International water and steam quality standards on thermal power plants at all-volatile treatment
Petrova T., Orlov K., Dooley R.
Investigations of structural transformation within metal (austenite chromium-manganese steel) at the external surface of steam superheating tubes
Bogachev V., Pshechenkova T., Shumovskaya M.
1 - 12 из 12 результатов
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