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Том 65, № 5 (2018)

General Issues of Power Engineering

Impact of Climate Change on Energy Production, Distribution, and Consumption in Russia

Klimenko V., Klimenko A., Tereshin A., Fedotova E.


An assessment of the overall impact of the observed and expected climatic changes on energy production, distribution, and consumption in Russia is presented. Climate model results of various complexity and evaluation data on the vulnerability of various energy production sectors to climate change are presented. It is shown that, due to the increase of air temperature, the efficiency of electricity production at thermal and nuclear power plants declines. According to the climate model results, the production of electricity at TPPs and NPPs by 2050 could be reduced by 6 billion kW h due to the temperature increase. At the same time, as a result of simulation, the expected increase in the rainfall amount and river runoff in Russia by 2050 could lead to an increase in the output of HPP by 4–6% as compared with the current level, i.e., by 8 billion kW h. For energy transmission and distribution, the climate warming will mean an increase in transmission losses, which, according to estimates, may amount to approximately 1 billion kW h by 2050. The increase of air temperature in summer will require higher energy consumption for air conditioning, which will increase by approximately 6 billion kW h by 2050. However, in total, the optimal energy consumption in Russia, corresponding to the postindustrial level, will decrease by 2050 by approximately 150 billion kW h as a result of climate- induced changes. The maximum global warming impact is focused on the heat demand sector. As a result of a decrease in the heating degree-days by 2050, the need for space heating is expected to fall by 10–15%, which will cause a fuel conservation sufficient for generating approximately 140 billion kW h of electricity. Hence, a conclusion about the positive direct impact of climate change on the Russia’s energy sector follows, which is constituted in the additional available energy resource of approximately 300 billion kW h per year.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):247-257
pages 247-257 views

The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting the Electric Demand of Stand-Alone Consumers

Ivanin O., Direktor L.


The problem of short-term forecasting of electric power demand of stand-alone consumers (small inhabited localities) situated outside centralized power supply areas is considered. The basic approaches to modeling the electric power demand depending on the forecasting time frame and the problems set, as well as the specific features of such modeling, are described. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods used for the short-term forecast of the electric demand are indicated, and difficulties involved in the solution of the problem are outlined. The basic principles of arranging artificial neural networks are set forth; it is also shown that the proposed method is preferable when the input information necessary for prediction is lacking or incomplete. The selection of the parameters that should be included into the list of the input data for modeling the electric power demand of residential areas using artificial neural networks is validated. The structure of a neural network is proposed for solving the problem of modeling the electric power demand of residential areas. The specific features of generation of the training dataset are outlined. The results of test modeling of daily electric demand curves for some settlements of Kamchatka and Yakutia based on known actual electric demand curves are provided. The reliability of the test modeling has been validated. A high value of the deviation of the modeled curve from the reference curve obtained in one of the four reference calculations is explained. The input data and the predicted power demand curves for the rural settlement of Kuokuiskii Nasleg are provided. The power demand curves were modeled for four characteristic days of the year, and they can be used in the future for designing a power supply system for the settlement. To enhance the accuracy of the method, a series of measures based on specific features of a neural network’s functioning are proposed.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):258-265
pages 258-265 views

Energy Conservation, New and Renewable Energy Sources

Hybrid Electric Energy Storages: Their Specific Features and Application (Review)

Popel’ O., Tarasenko A.


The article presents a review of various aspects related to development and practical use of hybrid electric energy storages (i.e., those uniting different energy storage technologies and devices in an integrated system) in transport and conventional and renewable power engineering applications. Such devices, which were initially developed for transport power installations, are increasingly being used by other consumers characterized by pronounced nonuniformities of their load schedule. A range of tasks solved using such energy storages is considered. It is shown that, owing to the advent of new types of energy storages and the extended spectrum of their performance characteristics, new possibilities for combining different types of energy storages and for developing hybrid systems have become available. This, in turn, opens up the possibility of making energy storages with better mass and dimension characteristics and achieving essentially lower operational costs. The possibility to secure more comfortable (base) operating modes of primary sources of energy (heat engines and renewable energy source based power installations) and to achieve a higher capacity utilization factor are unquestionable merits of hybrid energy storages. Development of optimal process circuit solutions, as well as energy conversion and control devices facilitating the fullest utilization of the properties of each individual energy storage included in the hybrid system, is among the important lines of research carried out in this field in Russia and abroad. Our review of existing developments has shown that there are no universal technical solutions in this field (the specific features of a consumer have an essential effect on the process circuit solutions and on the composition of a hybrid energy storage), a circumstance that dictates the need to extend the scope of investigations in this promising field.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):266-281
pages 266-281 views

Geothermal Power Supply Systems around the World and in Russia: State of the Art and Future Prospects

Butuzov V., Amerkhanov R., Grigorash O.


Solar and geothermal energy systems are shown to have received the widest use among all kinds of renewable sources of energy for heat supply purposes around the world. The power capacities and amounts of thermal energy generated by solar and geothermal heat supply systems around the world are presented by way of comparison. The thermal power capacity of solar heat supply systems installed around the world as of 2015 totaled 268.1 GW, and the thermal energy generated by them amounted to 225 TW h/year. The thermal power capacity of geothermal heat supply systems installed around the world totaled 70.3 GW, and the thermal energy generated by them amounted to 163 TW h/year. Information on the geothermal heat supply systems in the leading countries around the world based on the data reported at the World Geothermal Congress held in 2015 is presented. It is shown that China, with the installed thermal power capacities of its geothermal heat supply stations totaling 17.87 GW and the amount of thermal energy generated per annum equal to 48.435 TW h/year, is the world’s leader in this respect. The structures of geothermal heat supply systems by the kinds of heat consumption used around the world are presented. The systems equipped with geothermal heat pumps accounted for 70.95% in the total installed capacity and for 55.3% in the total amount of generated heat. For systems that do not use heat pumps, those serving for pools account for the largest share amounting to 44.74% in installed capacity and to 45.43% in generated heat. A total of 2218 geothermal wells with the total length equal to 9534 km (with 38.7% of them for heat supply purposes) were drilled in 42 countries in the period from 2010 to 2014. In Russia, geothermal heat supply systems are in operation mainly in Dagestan, in Krasnodar krai, and in Kamchatka. The majority of these systems have been made without breaking the stream after the well outlet. A cyclic control arrangement is also used. The combined geothermal and solar heat supply system with an installed thermal power capacity of 5 MW that is in operation in the Rozovyi settlement, Krasnodar krai, is described. In the summer time, the solar installation with a capacity of 115 kW is used for supplying hot water to residential houses and for restoring the geothermal well pore pressure. The basic process circuit and characteristics of the geothermal heat supply system with the installed thermal power capacity of 8.7 MW operating in the Khankala settlement, the city of Groznyi, are given. The specific feature of this system is that the spent geothermal heat carrier is reinjected into a specially drilled inclined well. Advanced geothermal heat supply technologies involving reinjection of the spent geothermal heat carrier, combination with binary power units, use of heat pumps for recovering the spent heat carrier, and protection of equipment from corrosion and deposits are proposed.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):282-286
pages 282-286 views

Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Steam-Gas Plants and Accessory Equipment

International Experience in Developing Low-Emission Combustors for Land-Based, Large Gas-Turbine Units: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Equipment

Bulysova L., Vasil’ev V., Berne A., Gutnik M., Ageev A.


This is the second paper in a series of publications summarizing the international experience in the development of low-emission combustors (LEC) for land-based, large (above 250 MW) gas-turbine units (GTU). The purpose of this series is to generalize and analyze the approaches used by various manufacturers in designing flowpaths for fuel and air in LECs, managing fuel combustion, and controlling the fuel flow. The efficiency of advanced GTUs can be as high as 43% (with an output of 350–500 MW) while the efficiency of 600–800 MW combined-cycle units with these GTUs can attain 63.5%. These high efficiencies require a compression ratio of 20–24 and a temperature as high as 1600°С at the combustor outlet. Accordingly, the temperature in the combustion zone also rises. All the requirements for the control of harmful emissions from these GTUs are met. All the manufacturers and designers of LECs for modern GTUs encounter similar problems, such as emissions control, combustion instability, and reliable cooling of hot path parts. Methods of their elimination are different and interesting from the standpoint of science and practice. One more essential requirement is that the efficiency and environmental performance indices must be maintained irrespective of the fuel composition or heating value and also in operation at part loads below 40% of rated. This paper deals with Mitsubishi Series M701 GTUs, F, G, or J class, which have gained a good reputation in the power equipment market. A design of a burner for LECs and a control method providing stable low-emission fuel combustion are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of air bypass valves installed in each liner to maintain a nearly constant air to fuel ratio within a wide range of GTU loads are described. Methods for controlling low- and high-frequency combustion instabilities are outlined. Upgrading of the cooling system for the wall of a liner and a transition piece is of great interest. Change over from effusion (or film) cooling to convective steam cooling and convective air cooling has considerably increased the GTU efficiency.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):287-293
pages 287-293 views

Upgrading the Control Systems of Turbines of K-160-12.8 Type Produced by PAO Turboatom

Babayev I.


Steam turbines of a K-160-12.8 (PVK-150) type produced by PAO Turboatom are operated at thermal power plants from the 1960s and many of them still have the complete set that was installed at that time by the factory, but they have become out of date. For this reason, the problem of upgrading the turbines to bring their characteristics into compliance with modern requirements is relevant. This article describes the main technical decisions adopted by PAO Turboatom when upgrading the automatic control system (ACS) of a K-160-12.8 (PVK-150) turbine: replacing the control valves (CV); replacing the distributing mechanism; replacing the front support components, including the main servomotor and oil control pipes; and replacing the assembly of cutoff spools by separate spools of servomotors of high-pressure control valves and reheat control valves. The schematic diagram of the ACS and description of the structure of newly installed mechanisms are presented: the cutoff spools, the high-pressure CVs, the distribution mechanism, and the main servomotor. The particularity of the ACS is the presence of electromechanical converters, which are used in each cutoff spool. For improving operating reliability of the ACS by providing the actuation of servomotors of control valves for closing regardless of ACS commands, the connection of rods of the electromechanical converter and cutoff spools are made using spring-type uncoupling devices. For actuation of the protection system by the commands of the automatic electronic safety device, the separate actuator driven by an electromagnet is installed in the ACS. During further improvement of the protection system, it is recommended to replace the controller assembly by two-spool protection devices, remove the protection spool assembly, and increase the pressure in the protection lines up to power pressure. The upgrading during this project was carried out by the Dobrotvor TPP (Ukraine).

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):294-299
pages 294-299 views

Study of Cycling Air-Cooling System with a Cold Accumulator for Micro Gas-Turbine Installations

Ochkov V., Stepanova T., Katenev G., Tumanovskii V., Borisova P.


Using the cycling air-cooling systems of the CTIC type (Combustion Turbine Inlet Cooling) with a cold accumulator in a micro gas-turbine installation (micro-GTI) to preserve its capacity under the seasonal temperature rise of outside air is described. Water ice is used as the body-storage in the accumulators, and ice water (water at 0.5–1.0°C) is used as the body that cools air. The ice water circulates between the accumulator and the air-water heat exchanger. The cold accumulator model with renewable ice resources is considered. The model contains the heat-exchanging tube lattice-evaporator covered with ice. The lattice is cross-flowed with water. The criterion heat exchange equation that describes the process in the cold accumulator under consideration is presented. The calculations of duration of its active operation were performed. The dependence of cold accumulator service life on water circulation rate was evaluated. The adequacy of the design model was confirmed experimentally in the mock-up of the cold accumulator with a refrigerating machine periodically creating a 200 kg ice reserve in the reservoir-storage. The design model makes it possible to determine the weight of ice reserve of the discharged cold accumulator for cooling the cycle air in the operation of a C-30 type micro- GTI produced by the Capstone Company or micro-GTIs of other capacities. Recommendations for increasing the working capacity of cold accumulators of CTIC-systems of a micro-GTI were made.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):300-303
pages 300-303 views

Nuclear Power Plants

The EUCLID/V1 Integrated Code for Safety Assessment of Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors. Part 1: Basic Models

Mosunova N.


The article describes the basic models included in the EUCLID/V1 integrated code intended for safety analysis of liquid metal (sodium, lead, and lead-bismuth) cooled fast reactors using fuel rods with a gas gap and pellet dioxide, mixed oxide or nitride uranium–plutonium fuel under normal operation, under anticipated operational occurrences and accident conditions by carrying out interconnected thermal–hydraulic, neutronics, and thermal–mechanical calculations. Information about the Russian and foreign analogs of the EUCLID/V1 integrated code is given. Modeled objects, equation systems in differential form solved in each module of the EUCLID/V1 integrated code (the thermal–hydraulic, neutronics, fuel rod analysis module, and the burnup and decay heat calculation modules), the main calculated quantities, and also the limitations on application of the code are presented. The article also gives data on the scope of functions performed by the integrated code’s thermal–hydraulic module, using which it is possible to describe both one- and twophase processes occurring in the coolant. It is shown that, owing to the availability of the fuel rod analysis module in the integrated code, it becomes possible to estimate the performance of fuel rods in different regimes of the reactor operation. It is also shown that the models implemented in the code for calculating neutron-physical processes make it possible to take into account the neutron field distribution over the fuel assembly cross section as well as other features important for the safety assessment of fast reactors.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):304-316
pages 304-316 views

Environment Protection

Regulatory and Methodical Support of the Transition to the BATs in Heat Power Engineering

Roslyakov P., Kondrat’eva O., Borovkova A.


Federal Law no. 219-FZ of July 21, 2014, “On the Amendments to the Federal Law On Environmental Protection and Certain Legislative Acts” of the Russian Federation established new principles of environmental policy aimed at significantly reducing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment. Currently, active work is under way to harmonize the Russian environmental legislation with regard to the transition to a system of technological regulation of impacts using the best available technologies (BATs). A national regulatory system based on BATs can be developed only through the implementation of integrated measures that are adopted and regulated at different levels (from decisions of the government of the Russian Federation to normative documents). For this purpose, more than 50 sectoral information and technical reference books on BATs have been developed that include descriptions of BATs for particular types of activities and their technological indicators. Starting on January 1, 2019, an integrated environmental permit will be introduced for enterprises with the greatest negative impact on the environment (category I enterprises). In addition, these enterprises will have to implement automatic systems for continuous control and metering of contaminants emissions (ASCCMCEs) into the atmosphere. Therefore, the development and adoption of the preliminary national standard of the Russian Federation PNS 187–2017, which is to come into force on January 1, 2018, will significantly accelerate and facilitate the implementation of ASCCMCEs of thermal power plants (TPPs) in accordance with Federal Law no. 219-FZ. The main goal of implementing ASCCMCEs on TPPs is to consistently reduce the negative impact of thermal power plants on the environment.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):317-323
pages 317-323 views

Water Treatment and Water Chemistry

Results of Steam-Water-Oxygen Treatment of the Inside of Heating Surfaces in Heat-Recovery Steam Generators of the PGU-800 Power Unit at the Perm’ District Thermal Power Station

Ovechkina O., Zhuravlev L., Drozdov A., Solomeina S.


Prestarting, postinstallation steam-water-oxygen treatment (SWOT) of the natural circulation/steam reheat heat-recovery steam generators (HRSG) manufactured by OAO Krasny Kotelshchik was performed at the PGU-800 power unit of the Perm District Thermal Power Station (GRES). Prior to SWOT, steam-oxygen cleaning, passivation, and preservation of gas condensate heaters (GCH) of HRSGs were performed for 10 h using 1.3MPa/260°С/70 t/h external steam. After that, test specimens were cut out that demonstrated high strength of the passivating film. SWOT of the inside of the heating surfaces was carried out during no-load operation of the gas turbine unit with an exhaust temperature of 280–300°С at the HRSG inlet. The steam turbine was shutdown, and the generated steam was discharged into the atmosphere. Oxygen was metered into the discharge pipeline of the electricity-driven feed pumps and downcomers of the evaporators. The behavior of the concentration by weight of iron compounds and the results of investigation of cutout specimens by the drop or potentiometric method indicate that the steam-water-oxygen process makes it possible to remove corrosion products and reduce the time required to put a boiler into operation. Unlike other processes, SWOT does not require metal-intensive cleaning systems, temporary metering stations, and structures for collection of the waste solution.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(5):324-329
pages 324-329 views

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