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Volume 63, Nº 3 (2016)

Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Combined-Cycle Plants and Their Auxiliaries

Dry сoolers and air-condensing units (Review)

Milman O., Anan’ev P.


The analysis of factors affecting the growth of shortage of freshwater is performed. The state and dynamics of the global market of dry coolers used at electric power plants are investigated. Substantial increase in number and maximum capacity of air-cooled condensers, which have been put into operation in the world in recent years, are noted. The key reasons facilitating the choice of developers of the dry coolers, in particular the independence of the location of thermal power plant from water sources, are enumerated. The main steam turbine heat removal schemes using air cooling are considered, their comparison of thermal efficiency is assessed, and the change of three important parameters, such as surface area of heat transfer, condensate pump flow, and pressure losses in the steam exhaust system, are estimated. It is shown that the most effective is the scheme of direct steam condensation in the heat-exchange tubes, but other schemes also have certain advantages. The air-cooling efficiency may be enhanced much more by using an air-cooling hybrid system: a combination of dry and wet cooling. The basic applied constructive solutions are shown: the arrangement of heat-exchange modules and the types of fans. The optimal mounting design of a fully shopassembled cooling system for heat-exchange modules is represented. Different types of heat-exchange tubes ribbing that take into account the operational features of cooling systems are shown. Heat transfer coefficients of the plants from different manufacturers are compared, and the main reasons for its decline are named. When using evaporative air cooling, it is possible to improve the efficiency of air-cooling units. The factors affecting the faultless performance of dry coolers (DC) and air-condensing units (ACU) and the ways of their elimination are described. A high velocity wind forcing reduces the efficiency of cooling systems and creates preconditions for the development of wind-driven devices. It is noted that global trends have a significant influence on the application of dry coolers in Russia, in view of the fact that some TPP have a surface condensers arrangement. The reasons that these systems are currently less efficient than the direct steam condensation in an air-cooled condenser are explained. It is shown that, in some cases, it is more reasonable to use mixing-type condensers in combination with a dry cooler. Measures for a full import substitution of steam exhaust heat removal systems are mentioned.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):157-167
pages 157-167 views

Development and improvement of the operating diagnostics systems of NPO CKTI works for turbine of thermal and nuclear power plants

Kovalev I., Rakovskii V., Isakov N., Sandovskii A.


The work results on the development and improvement of the techniques, algorithms, and software–hardware of continuous operating diagnostics systems of rotating units and parts of turbine equipment state are presented. In particular, to ensure the full remote service of monitored turbine equipment using web technologies, the web version of the software of the automated systems of vibration-based diagnostics (ASVD VIDAS) was developed. The experience in the automated analysis of data obtained by ASVD VIDAS form the basis of the new algorithm of early detection of such dangerous defects as rotor deflection, crack in the rotor, and strong misalignment of supports. The program-technical complex of monitoring and measuring the deflection of medium pressure rotor (PTC) realizing this algorithm will alert the electric power plant staff during a deflection and indicate its value. This will give the opportunity to take timely measures to prevent the further extension of the defect. Repeatedly, recorded cases of full or partial destruction of shrouded shelves of rotor blades of the last stages of low-pressure cylinders of steam turbines defined the need to develop a version of the automated system of blade diagnostics (ASBD SKALA) for shrouded stages. The processing, analysis, presentation, and backup of data characterizing the mechanical state of blade device are carried out with a newly developed controller of the diagnostics system. As a result of the implementation of the works, the diagnosed parameters determining the operation security of rotating elements of equipment was expanded and the new tasks on monitoring the state of units and parts of turbines were solved. All algorithmic solutions and hardware-software implementations mentioned in the article were tested on the test benches and applied at some power plants.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):168-173
pages 168-173 views

Some perspective decisions for the regeneration system equipment of the thermal and nuclear power plants decreasing the probability of water ingress into the turbine and rotor acceleration by return steam flow

Trifonov N., Svyatkin F., Sintsova T., Ukhanova M., Yesin S., Nikolayenkova E., Yurchenko A., Grigorieva E.


The regeneration system heaters are one of the sources of possible ingress of the water into the turbine. The water penetrates into the turbine either at the heaters overflow or with the return flow of steam generated when the water being in the heater boils up in the dynamic operation modes or at deenergization of the power-generating unit. The return flow of steam and water is dangerous to the turbine blades and can result in the rotor acceleration. The known protective devices used to prevent the overflow of the low-pressure and high-pressure heaters (LPH and HPH), of the horizontal and vertical heaters of heating-system water (HWH and VWH), as well as of the deaerators and low-pressure mixing heaters (LPMH) were considered. The main protective methods of the steam and water return flows supplied by the heaters in dynamic operation modes or at deenergization of the power-generating unit are described. Previous operating experience shows that the available protections do not fully prevent water ingress into the turbine and the rotor acceleration and, therefore, the development of measures to decrease the possibility of ingress of the water into the turbine is an actual problem. The measures allowing eliminating or reducing the water mass in the heaters are expounded; some of them were designed by the specialists of OAO Polzunov Scientific and Development Association on Research and Design of Power Equipment (NPO CKTI) and are efficiently introduced at heat power plants and nuclear power plants. The suggested technical solutions allow reducing the possibility of the water ingress into the turbine and rotor acceleration by return steam flow in the dynamic operation modes or in the case of power generating unit deenergization. Some of these solutions have been tested in experimental–industrial exploitation and can be used in industry.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):174-178
pages 174-178 views

Technique of optimization of minimum temperature driving forces in the heaters of regeneration system of a steam turbine unit

Shamarokov A., Zorin V., Dai F.


At the current stage of development of nuclear power engineering, high demands on nuclear power plants (NPP), including on their economy, are made. In these conditions, improving the quality of NPP means, in particular, the need to reasonably choose the values of numerous managed parameters of technological (heat) scheme. Furthermore, the chosen values should correspond to the economic conditions of NPP operation, which are postponed usually a considerable time interval from the point of time of parameters’ choice. The article presents the technique of optimization of controlled parameters of the heat circuit of a steam turbine plant for the future. Its particularity is to obtain the results depending on a complex parameter combining the external economic and operating parameters that are relatively stable under the changing economic environment. The article presents the results of optimization according to this technique of the minimum temperature driving forces in the surface heaters of the heat regeneration system of the steam turbine plant of a K-1200-6.8/50 type. For optimization, the collector-screen heaters of high and low pressure developed at the OAO All-Russia Research and Design Institute of Nuclear Power Machine Building, which, in the authors' opinion, have the certain advantages over other types of heaters, were chosen. The optimality criterion in the task was the change in annual reduced costs for NPP compared to the version accepted as the baseline one. The influence on the decision of the task of independent variables that are not included in the complex parameter was analyzed. An optimization task was decided using the alternating-variable descent method. The obtained values of minimum temperature driving forces can guide the design of new nuclear plants with a heat circuit, similar to that accepted in the considered task.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):179-187
pages 179-187 views

Steam Boilers, Power-Plant Fuel, Burner Arrangements, and Auxiliary Boiler Equiipment

Use of coals for cocombustion with Estonian shale oil

Roslyakov P., Zaichenko M., Melnikov D., Vereshetin V., Attikas R.


The article reports the results of investigation into the possibility of using off-design coals as an additional fuel in connection with predicted reduction in the heat of combustion of shale oil and more stringent environmental regulations on harmful emissions. For this purpose, a mathematical model of a TP-101 boiler at the Estonian Power Plant has been constructed and verified; the model describes the boiler’s current state. On the basis of the process flow chart, the experience of operating the boiler, the relevant regulations, and the environmental requirement criteria for evaluation of the equipment operation in terms of reliability, efficiency, and environmental safety have been developed. These criteria underlie the analysis of the calculated operating parameters of the boiler and the boiler plant as a whole upon combustion with various shale-oil-to-coal ratios. The computational study shows that, at the minimal load, the normal operation of the boiler is ensured almost within the entire range of the parts by the heat rate of coal. With the decreasing load on the boiler, the normal equipment operation region narrows. The basic limitation factors are the temperature of the steam in the superheater, the temperature of the combustion products at the furnace outlet and the flow rate of the combustion air and flue gases. As a result, the parts by heat rate of lignite and bituminous coal have been determined that ensure reliable and efficient operation of the equipment. The efficiency of the boiler with the recommended lignite-to-coal ratio is higher than that achieved when burning the design shale oil. Based on the evaluation of the environmental performance of the boiler, the necessary additional measures to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere have been determined.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):188-196
pages 188-196 views

Energy Conservation, New, and Renewable Energy Sources

Trends in the development of industrially assimilated renewable energy: the problem of resource restrictions

Nizhegorodtsev R., Ratner S.


An analysis of the dynamics of the development of wind and solar energy and potential resource restrictions of the dissemination of these technologies of energy generation associated with intensive use of rare earth metals and some other mineral resources are presented. The technological prospects of various directions of decisions of the problem of resource restrictions, including escalating of volumes of extraction and production of necessary mineral components, creating substitutes of scarce materials and development of recycling are considered. The bottlenecks of each of the above-mentioned decisions were founded. Conclusions are drawn on the prospects of development of the Russian high-tech sectors of the economy in the context of the most probable decisions of the problem of resource restrictions of wind and solar energy. An increase in extraction and production of rare earth metals and some other materials, stimulation of domestic research and development (R&D) to create the permanent magnets of new types and new technologies of wind-powered generation, and reduction of the resource-demand and technology development of recycling the components of power equipment are the most prospective directions of progress. The innovations in these directions will be in demand on the European, Chinese, and North American markets in the near decades due to the end of the life cycle (approximately 30 years) of wind and solar energy projects started at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries (the beginning of exponential growth in plants). The private investors and relevant regional and federal government agencies can use the qualitative characteristics of the dynamics of industrially assimilated renewable energy to choose the most promising investment orientations in energy projects and selection of the most economically sound development methods of energy and related industries.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):197-207
pages 197-207 views

Estimation of wake propagation behind the rotors of wind-powered generators

Naumov I., Mikkelsen R., Okulov V.


The objectives of this work are to develop the experimental model of wake behind the wind-power generator rotor to estimate its propagation distance and the impact on the average and pulsation characteristics of incident flow with the possibility of further use of these data in the calculation models of wind and climate changes in the regions and to determine the optimal operation of wind turbines. For experimental modeling, the laboratory model of wind-powered generator with a horizontal axis was used that operated as wind turbine in optimal mode. The kinematic characteristics of flow and changes in the wake structure in the distance of more than 40 rotor diameters downstream with a slight level of turbulent pulsations (less than 2%) of free flow were investigated. A significant impact of external intense pulsations typical for natural atmospheric conditions was purposely excluded in the experimental research in order to define the degree of self-damping of perturbations generated by oneself wind-powered generator. The obtained experimental data for the wake dynamics behind the model of wind-powered generator allowed ascertaining its impact on slowing down of incident vortex flow and determining the distance at which its impact on the stream disappears, and the deceleration values are comparable to the level of pulsations of incident flow. This experimental model with the same degree of damping its velocity and pulsations can be used to adjust the theoretical approximation of the far wake. It is shown that the recovery of velocity of incident flow is faster than has been previously defined in the models of calculating the impact of wind electric power plants on the regional climate changes. Thus, existing wind loss calculated on the model of wake behind the wind-powered generator, adjusted in this study can be even less significant.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):208-213
pages 208-213 views

Heat and Mass Transfer. Properties of Working Media and Materials

Laboratory simulation of heat transfer in liquids with Pr > 1. Temperature field

Belyaev I., Zakharova O., Krasnoshchekova T., Sviridov V., Sukomel L.


Combined measurements of heat transfer coefficients, average temperature profiles, and statistical characteristics of temperature fluctuations were performed for a water flow in a round heated pipe on a laboratory test installation. The studies were carried out with reference to physical simulation of heat transfer in molten salts, which are promising heat tranport media in nuclear and thermonuclear power engineering. The use of original probes with microthermocouples allowed one to perform measurements in many cross-sections along the length of the heated pipe with a small step in radial direction from the axis to the touch point between the probe and the wall in each cross-section. Detailed temperature measurements were performed in near wall region witin the viscous sublayer. This information is especially important for liquids with Prandtl numbers Pr > 1, such as water and molten salts. The tendencies in stabilization of the local heat transfer coefficients, average temperature fields, and temperature fluctuation intensity were investigated. The data presented here are useful for optimization and verification of numerical simulation codes for heat transfer of liquids with large Prandtl numbers.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):214-221
pages 214-221 views

District Heating Cogeneration and Heat Networks

Mathematical model for calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of heating points of heat-supplying systems

Shalaginova Z.


The mathematical model and calculation method of the thermal-hydraulic modes of heat points, based on the theory of hydraulic circuits, being developed at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute are presented. The redundant circuit of the heat point was developed, in which all possible connecting circuits (CC) of the heat engineering equipment and the places of possible installation of control valve were inserted. It allows simulating the operating modes both at central heat points (CHP) and individual heat points (IHP). The configuration of the desired circuit is carried out automatically by removing the unnecessary links. The following circuits connecting the heating systems (HS) are considered: the dependent circuit (direct and through mixing elevator) and independent one (through the heater). The following connecting circuits of the load of hot water supply (HWS) were considered: open CC (direct water pumping from pipelines of heat networks) and a closed CC with connecting the HWS heaters on single-level (serial and parallel) and two-level (sequential and combined) circuits. The following connecting circuits of the ventilation systems (VS) were also considered: dependent circuit and independent one through a common heat exchanger with HS load. In the heat points, water temperature regulators for the hot water supply and ventilation and flow regulators for the heating system, as well as to the inlet as a whole, are possible. According to the accepted decomposition, the model of the heat point is an integral part of the overall heat-hydraulic model of the heat-supplying system having intermediate control stages (CHP and IHP), which allows to consider the operating modes of the heat networks of different levels connected with each other through CHP as well as connected through IHP of consumers with various connecting circuits of local systems of heat consumption: heating, ventilation and hot water supply. The model is implemented in the Angara data-processing complex. An example of the multilevel calculation of the heat-hydraulic modes of main heat networks and those connected to them through central heat point distribution networks in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskii is examined.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(3):222-232
pages 222-232 views

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