Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 63, № 2 (2016)


Vladimir Evgen’evich Fortov [On his 70th birthday]

Alekseev B.
Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):79-80
pages 79-80 views

Heat and Mass Transfer and Properties of Working Fluids and Materials

Laboratory simulation of heat exchange for liquids with Pr > 1: Heat transfer

Belyaev I., Zakharova O., Krasnoshchekova T., Sviridov V., Sukomel L.


Liquid metals are promising heat transfer agents in new-generation nuclear power plants, such as fast-neutron reactors and hybrid tokamaks—fusion neutron sources (FNSs). We have been investigating hydrodynamics and heat exchange of liquid metals for many years, trying to reproduce the conditions close to those in fast reactors and fusion neutron sources. In the latter case, the liquid metal flow takes place in a strong magnetic field and strong thermal loads resulting in development of thermogravitational convection in the flow. In this case, quite dangerous regimes of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) heat exchange not known earlier may occur that, in combination with other long-known regimes, for example, the growth of hydraulic drag in a strong magnetic field, make the possibility of creating a reliable FNS cooling system with a liquid metal heat carrier problematic. There exists a reasonable alternative to liquid metals in FNS, molten salts, namely, the melt of lithium and beryllium fluorides (Flibe) and the melt of fluorides of alkali metals (Flinak). Molten salts, however, are poorly studied media, and their application requires detailed scientific substantiation. We analyze the modern state of the art of studies in this field. Our contribution is to answer the following question: whether above-mentioned extremely dangerous regimes of MHD heat exchange detected in liquid metals can exist in molten salts. Experiments and numerical simulation were performed in order to answer this question. The experimental test facility represents a water circuit, since water (or water with additions for increasing its electrical conduction) is a convenient medium for laboratory simulation of salt heat exchange in FNS conditions. Local heat transfer coefficients along the heated tube, three-dimensional (along the length and in the cross section, including the viscous sublayer) fields of averaged temperature and temperature pulsations are studied. The probe method for measurements in a flow is described in detail. Experimental data are designated for verification of codes simulating heat exchange of molten salts.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):81-88
pages 81-88 views

Investigation of hydrodynamics and heat transfer at liquid metal downflow in a rectangular duct in a coplanar magnetic field

Poddubnyi I., Razuvanov N.


Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a liquid metal downflow in a rectangular duct with an aspect ratio of approximately 3/1 in a coplanar magnetic field (MF) are studied upon inhomogeneous (one-sided) heating of the duct. The flow in the heat-transfer duct of the cooling system of a liquid-metal blanket module of the tokamak-type thermonuclear reactor is modeled. Experiments were carried out at the mercury magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) test facility, which is a part of the MHD-complex of Moscow Power Engineering Institute–Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A probe technique is used for measurements in the flow. The studies are performed within the following ranges of regime parameters: Reynolds numbers Re = 10000–55000, Hartmann numbers Ha = 0–800, and Grashof numbers Grq = 0–6 × 108. Averaged profiles of velocity, temperature, temperature fluctuations of the flow, and duct wall temperature are presented for two typical flow regimes. Detailed measurements are performed in the duct cross-section distant from the heating beginning in the region of homogeneous MF. MF leads to the turbulent transport suppression, owing to which the temperature on the heated wall increases. A considerable influence of the heat-gravitational counter-convection, the interaction of which with the external MF leads in some regimes to the appearance and development of instabilities in the laminarized flow, is revealed under the downflow conditions. Generation of large-scale secondary vortices with the axis parallel to the MF induction causes temperature fluctuations of the abnormal intensity that considerably exceeds the level of turbulent fluctuations. Such temperature fluctuations easily penetrate into the duct wall and can lead to the fatigue breakdown of thermonuclear reactor cooling paths. Ranges of unallowable regime parameters are determined and the boundary in coordinates Gr-Re is presented, where this effect is revealed or vanishes. The numerical simulation of studied parameters is performed under the conditions corresponding to the experiment. Computational results coincide satisfactorily with the experimental data in the flow regimes with large Reynolds numbers, where the effect associated with the development of instabilities caused by the heat-gravitational convection is absent or is relatively small.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):89-97
pages 89-97 views

Correct numerical simulation of a two-phase coolant

Kroshilin A., Kroshilin V.


Different models used in calculating flows of a two-phase coolant are analyzed. A system of differential equations describing the flow is presented; the hyperbolicity and stability of stationary solutions of the system is studied. The correctness of the Cauchy problem is considered. The models’ ability to describe the following flows is analyzed: stable bubble and gas-droplet flows; stable flow with a level such that the bubble and gas-droplet flows are observed under and above it, respectively; and propagation of a perturbation of the phase concentration for the bubble and gas-droplet media. The solution of the problem about the breakdown of an arbitrary discontinuity has been constructed. Characteristic times of the development of an instability at different parameters of the flow are presented. Conditions at which the instability does not make it possible to perform the calculation are determined. The Riemann invariants for the nonlinear problem under consideration have been constructed. Numerical calculations have been performed for different conditions. The influence of viscosity on the structure of the discontinuity front is studied. Advantages of divergent equations are demonstrated. It is proven that a model used in almost all known investigating thermohydraulic programs, both in Russia and abroad, has significant disadvantages; in particular, it can lead to unstable solutions, which makes it necessary to introduce smoothing mechanisms and a very small step for describing regimes with a level. This does not allow one to use efficient numerical schemes for calculating the flow of two-phase currents. A possible model free from the abovementioned disadvantages is proposed.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):98-106
pages 98-106 views

Steam-Turbines, Gas-Turbines, and Combined-Cycle Power Plants and Auxiliaries

Hydrogen–air energy storage gas-turbine system

Schastlivtsev A., Nazarova O.


A hydrogen–air energy storage gas-turbine unit is considered that can be used in both nuclear and centralized power industries. However, it is the most promising when used for power-generating plants based on renewable energy sources (RES). The basic feature of the energy storage system in question is combination of storing the energy in compressed air and hydrogen and oxygen produced by the water electrolysis. Such a process makes the energy storage more flexible, in particular, when applied to RES-based power-generating plants whose generation of power may considerably vary during the course of a day, and also reduces the specific cost of the system by decreasing the required volume of the reservoir. This will allow construction of such systems in any areas independent of the local topography in contrast to the compressed-air energy storage gas-turbine plants, which require large-sized underground reservoirs. It should be noted that, during the energy recovery, the air that arrives from the reservoir is heated by combustion of hydrogen in oxygen, which results in the gas-turbine exhaust gases practically free of substances hazardous to the health and the environment. The results of analysis of a hydrogen–air energy storage gas-turbine system are presented. Its layout and the principle of its operation are described and the basic parameters are computed. The units of the system are analyzed and their costs are assessed; the recovery factor is estimated at more than 60%. According to the obtained results, almost all main components of the hydrogen–air energy storage gas-turbine system are well known at present; therefore, no considerable R&D costs are required. A new component of the system is the H2–O2 combustion chamber; a difficulty in manufacturing it is the necessity of ensuring the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen as complete as possible and preventing formation of nitric oxides.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):107-113
pages 107-113 views

Energy Conservation, New and Renewable Energy Sources

Opportunities of energy supply of farm holdings on the basis of small-scale renewable energy sources

Efendiev A., Nikolaev Y., Evstaf’ev D.


One of the major national economic problems of Russia is raising of agricultural production, which will provide strategic security and sustainable supply of the population with provisions. Creation of subsidiary small holdings, farm holdings, and peasant farm holdings will require addressing issues of energy supply. At considerable distance of small farms from centralized energy systems (by fuel, electricity and thermal energy) it is proposed to create a system of local energy networks on the basis of low-powered power plants using renewable energy sources (RES). There is economic unreasonableness of use of imported components of small power plants. Creation of new combined small power plants on renewable energy sources produced by domestic manufacturers is recommended. Schemes of arrangements of small power plants based on renewable energy sources are proposed, variants and characteristics of a basic source are provided—biogas plants developed by the authors. Calculations revealed that heat and power supply of self-contained farms distant from small power plants based on renewable energy sources is 2.5–2.6 times cheaper than from centralized networks. Production of biogas through anaerobic fermentation of organic waste of cattle complexes is considered as the basis. The analysis of biowaste output in various cattle farms is carried out, and the volume of biogas is determined to meet the requirements of these farms in electrical and thermal energy. The objective of the present article is to study the possibility of creating small combined power plants in Russia based on renewable sources of energy for independent consumers.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):114-121
pages 114-121 views

Water Treatment and Water Chemistry

Recent state-of-the-art of biodegradable scale inhibitors for cooling-water treatment applications (Review)

Popov K., Kovaleva N., Rudakova G., Kombarova S., Larchenko V.


Scale formation is a challenge worldwide. Recently, scale inhibitors represent the best solution of this problem. The polyaminocarboxylic acids have been the first to be successfully applied in the field, although their efficacy was rather low. The next generation was developed on the grounds of polyphosphonic acids. The main disadvantage of these is associated with low biodegradation level. Polyacrylate-based phosphorous free inhibitors proposed as an alternative to phosphonates all also had low biodegradability. Thus, the main trend of recent R&D is the development of a new generation: environmentally friendly biodegradable scale inhibitors. The recent state of the word and domestic scale inhibitors markets is considered, the main industrial inhibitors manufacturers and marketed substances, as well as the general trends of R&D in the field, are characterized. It is demonstrated that most research is focused on biodegradable polymers and on phosponates with low phosphorus content, as well as on implementation of biodegradable fragments into polyacrylate matrixes for biodegradability enhancement. The problem of research results comparability is indicated along with domestic-made inhibitors quality and the gaps in scale inhibition mechanism. The actuality of fluorescent indicator fragment implementation into the scale inhibitor molecule for the better reagent monitoring in a cooling water system is specially emphasized.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):122-129
pages 122-129 views

Nuclear Power Stations

Fundamentals, current state of the development of, and prospects for further improvement of the new-generation thermal-hydraulic computational HYDRA-IBRAE/LM code for simulation of fast reactor systems

Alipchenkov V., Anfimov A., Afremov D., Gorbunov V., Zeigarnik Y., Kudryavtsev A., Osipov S., Mosunova N., Strizhov V., Usov E.


The conceptual fundamentals of the development of the new-generation system thermal-hydraulic computational HYDRA-IBRAE/LM code are presented. The code is intended to simulate the thermalhydraulic processes that take place in the loops and the heat-exchange equipment of liquid–metal cooled fast reactor systems under normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences and during accidents. The paper provides a brief overview of Russian and foreign system thermal-hydraulic codes for modeling liquid–metal coolants and gives grounds for the necessity of development of a new-generation HYDRA-IBRAE/LM code. Considering the specific engineering features of the nuclear power plants (NPPs) equipped with the BN-1200 and the BREST-OD-300 reactors, the processes and the phenomena are singled out that require a detailed analysis and development of the models to be correctly described by the system thermal-hydraulic code in question. Information on the functionality of the computational code is provided, viz., the thermalhydraulic two-phase model, the properties of the sodium and the lead coolants, the closing equations for simulation of the heat–mass exchange processes, the models to describe the processes that take place during the steam-generator tube rupture, etc. The article gives a brief overview of the usability of the computational code, including a description of the support documentation and the supply package, as well as possibilities of taking advantages of the modern computer technologies, such as parallel computations. The paper shows the current state of verification and validation of the computational code; it also presents information on the principles of constructing of and populating the verification matrices for the BREST-OD-300 and the BN-1200 reactor systems. The prospects are outlined for further development of the HYDRA-IBRAE/LM code, introduction of new models into it, and enhancement of its usability. It is shown that the program of development and practical application of the code will allow carrying out in the nearest future the computations to analyze the safety of potential NPP projects at a qualitatively higher level.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):130-139
pages 130-139 views

Steam Boiler, Power-Plant Fuel, Burner Devices, and Boiler Auxiliary

Three-zonal engineering method of heat calculation for fluidized bed furnaces based on data on commercial investigations of heat generation distribution during biomass combustion

Litun D., Ryabov G.


A three-zonal method of heat calculation of furnaces for combustion of biomass and low-caloric fuel in the fluidized bed is described. The method is based on equations of thermal and material balances that account for heat generation by fuel in the zone, heat-and-mass transfer heat exchange between the furnace media and surfaces that bound the zone, and heat-and-mass transfer between furnace zones. The calculation procedure for heat generation by fuel in the fluidized bed (FB) using the heat generation portion by the fuel is proposed. Based on commercial investigations, the main factors that affect the average temperature in the FB and the portion of fuel heat that is released in the FB are determined. Results of commercial investigations showed that the airflow coefficient in the FB should be recognized as the main operation parameter that affects the average temperature in the FB and, consequently, heat generation in the FB. The gas flow rate in the FB can be marked out as the second factor that affects the consumption degree of oxidizer supplied in the FB. Commercial investigations revealed that mixing is affected by the gas flow rate in the FB and the bed material particle size, which may be changed during the boiler operation because of the agglomeration of particles of sand and ash. The calculation processing of commercial investigations on a KM-75-40M boiler of a CHP-3 of an Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill (APPM), which was carried out using the inverse problem procedure by means of a developed computer program, determined the range of the fuel heat release share in the FB, which was 0.26–0.45 at an excess air factor of 0.59–0.93 in the bed, and the heat release share in the maximum temperature zone in the total heat release in the superbed space. The heat release share in the bed is determined as an approximating function of the excess air factor in the bed and the fluidization number. The research results can be used during designing boilers with the fluidized bed on biomass.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):140-149
pages 140-149 views

Metals and Strength Problems

Experience of high-nitrogenous steel powder application in repairs and surface hardening of responsible parts for power equipment by plasma spraying

Kolpakov A., Kardonina N.


The questions of the application of novel diffusion-alloying high-nitrogenous steel powders for repair and surface hardening of responsible parts of power equipment by plasma spraying are considered. The appropriateness of the method for operative repair of equipment and increasing its service life is justified. General data on the structure, properties, and manufacture of nitrogen-, aluminum-, and chromium-containing steel powders that are economically alloyed using diffusion are described. It is noted that the nitrogen release during the decomposition of iron nitrides, when heating, protects the powder particles from oxidation in the plasma jet. It is shown that the coating retains 50% of nitrogen that is contained in the powder. Plasma spraying modes for diffusion-alloying high-nitrogenous steel powders are given. The service properties of plasma coatings based on these powders are analyzed. It is shown that the high-nitrogenous steel powders to a nitrogen content of 8.9 wt % provide the necessary wear resistance and hardness of the coating and the strength of its adhesion to the substrate and corrosion resistance to typical aggressive media. It is noted that increasing the coating porosity promotes stress relaxation and increases its thickness being limited with respect to delamination conditions in comparison with dense coatings on retention of the low defectiveness of the interface and high adhesion to the substrate. The examples of the application of high-nitrogenous steel powders in power engineering during equipment repairs by service companies and overhaul subdivisions of heat power plants are given. It is noted that the plasma spraying of diffusion-alloyed high-nitrogenous steel powders is a unique opportunity to restore nitrided steel products.

Thermal Engineering. 2016;63(2):150-155
pages 150-155 views

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