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Vol 65, No 6 (2018)

Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Steam-Gas Plants and Accessory Equipment

Experience in Reconstructing the PT-60-90 Turbine by Reconditioning Heat Treatment of the High-Pressure Cylinder Shell

Ermolaev V.V., Zhuchenko L.A., Lyubimov A.A., Gladshtein V.I., Kremer V.L.


Experience in reconstructing the PT-60-90 turbine at Salavatskaya CHPP upon the operation for more than 350000 h is described. In the course of reconstruction, the life of the turbine was restored, its economic efficiency was increased, process extraction of 1.27–1.57 MPa was changed to uncontrolled extraction, and additional extraction of 3.43 MPa was arranged. The high-pressure cylinder (HPC) shell was restored by reconditioning heat treatment (RHT), and the rotor was replaced by a new modernized one. To select the optimal conditions of the reconditioning heat treatment of the HPC shell (of the PT-60-90 turbine) manufactured from 20CrMoPL grade steel, the results of previously conducted tests of the shell metal of the same grade were integrated. The heat treatment was carried out on modernized furnace equipment using means of and methods for controlling the temperature and heating and cooling rates. Detailed nondestructive inspection of the upper and lower HPC halves was performed. The locations, distribution, sizes, and types of the defects were identified. The detected defects and austenitic build-ups were removed, welded with pearlite electrodes, examined, and subjected to heat treatment (tempering). The actual heat treatment conditions were analyzed and, based on the obtained data on the mechanical properties of the metal, the tempering temperature and time were specified. Complete investigation of the metal of both HPC halves was conducted prior to the reconditioning heat treatment. The reliability of the metal of the cylinder shell after RHT was evaluated by the mechanical properties, such as tensile strength, critical ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (crack resistance), and stress-rupture strength. It was established that, after RHT, the characteristics of the metal, such as yield strength, ultimate strength, elongation per unit length, contraction ratio, hardness, and impact toughness, significantly improved and, on the whole, the quality of the metal met the requirements of the normative documentation for newly manufactured castings. The heat resistance of the metal of the cylinder shell after RHT also increased, which can ensure the operation of the HPC shell for more than 200 000 h provided that the recommendations for regular inspections of its condition are followed.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):331-339
pages 331-339 views

Retrofitting Steam Turbines with Expired Service Life

Dubrovskii V.G., Zubov A.P., Koshelev S.A., Babiev A.N., Kremer V.L.


Many pieces of equipment installed at thermal power stations (TPS) have an expired service life or are close to expiry and are obsolete. In addition, the structure of heat consumption by end users has changed. Among the ways for solving the problem of aging equipment is the retrofitting of turbines that allows for service life recovery and improvement of their performance to the modern level. The service life is recovered through replacement of high-temperature assemblies and parts of a turbine, and the performance is improved by retrofitting and major overhaul of low-temperature assemblies. Implementation of modern engineering solutions and numerical methods in designing upgraded flow paths of steam turbines considerably improves the turbine effectiveness. New flow paths include sabre-like guide vanes, integrally-machined shrouds, and effective honeycomb or axial-radial seals. The flow paths are designed using optimization and hydraulic simulation methods as well as approaches for improving the performance on the turbine blading and internal steam flow paths. Retrofitting of turbines should be performed to meet the customers' needs. The feasibility of implementation of one or another alternative must be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the turbine conditions, the availability of reserves for generating live steam and supplying circulation water, and the demands and capacities for generation and delivery of power and heat. The main principle of retrofitting is to retain the foundation and the auxiliary and heat-exchange equipment that is fit for further operation. With the example of PT-60-130 and T-100-130, the experience is presented of a comprehensive approach to retrofitting considering the customer’s current needs and the actual equipment conditions. Due to the use of modern engineering solutions and procedures, retrofitting yields updating and upgrading of the turbine at a relatively low cost.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):340-344
pages 340-344 views

Retrofitting Cogeneration Power Stations under Conditions of Reduction or Abandonment of Steam Delivery for Process Needs

Dubrovskii V.G., Zubov A.P., Koshelev S.A.


Presently, when the structure of energy consumption by industrial enterprises is being changed, many type PT turbine units operate with limitations imposed on their operating conditions, while type R backpressure turbines are often shut down for a long time or even removed from operation. Thus, the problem of using steam previously intended for process needs combined with the loading of the main equipment and additional generation of power and heat becomes urgent for many power stations. Three main ways for solving this problem are examined in this paper. Potential alternatives for retrofitting of cogeneration power stations (TETS) with types PT and R turbines are discussed. Each alternative solves a specific problem brought about by the actual operating conditions of a turbine at a specific TETs. The results of retrofitting of PT-80-130 turbines with an increase in the throughput capacity of the intermediate pressure cylinder (IPC) and R-50-130 turbines with installation of an additional low-pressure cylinder (LPC) are presented. The experience in operation of the retrofitted R-50-130 turbine with an unconventional arrangement where an additional LPC is installed upstream the high-pressure cylinder (HPC) rather than between the generator and HPC is also described. The experience in the upgrading of TETs with installation of bottom steam turbines driven by steam from a process steam extraction that is not demanded for is presented. Depending on the conditions at a specific TETs, a bottom steam turbine can be installed on a new foundation or in the compartment of a dismounted turbine with the use of serviceable auxiliary and heat-exchange equipment.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):345-351
pages 345-351 views

Experience Gained from Designing Exhaust Hoods of Large Steam Turbines Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Techniques

Galaev S.A., Ris V.V., Smirnov E.M., Babiev A.N.


Experience gained from designing exhaust hoods for modernized versions of K-175/180-12.8 and K-330-23.5-1 steam turbines is presented. The hood flow path is optimized based on the results of analyzing equilibrium wet steam 3D flow fields calculated using up-to-date computation fluid dynamics techniques. The mathematical model constructed on the basis of Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations is validated by comparing the calculated kinetic energy loss with the published data on full-scale experiments for the hood used in the K-160-130 turbine produced by the Kharkiv Turbine-Generator Works. Test calculations were carried out for four turbine operation modes. The obtained results from validating the model with the K-160-130 turbine hood taken as an example were found to be equally positive with the results of the previously performed calculations of flow pattern in the K-300-240 turbine hood. It is shown that the calculated coefficients of total losses in the K-160-130 turbine hood differ from the full-scale test data by no more than 5%. As a result of optimizing the K-175/180-12.8 turbine hood flow path, the total loss coefficient has been decreased from 1.50 for the initial design to 1.05 for the best of the modification versions. The optimized hood is almost completely free from supersonic flow areas, and the flow through it has become essentially more uniform both inside the hood and at its outlet. In the modified version of the K-330-23.5-1 turbine hood, the total loss coefficient has been decreased by more than a factor of 2: from 2.3 in the hood initial design to a value of 1.1 calculated for the hood final design version and sizes adopted for developing the detailed design. Cardinally better performance of both the hoods with respect to their initial designs was achieved as a result of multicase calculations, during which the flow path geometrical characteristics were sequentially varied, including options involving its maximally possible expansion and removal of the guiding plates producing an adverse effect.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):352-361
pages 352-361 views

Experience Gained from Construction of Low-Emission Combustion Chambers for On-Land Large-Capacity Gas-Turbine Units: GT24/26

Bulysova L.A., Vasil’ev V.D., Berne A.L., Gutnik M.M.


This article is the third in a planned series of articles devoted to the experience gained around the world in constructing low-emission combustion chambers for on-land large-capacity (above 250 MW) gas-turbine units (GTUs). The aim of this study is to generalize and analyze the ways in which different designers apply the fuel flow and combustion arrangement principles and the fuel feed control methods. The considered here GT24 and GT26 (GT24/26) gas-turbine units generating electric power at the 60 and 50 Hz frequencies, respectively, are fitted with burners of identical designs. Designed by ABB, these GTUs were previously manufactured by Alstom, and now they are produced by Ansaldo Energia. The efficiency of these GTUs reaches 41% at the 354 MW power output during operation in the simple cycle and 60.5% at the 505MW power output during operation in the combined cycle. Both GTUs comply with all requirements for harmful emissions. The compression ratio is equal to 35. In this article, a system is considered for two-stage fuel combustion in two sequentially arranged low-emission combustion chambers, one of which is placed upstream of the high-pressure turbine (CC1) and the other upstream of the low-pressure turbine (CC2). The article places the main focus on the CC2, which operates with a decreased content of oxygen in the oxidizer supplied to the burner inlets. The original designs of vortex generators and nozzles placed in the flow of hot combustion products going out from the high-pressure turbine are described in detail. The article also presents an original CC2 front plate cooling system, due to which a significantly smaller amount of air fed for cooling has been reached. The article also presents the pressure damping devices incorporated in the chamber, the use of which made it possible to obtain a significantly wider range of CC loads at which its low-emission operation is ensured. The fuel feed adjustment principles and the combustion control methods implemented in the low-emission combustion chambers of this GTU are of interest from the scientific and practical points of view.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):362-370
pages 362-370 views

The Effect of Condensing Steam Turbine Exhaust Hood Body Geometry on Exhaust Performance Efficiency

Gribin V.G., Paramonov A.N., Mitrokhova O.M.


The article presents data from combined numerical and experimental investigations of the effect that the overall dimensions of the exhaust hood of a steam turbine with an underslung condenser has on the aerodynamic losses in the hood. Owing to the properly selected minimum permissible overall dimensions of the exhaust hood, more efficient operation of this turbine component is achieved, better vibration stability of the turbine set shaft line is obtained, and lower costs are required for arranging the steam turbine plant in the turbine building. Experiments have shown that the main overall dimensions of the hood body have a determining effect on the exhaust hood flow path profile and on its aerodynamic performance. Owing to properly selected ratios between the exhaust hood body main sizes without a diffuser, a total loss coefficient equal to approximately unity has been obtained. By using an axial–radial diffuser, the energy loss can be decreased by 30–40% depending on the geometrical parameters and level of velocities in the inlet section of a hood having the optimal overall dimensions. By using the obtained results, it becomes possible to evaluate the overall dimensions necessary for achieving the maximal aerodynamic hood efficiency and, as a consequence, to obtain better technical and economic indicators of the turbine plant as a whole already at the initial stage of its designing. If a need arises to select overall dimensions smaller than their optimal values, the increase of energy loss can be estimated using the presented dependences. The cycle of investigations was carried out on the experimental setups available in the fundamental research laboratory of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute National University’s Department of Steam and Gas Turbines with due regard to the operating parameters and similarity criteria.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):371-378
pages 371-378 views

Metals and Strength Problems

Parametric Methods for Determining the Characteristics of Long-Term Metal Strength

Nikitin V.I., Rybnikov A.I.


A large number of parametric methods were proposed to calculate the characteristics of the long-term strength of metals. All of them are based on the fact that temperature and time are mutually compensating factors in the processes of metal degradation at high temperature under the action of a constant stress. The analysis of the well-known Larson-Miller, Dorn-Shcherby, Menson-Haferd, Graham-Wallace, and Trunin parametric equations is performed. The widely used Larson-Miller parameter was subjected to a detailed analysis. The application of this parameter to the calculation of ultimate long-term strength for steels and alloys is substantiated provided that the laws of exponential dependence on temperature and power dependence on strength for the heat resistance are observed. It is established that the coefficient C in the Larson- Miller equation is a characteristic of the heat resistance and is different for each material. Therefore, the use of a universal constant C = 20 in parametric calculations, as well as an a priori presetting of numerical C values for each individual group of materials, is unacceptable. It is shown in what manner it is possible to determine an exact value of coefficient C for any material of interest as well as to obtain coefficient C depending on stress in case such a dependence is manifested. At present, the calculation of long-term strength characteristics can be performed to a sufficient accuracy using Larson-Miller’s parameter and its refinements described therein as well as on the condition that a linear law in logσ–Р dependence is observed and calculations in the interpolation range is performed. The use of the presented recommendations makes it possible to obtain a linear parametric logσ–Р dependence, which makes it possible to determine to a sufficient accuracy the values of ultimate long-term strength for different materials.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):379-386
pages 379-386 views

Energy Conservation, New and Renewable Energy Sources

Analysis of the World Experience of Smart Grid Deployment: Economic Effectiveness Issues

Ratner S.V., Nizhegorodtsev R.M.


Despite the positive dynamics in the growth of RES-based power production in electric power systems of many countries, the further development of commercially mature technologies of wind and solar generation is often constrained by the existing grid infrastructure and conventional energy supply practices. The integration of large wind and solar power plants into a single power grid and the development of microgeneration require the widespread introduction of a new smart grid technology cluster (smart power grids), whose technical advantages over the conventional ones have been fairly well studied, while issues of their economic effectiveness remain open. Estimation and forecasting potential economic effects from the introduction of innovative technologies in the power sector during the stage preceding commercial development is a methodologically difficult task that requires the use of knowledge from different sciences. This paper contains the analysis of smart grid project implementation in Europe and the United States. Interval estimates are obtained for their basic economic parameters. It was revealed that the majority of smart grid implemented projects are not yet commercially effective, since their positive externalities are usually not recognized on the revenue side due to the lack of universal methods for public benefits monetization. The results of the research can be used in modernization and development planning for the existing grid infrastructure both at the federal level and at the level of certain regions and territories.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):387-399
pages 387-399 views

District Heating Cogeneration and Heat Supply Networks

Developing a Procedure for Segmenting Meshed Heat Networks of Heat Supply Systems without Outflows

Tokarev V.V.


The heat supply systems of cities have, as a rule, a ring structure with the possibility of redistributing the flows. Despite the fact that a ring structure is more reliable than a radial one, the operators of heat networks prefer to use them in normal modes according to the scheme without overflows of the heat carrier between the heat mains. With such a scheme, it is easier to adjust the networks and to detect and locate faults in them. The article proposes a formulation of the heat network segmenting problem. The problem is set in terms of optimization with the heat supply system’s excessive hydraulic power used as the optimization criterion. The heat supply system computer model has a hierarchically interconnected multilevel structure. Since iterative calculations are only carried out for the level of trunk heat networks, decomposing the entire system into levels allows the dimensionality of the solved subproblems to be reduced by an order of magnitude. An attempt to solve the problem by fully enumerating possible segmentation versions does not seem to be feasible for systems of really existing sizes. The article suggests a procedure for searching rational segmentation of heat supply networks with limiting the search to versions of dividing the system into segments near the flow convergence nodes with subsequent refining of the solution. The refinement is performed in two stages according to the total excess hydraulic power criterion. At the first stage, the loads are redistributed among the sources. After that, the heat networks are divided into independent fragments, and the possibility of increasing the excess hydraulic power in the obtained fragments is checked by shifting the division places inside a fragment. The proposed procedure has been approbated taking as an example a municipal heat supply system involving six heat mains fed from a common source, 24 loops within the feeding mains plane, and more than 5000 consumers. Application of the proposed segmentation procedure made it possible to find a version with required hydraulic power in the heat supply system on 3% less than the one found using the simultaneous segmentation method.

Thermal Engineering. 2018;65(6):400-409
pages 400-409 views

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