Immunological aspects of tuberculosis pathogenesis




The morphological aspects of TB pathogenesis are well described in the publications. Much is also known about the main stages of development and formation of specific adaptive immunity. However, from our point of view, not enough attention is being paid to the involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis of clinically relevant TB abnormalities, as well as various forms of the disease. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the variety of clinical manifestations of any disease associated with the penetration of a foreign agent into the body, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in particular, is due to the collective interaction of the infectious agent and the individual response of the macroorganism to this infectious agent. The mosaic of such interactions usually imposes its own adjustments on the development of different forms of the process, its speed and direction, as well as the outcomes. Certainly, the response of a macroorganism to MTB is an integral part of pathogenesis and consists of many general components including the responses associated with the mechanisms of natural and acquired immunity. Intensity of these reactions depends on the characteristics of an agent (MTB) and a macroorganism. For the development of TB disease, massiveness of TB infection, dose and duration of MTB exposure to the human body, as well as virulence of MTB and the level of body's protection during the exposure play a very important role. TB pathogenesis is somewhat different in primary MTB infection and re - infection. With primary infection, 88-90% of individuals do not have clinical manifestations, and only the tuberculin skin test conversion signals the onset of infection. In some cases, without any use of anti-TB drugs limited abnormalities may result in spontaneous cure with the minimal residual changes in the lungs, intrathoracic lymph nodes and tissues of other organs, often in the form of calcifications and limited areas of fibrosis in more advanced cases. Only 10-12% of newly infected individuals develop TB with severe clinical manifestations requiring TB therapy. The absence of clinical manifestations of primary TB infection can be explained by a high level of natural resistance of the human body to tuberculosis, and sometimes can be an effect of acquired protection due to BCG vaccination. This review attempts to discuss the role of immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis both at the beginning of disease development, and in the process of its various manifestations. Issues of genetically determined resistance or susceptibility to TB are not being covered in detail in this manuscript.


V Gergert

Central TB Research Institute Department of Immunology

проф., зав. отд. иммунологии ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» Moscow, Russia

M Averbakh

Central TB Research Institute Department of Immunology

проф., г.н.с. отд. иммунологии ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» Moscow, Russia

A Ergeshov

Central TB Research Institute Department of Immunology

проф., директор ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» Moscow, Russia


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