Epidemiology of multiple myeloma in city Moscow




Aim. To study the epidemiology of multiple myeloma in the city of Moscow and compare the results obtained with data from similar studies in other countries. Materials and methods. The study is based on information from a database of case histories of 3942 patients suffering from symptomatic MM, residents of the city of Moscow, which is maintained at the Hematologic Moscow City Center of S.P. Botkin Municipal Clinical Hospital. The control of the completeness of inclusion was carried out by cross - comparison with the data of the Moscow Cancer Register and the Register of Program 7 (beginning in 2019 - 12) of Highly Expensive Nosologies. The assessment was made according to data as of January 1, 2019. The calculations were carried out taking into account the data of Rosstat at the beginning of 2019 on the population of Moscow in different gender and age categories. Results. Among the 3942 patients with active MM 1707 men - 43% and 2241 women - 57%, the median of the current age was 68 (28-94) years. The median time of observation of patients since the diagnosis of the disease 34 (1-423) months. The peak incidence was in the age range of more than 60 years. There were no significant differences in gender ratio in different age strata with a breakdown of 10 years. The number of cases of newly diagnosed MM per year for the period from 2009 (n=219) to 2018 (n=385) increased by 75.8%. At the same time, the demonstrated increase in the incidence rate for the described period turned out to be fair only for groups of patients over 50 years old, with the maximum increase in this indicator over the described period in the age range of 60-69 years. This is mainly due to the increase in life expectancy in Moscow in recent years. The study demonstrated that over the past 10 years, the average annual mortality rate from MM has decreased in Moscow, and as a result, its prevalence has increased. The rate of 2-year overall survival of patients with MM was 76%, 5-year - old - 49%, 10-year - old - 27%. The median overall survival of patients under the age of 65 when diagnosing the disease was 79 months, and 48 months. The distribution of patients within international classifications was consistent with international data. Conclusions. The study revealed a significant dynamic of the epidemiological situation concerning MM in Moscow. Over the past 10 years there has been an increase in the incidence of MM, as a result of an increase in the life expectancy of the population. The use of modern diagnostics and therapy of MM in real clinical practice has led to a significant reduction in mortality. Due to these factors, an increase in the prevalence of MM in Moscow has taken place, and this process will no doubt progress in the future.


O Vinogradova

Botkinsky hospital; Dmitry Rogachev National Research of pediatric hematology/oncology and immunology; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

д.м.н., проф., зав. Московским городским гематологическим центром ГБУЗ «ГКБ им. С.П. Боткина» ДЗМ; проф. каф. гематологии, онкологии и лучевой терапии ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова» Минздрава России; ORCID: 0000-0002-3669-0141 Moscow, Russia

V Ptushkin

Botkinsky hospital; Dmitry Rogachev National Research of pediatric hematology/oncology and immunology; Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

проф., зам. главного врача по гематологии ГБУЗ «ГКБ им. С.П. Боткина» ДЗМ; проф. каф. гематологии, онкологии и лучевой терапии ПФ ФГБОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. Н.И. Пирогова» Минздрава России; главный внештатный гематолог Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы; ORCID: 0000-0002-9368-6050 Moscow, Russia

M Chernikov

Research Institute of health care organization and medical management

программист ОМО по гематологии ГБУ «Научно-исследовательский институт организации здравоохранения и медицинского менеджмента» ДЗМ; ORCID: 0000-0002-7869-209X Moscow, Russia

Yu Kochkareva

Botkinsky hospital

Email: kochkareva_yulia@mail.ru
к.м.н., врач-гематолог клинико-гематологического отд-ния Московского городского гематологического центра ГБУЗ «ГКБ им. С.П. Боткина» ДЗМ; ORCID: 0000-0003-1583-8298 Moscow, Russia

V Zherebtsova

Botkinsky hospital

врач-гематолог гематологического отд-ния ГБУЗ «ГКБ им. С.П. Боткина» ДЗМ; ORCID: 0000-0002-3052-269Х Moscow, Russia


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