Effects of metabolic syndrome on the phenomenon of electrophysiological atrioventricular conduction curve gap in the course of programmed transesophageal pacing



Aim. To examine electrophysiological characteristics of the phenomenon of the atrioventricular curve gap (ACG) in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS).
Material and methods. The study included patients aged over 15 years with ACG. Electrophysiological characteristics of this phenomenon were compared in 55 patients with MS (by NCEP ATP III 2001 criteria) and 47 free of MS. Patients with coronary heart disease and/or diabetes mellitus were not included.
Results. MS was associated with increased gaps and their duration. Gap distribution by the curve in MS-free patients was extreme. Most gaps occurred in the zone close to effective refractory period of atrioventricular connection. In MS this phenomenon occurred along the whole curve.
Conclusion. MS influences characteristics of ACG. This must be taken into consideration in conduction of electrophysiological test.


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