Expression of DROSHA and DICER genes in peripheral blood leukocytes in lung sarcoidosis




Aim. To study the expression level of the genes DROSHA and DICER in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) of patients with sarcoidosis of the lungs Materials and methods. The study included 32 patients diagnosed with persistent lung sarcoidosis (mean age 41.56±1.27 years) and 36 healthy donors (control; mean age 42.79±1.95 years). The level of expression of messenger RNA (mRNA) of the genes DROSHA and DICER were determined in PBL of healthy donors and patients with sarcoidosis of the lung by polymerase chain reaction in real time. Results. As a result of the conducted researches it is established that the level of drosha gene expression in PBL patients with sarcoidosis of lungs is significantly reduced in comparison with the control (p<0.01). We also found a significant decrease in the number of Dicker gene transcripts in the PBL of the study group of patients (p<0.01). Conclusion. According to the results of the conducted studies, a significant decrease in the number of DROSHA and DICER transcripts in PBL patients with the development of lung sarcoidosis has been found, which can contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease.


I Malysheva

IB KarRC RAS, laboratory of genetics

с.н.с. лаборатории генетики Petrozavodsk, Russia

O Balan

IB KarRC RAS, laboratory of genetics

с.н.с. лаборатории генетики Petrozavodsk, Russia

E Tikhonovich

Republican Hospital named after. V.A. Baranov

зав. отд-нием респираторной терапии Petrozavodsk, Russia

T Volkova

Petrozavodsk state University, Department of Hospital Therapy

д.б.н., проф. Petrozavodsk, Russia


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