Assessment of awareness about the epidemiology, outcomes, and therapy of chronic hepatitis B and C in adolescents and adults




Aim. To estimate the level of knowledge in adults and adolescents about the issues related to viral hepatitis B and C: the transmission modes, course, and outcomes of acute and chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and C (CHC), as well as about current measures for their prevention and treatment. Subjects and methods. A total of 850 dwellers of Kirov and the Kirov Region were anomalously surveyed using an original questionnaire in 2013- 2015. The questionnaire included 24 questions on the etiology, epidemiology, outcomes, prevention, and treatment of CHB and CHC and on the sources of information. Persons younger than 16 years, people who had medical specialties, and those who were studying at a higher or secondary medical institution were excluded from the study. Results. Low levels of knowledge about the epidemiology, course, and outcomes of CHB and CHC were found in the adolescents and adults. 76.4% and 73.9% of the respondents had no clear idea as to the modes and factors of transmission of hepatitis B and C, respectively. A lack of knowledge of the issues associated with poor CHB and CHC outcomes (cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma) was revealed in 84.8 and 76.2%, respectively. 81.8% of the respondents were well aware of the existence and necessity of vaccination against hepatitis B. 40.8% of the survey participants misbelieved that hepatitis C vaccine had been designed and used. Conclusion. A significant portion of the adult population is poorly aware of the problem of viral hepatitis B and C and needs to continue health education for the development and strengthening of a negative attitude towards narcotics and promiscuity; to combat false ideas about viral hepatitis; and enhance motivation for the specific and nonspecific prevention of hepatitis B and C.


S Baramzina

Кировская государственная медицинская академия Минздрава России

Киров, Россия


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