Dyssynergic defecation is one of the causes of chronic constipation




Aim. To define the rate and type distribution of dyssynergic defecation (DD) in patients with primary chronic constipation (CC) and to evaluate the efficiency of biofeedback (BFB) therapy. Subjects and methods. One hundred and thirty-two 18-to-89-year-old patients treated in the Moscow Clinical Research and Practical Center for primary CC were examined using proctological examination, colonofibroscopy, anorectal manometry (ARM), and the balloon expulsion test. Results. Different types of DD were identified in 44.69% of the patients. Defecation disorder type 1 was prevalent (in 64.4% of the patients with DD). The positive result of BFB therapy was noted in the patients with DD and fecal incontinence. Conclusion. The timely detection of functional defecation disorders can recover the lost function of pelvic floor muscles by BFB therapy and exclude the uncontrolled patient use of laxatives.


A Karlov

«Московский клинический научно-практический центр» Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

Москва, Россия

N Orlova

«Московский клинический научно-практический центр» Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

Москва, Россия

A Parfenov

«Московский клинический научно-практический центр» Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

Москва, Россия


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