Associations of the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases with a high level of depression in the open population of an average urbanized Siberian town




AIM. To reveal an association of the prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and metabolic syndrome (MS) with a high level of depression in the open population of 25-64-year-old men in an average urbanized Siberian town. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The survey was conducted on a representative sample formed from the voting list of 25-64-year-old men in one of the administrative districts of Tyumen. The standard WHO MONICA-psychosocial questionnaire was used to study associations of the prevalence of CHD and MS with a high level of depression within cardiologic screening. RESULTS. The age-adjusted prevalence of depression was 4.6% (a high rate) and 19% (a moderate rate) in the 25-64-year-old men of the average urbanized town of West Siberia. With advancing age, the high level of depression increased, peaking in a 55-64-year-old group. In high depression and CHD in the 25-64-year-old men, the odds ratio (OR) was 21.07 for high depression and 39.84 for a definite CHD form. High depression was significantly more common in MS patients in the open population of 25-64-year-old people of the average urbanized Siberian town and in the 55-64 year old age group. An association was found between high depression and a combination of MS components: a concurrence of abdominal obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (OR 13.13). Conclusion. The epidemiological criteria revealed by standardized survey methods for psychosocial factors, depression in particular, should be used during the preventive examinations of a male population and during the selection of able-bodied people with cardiovascular disease to undergo in-depth examination and follow-up.


E Akimova

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"; Межведомственная лаборатория эпидемиологии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний СО РАМН, Новосибирск


V Kuznetsov

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"

M Kaiumova

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"; Межведомственная лаборатория эпидемиологии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний СО РАМН, Новосибирск

V Gafarov

Межведомственная лаборатория эпидемиологии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний СО РАМН, Новосибирск

R Kaiumov

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"; Межведомственная лаборатория эпидемиологии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний СО РАМН, Новосибирск

E Gakova

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"; Межведомственная лаборатория эпидемиологии сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний СО РАМН, Новосибирск

V Smaznov

Филиал ФГБУ "НИИ кардиологии" СО РАМН, "Тюменский кардиологический центр"


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