Estimation of central blood pressure and arterial stiffness in pregnant women with different forms of hypertension




AIM. To estimate central (aortic) blood pressure (BP) and arterial stiffness and their prognostic value in the development of preeclampsia (PE) in pregnant women with different forms of hypertension. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study included 106 patients with chronic hypertension, 21 with the latter concurrent with PE, 63 with gestational hypertension, 10 with PE, and 100 without hypertension. All the women underwent 24-hour BP monitoring by an oscillometric method to estimate central (aortic) BP and arterial stiffness at 16-22 weeks' gestation. RESULTS. The highest average daily central systolic and diastolic BP was in the pregnant women with PE. ROC analysis showed that the average daily aortic systolic BP greater than 115 mm Hg was most significant for the prediction of PE. The highest values of arterial stiffness (augmentation index, stiffness, maximum rate of blood pressure rise) were detected in the pregnant women with PE in the presence of chronic hypertension. Conclusion. 24-four BP monitoring in pregnant women can provide additional characteristics that reflect the stiffness of the aorta and peripheral arteries, which may be used to predict PE.


V Chulkov

ГБОУ ВПО "Южно-Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России, Челябинск


N Vereina

ГБОУ ВПО "Южно-Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России, Челябинск


S Sinitsyn

ГБОУ ВПО "Южно-Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России, Челябинск


V Dolgushina

ГБОУ ВПО "Южно-Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Минздрава России, Челябинск



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