Synchronous and metachronous myeloid and lymphoid tumors




AIM. To determine the clinical features of multiple primary tumors (MPT) in patients with hemoblastoses, to develop treatment policy for synchronous and metachronous tumors, and to determine the impact of chemotherapy for one disease on the course and prognosis of another one. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The investigation included 20 patients with multiple primary synchronous and metachronous myeloid and lymphoid tumors, who had been followed up at the Outpatient Department of the Hematology Research Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The distribution of patients by nosological entities was as follows: 17 (85%) patients with myeloproliferative diseases (MPDs) concurrent with lymphoproliferative diseases (LPDs) and 3 (15%) with two types of MPD. A special group comprised 3 patients who successively developed 3 malignant diseases: cancer/B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL)/Ph-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+CML); cancer/polycythemia vera (PCV)/B-CLL; cancer/essential thrombocythemia (ETC)/multiple myeloma (MM). RESULTS. The Outpatient Department of the Hematology Research Center, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, followed up 20 patients with synchronous and metachronous tumors in 1996 to 2013. The patients' age was 42 to 82 years (64 years). The female/male ratio was 1:1.2. Metachronous tumors were 1.5-fold higher than synchronous ones. The time to detection of secondary hemoblastosis averaged 3.3 years; the longest interval was 14 years; the mean coexistence of 2 tumors was 4.8 years (1-11 years). The total length of the follow-up was 8 years (1-19 years). Among them, there were 17 (85%) patients with 2 chronic hematologic tumors with a myeloid or lymphoid phenotype; 3 (15%) of the 20 patients had 3 malignant diseases (cancer/ B-CLL)/Ph+CML, cancer/PCV/B-CLL, cancer/ETC/MM. In the group of 17 patients, 13 (76%) were diagnosed as having Ph-negative MPDs (PCV in 4 patients, primary myelofibrosis in 4, ETC in 4, undifferentiated MPD in1) and 4 (24%) patients had Ph+CML. This patient group was found to have the following LPDs: CLL in 5 (30%), hairy cell leukemia in 1 (5%), paraproteinemic hemoblastoses in 11 (65%). MPD preceded LPD in 8 (47%) patients; the development interval between two tumors averaged 6 years (1 to 14 years). LPD preceded MPD in 3 (18%) patients; the interval averaged 5 years (2 to 17 years). MPD and LPD appeared synchronously in 6 (35%) patients. CONCLUSION. The fact that 2 malignancies or more may occur in one patient determines the need for a careful follow-up of patients with blood system diseases. The activity of one hematologic disease or another is a leading criterion for choosing a therapeutic tactic.


A Melikian

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


T Kolosheĭnova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


S Goriacheva

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


I Subortseva

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


M Vakhrusheva

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


E Kolosova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


A Sudarikov

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


A Abdullaev

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


V Dvirnyk

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


E Varlamova

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


A Kovrigina

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


A Turkina

ФГБУ "Гематологический научный центр" Минздрава России, Москва


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