Clinical aspects of antimicrobial therapy used in patients with urogenital infections




Aim. To study the clinical aspects of using the furasidine potassium in combination with basic magnesium carbonate (furamag) and phosphomycin trometamol (monural) as antimicrobial agents most frequently used in outpatient practice during combination therapy for acute and chronic urinary tract (UT) diseases. Subjects and methods. To study the specific features of therapy for UT infections, 60 patients were randomized to 2 groups: l) 30 patients received a course therapy with furasidine potassium (furamag) in a dose of 50 mg t.i.d. for 7 days (a study group) and 2) 30 had phosphomycin trometamol (monural) in a single dose of 3 g for pulse therapy (a comparison group). The clinical efficacy of the drugs, symptom disappearance rates, bacterial changes, and laboratory and instrumental findings were assessed. The patient's opinion was mainly used to evaluate outpatient pharmacoeconomic efficiency. Patient compliance with the given therapy was estimated by taking into account the specific features of prehospital care. Results. During therapy, both groups showed positive clinical changes. In the study group, the symptoms of dysuria resolved 0.5 days more quickly and a complete clinical remission was achieved 0.8 days more promptly; the latter within the first 72 hours was achieved by 7.5% more of the patients; the symptoms of bacteriuria resolved 0.6 days more rapidly. With the similar average price of the packs of furasidine potassium (furamag) 50 mg (30 capsules) and phosphomycin trometamol (monural) 1 g (a sachet) being 350 and 370 rubles, the average costs of required treatment were 482 and 546 rubles, respectively. No case of adverse reactions was recorded during the study. Conclusion. Patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of UT should be given furasidine potassium in the standard dose of 50 mg t.i.d for 7 days.


S Vialov

Российский университет дружбы народов


T Vasina

НИИ скорой и медицинской помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского, Москва


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