


Recommendations are proposed how to assess left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) as well as a complex approach to examination of the heart structure and function in patients with different diseases accompanied with LVH development. LVH differential diagnosis is considered in arterial hypertension (AH), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCMP), accumulation myocardial diseases, non-compact myocardium, valvular and combined cardiac pathology, compensatory LVH in athletes. Novel echocardiological techniques are recommended for use in complicated diagnostic cases. Normal parameters and criteria of LVH severity by thickness of the wall and left ventricular indexed mass according to the latest recommendations of the European and American echocardiology associations are listed.


M Saidova

Russian Research Cardiological Center

руководитель лаб. УЗМИ ОНМД


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