Characteristics of erythropoiesis regulation in population living at high altitude




Aim. To study characteristics of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in native population of high altitude
Material and methods. 1300 women living in Tien-Shan areas were examined for serum and erythrocytic
ferritins (SF and EF), general iron-binding capacity of the serum, transferrin saturation with
iron, transferrin, soluble transferrin receptor (TR), erythropoietin (EP), Hb, erythrocytes, erythrocytic
Results. Regulation of erythropoiesis in women living at high altitude is specific, i.e. disagreement between
complete depletion of iron (by SF and EF) and normal level of Hb, erythrocytes, EP and TR.
Conclusion. It is suggested that in population living at high altitudes (3000 m above the sea level and
higher) long-term adaptation to hypoxia gave rise to an original mechanism of erythropoiesis regulation
when all coming iron participates in hemoglobin synthesis without iron deposition. Under hypoxic
hypoxia regulation of erythropoiesis is directed to prevention of tissue hypoxia.


А Makeshova

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

A Levlna

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

Yu Mamukova

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

A Raimzhanov

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва

Киргизский научный центр гематологии, Бишкек; ГНЦ РАМН, Москва


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