Detection of sodium monourate crystals in biopsies of gastric mucosa in gout patients




Aim. To examine gastric biopsies with polarization microscopy for detection of sodium monourate crystals (SMC).
Material and methods. The trial included 20 patients with gout diagnosis (mean age 55.7years, mean duration of the disease 12.3 years)in whom esophagogastroduodenoscopy was made with biopsy of gastric mucosa from the antral part of the stomach and middle third of the gastric body. Results. Crystals in the biopsy specimens were detected in 11 of 20 examinees. The crystals were characterized by strong double refraction, length 3-20 mem, acicular or planiform shape, blue or yellow color depending on position in compensated polarized light. Quantitative distribution of the crystals within one biopsy specimen was uneven and varied from solitary crystals to clusters of 70-80 crystals in sight, up to formation of tophus-like structures. Clinical picture in detection of SMC was characterized by more frequent occurrence of cases with subcutaneous tophuses of various location combined with higher hyperuricemia.
Conclusion. One of the essential lines in the research of gout concerns mechanisms of SMC formation in organs and tissues and microcrystalline gastroduodenal inflammation. Methods of correction of this inflammation are to be designed.


V Nasonova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

M Zakharova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

V Barskova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

A Karateev

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

A Fedorova

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

I Yakunina

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

E Nasonov

ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН

Москва; ГУ Институт ревматологии РАМН


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