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Vol 61, No 6 (2023)

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Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gas Dynamics in the Pages of the Journal High Temperature on the Journal’s 60th Anniversary

Varaksin A.Y.


This year marks 60 years since publication of the first issue of High Temperature. During this time, one of the main sections of the journal has been devoted to research in the fields of heat and mass transfer and physical gas dynamics.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):803-806
pages 803-806 views

Boiling in High Temperature Publications: from Basic Mechanisms to Development of Flow Control Methods for Enhancement of Heat Transfer

Pavlenko A.N.


As part of this issue, dedicated, in connection with the 60th anniversary of the journal High Temperature, to the field of Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gas Dynamics, a brief discussion is in order of research on heat transfer and crisis phenomena during boiling, published in the journal High Temperature over this rather extended period. The aim of this review is not a detailed analysis of the results of the studies published in the journal versus numerous studies by domestic and foreign specialists in this very extensive field, which is a significantly larger task. Here the author seeks, based on the considered articles published in High Temperature, to show the main stages and trends in the development of research over 60 years on the study of heat transfer processes and development of crisis phenomena during boiling under various hydrodynamic conditions. It is safe to say that the range of publications in High Temperature quite fully reflects this topic, given the generally acknowledged high level and breadth of research in the USSR and Russia over these years.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):807-824
pages 807-824 views

Исследование плазмы

Self-Organization of Clusters of Active Brownian Particles in a Colloidal Plasma under the Action of Laser Radiation

Vasiliev M.M., Alekseevskaya A.A., Koss K.G., Vasilieva E.V., Petrov O.F.


Clusters of active Brownian particles in gas-discharge plasma are considered as open systems with energy exchange with the environment. The evolution of a cluster of 19 active Brownian particles with a partially absorbing metal surface (so-called Janus particles) when exposed to intense laser radiation is shown. The formation of strongly correlated clusters of charged particles with increasing laser radiation power was observed experimentally. Based on an analysis of the trajectories of particles, the region of their localization, and changes in their kinetic energy, fractal dimension, and dynamic entropy for different values of laser radiation power density, the self-organization of a cluster of strongly interacting particles in the plasma of a high-frequency glow discharge is studied.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):825-829
pages 825-829 views

Excitation of Stationary Cross-Flow Instability Modes Using a Plasma Actuator Based on Dielectric Barrier Discharge

Kotvitsky A.Y., Moralev I.A., Ustinov M.V., Abdullaev A.A.


The article presents the results of studying the stationary mode of cross-flow instability excited by a plasma actuator based on dielectric barrier discharge in a three-dimensional boundary layer on a swept plate with an induced pressure gradient. It is shown that the actuator generates an instability mode of a given wavelength with an initial amplitude of up to 2% of the free-stream velocity, while the signal-to-noise ratio is no greater than 15%. As a result of a parametric study, a family of growth curves of the excited instability mode was obtained as a function of the parameters of the voltage supplying the discharge. It is shown that the initial amplitude of stationary cross-flow vortices generated by the actuator in the studied range of parameters depends quadratically on the overvoltage at the electrodes and linearly on frequency, which coincides with a similar dependence for the actuator thrust.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):830-835
pages 830-835 views

Asymmetric Complex Plasma Pressure and Isothermal Compressibility with Regard to Nonlinear Screening in the Average Wigner–Seitz Cell Model

Martynova I.A., Iosilevskiy I.L.


The study considers a two-component electroneutral equilibrium complex plasma of finite-sized macroions with charges Z (Z 
 1) and point oppositely charged microions with unit charges. System pressure was calculated in the Poisson–Boltzmann approximation with regard to nonlinear screening of macroions by microions in the average Wigner–Seitz cell model. One of the calculation methods obtains pressure by calculating the nonideal part of the Helmholtz free energy; the second is specific to the Wigner–Seitz average cell model. It is shown that the pressure and isothermal compressibility of the plasma are positive over the entire range of macroion concentrations.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):836-841
pages 836-841 views

Thermophysical Properties of Materials

New Correlation Model of Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Hydrofluorochloro Derivatives of Olefins, Hydrofluorocarbons, and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons

Rykov S.V., Kudryavtseva I.V., Rykov V.A.


The correlation dependence of thermal conductivity 
 of liquid refrigerants on the saturation line is developed as a simple function of temperature 

 is the criterion unit, 
, and 
 is the critical temperature). This dependence satisfies the requirements of dynamic scale theory (ST), and in particular, the passage to the limit 
. The proposed correlation dependence is tested using the example of describing the thermal conductivity of 17 liquid substances in the range of state parameters from the saturation line to the critical pressure 
 and in the temperature range from the triple point temperature Ttr to 
. The substances reviewed include nine fourth-generation refrigerants of hydrofluorochloro derivatives of olefins, seven hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons, and C3H8. Using the description of 
 of C3H8 as an example, it is shown that the proposed correlation dependence not only qualitatively but also quantitatively accurately conveys the behavior of 
 in the vicinity of the critical point. Based on the statistical analysis, it is shown that the proposed correlation with significantly less uncertainty describes the data on the thermal conductivity of liquid hydrofluorochloro derivatives of olefins both on the saturation line and in the single-phase region. Based on the proposed methodology, the thermal conductivity of the cis-isomer R1225ye(Z) is calculated for the first time in the temperature range 

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):842-852
pages 842-852 views

Determination of the Density of the Earth’s Core Based on the Equations of State of Iron and Titanium at High Pressures and Temperatures

Medvedev A.B.


Using previously developed equations of state for iron and titanium, the density of the Earth’s core was calculated at a mass content of titanium in a mixture with iron of ~20%. This concentration is taken from data for high-titanium (HT) basalts, the formation of which in large igneous provinces is hypothetically associated with the ascent of thermal plumes in the mantle from the core to the surface. The calculated density on pressure dependences in the outer liquid and inner solid cores satisfactorily agree with the data of the preliminary reference Earth model (PREM).

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):853-858
pages 853-858 views

Mass Spectrometric Thermodynamic Study of the Fe2O3–TiO2 System

Stolyarova V.L., Lopatin S.I., Vorozhtcov V.A., Fedorova A.V., Selyutin A.A., Shilov A.L.


High-temperature differential mass spectrometry was used to study the vaporization processes and thermodynamic properties of samples of the Fe2O3–TiO2 system containing 25, 35, and 45 mol. % iron oxide. As shown earlier, at temperatures above 1400 K, Fe2O3, losing oxygen, turns into FeO. Therefore, in this article, a mass spectrometric thermodynamic study of the FeO–TiO2 system was carried out at a temperature of 1760 K. The composition and partial pressures of vapor, as well as the values of FeO activities and excess Gibbs energy in the FeO–TiO2 system were determined. Using the Wilson polynomial made it possible for the first time to estimate the mixing enthalpy and excess entropy in the FeO–TiO2 system at 1760 K. The thermodynamic properties of melts of the FeO–TiO2 system at 1760 K were modeled using the generalized lattice theory of associated solutions, and the relative numbers of bonds of various types in the model melt lattice were calculated, indicating the preferential formation of Fe–O–Ti bonds at a FeO content of 55 mol %. It is shown that at a temperature of 1760 K, the found values of the excess Gibbs energy in the FeO–TiO2 system are evidence of negative deviations from the ideality.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):859-870
pages 859-870 views

Shock-Wave Transformations of Fine-Grained Quartz Dispersed in a Silver Matrix

Zhukov A.N., Yakushev V.V., Rogacheva A.I.


Samples with porosities of 2–3 and 13% consisting of fine-grained quartz dispersed in a silver matrix were subjected to shock compression up to 28, 33, and 37 GPa in planar recovery ampoules. In samples with a porosity of 2–3%, after purification from silver, along with amorphized quartz, a crystalline high pressure silicon dioxide phase was detected by powder X-ray diffraction, which differs from stishovite and presumably has a monoclinic lattice.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):871-876
pages 871-876 views

Theoretical Investigation on Thermophysical, Mechanical, and Ultrasonic Properties of NbN Layers Deposited on MgO(001) Substrates at High Temperature

Prajapati A.K., Chaurasiya V., Yadawa P.K.


In the present paper, we calculated the elastic, mechanical, and thermophysical properties of NbN/MgO(001) layers in the temperature range 600–900°C using higher order elastic constants. With two fundamental factors, nearest-neighbour distance as well as hardness parameter, the second and third order elastic constants are estimated using the Born–Mayer potential approaches. The computed values of second order elastic constant are used to calculate Young modulus, thermal conductivity, Zener anisotropy, bulk modulus, thermal energy density, shear modulus as well as Poisson ratio in order to assess the thermal and mechanical properties of NbN/MgO(001) layers. Additionally, the second order elastic constant is also used to calculate the wave velocities for shear and longitudinal modes of propagation along crystalline orientations [100], [110], [111]. Temperature dependent Debye average velocity, hardness, and ultrasonic Grüneisen parameters are evaluated. The fracture/toughness B/G ratio in the current investigation is more than 1.75, indicating that the NbN/MgO(001) nanostructured layer is ductile in nature in this temperature range. The selected materials are fully satisfying the Born mechanical stability requirement. The time required for thermal relaxation is calculated and how ultrasonic waves are attenuated by thermo-elastic relaxation and phonon–phonon interaction mechanisms. The findings with other well-known physical features are helpful for industrial applications.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):877-885
pages 877-885 views

High-Temperature Deformation of a Granulated Nickel Alloy

Abashev D.R., Bondar V.S., Dikovitskyi P.O., Morozov S.V., Larionova O.E.


A variant of thermoviscoplasticity theory is proposed, by mathematical modeling of the viscoplastic behavior of a granulated nickel alloy under high-temperature conditions and based on flow theory with combined hardening. The variant of thermoviscoplasticity theory is generalized to nonisothermal loading and the dependence of the loading process on the strain rate. The results of experiments on uniaxial tension for cylindrical samples of a granulated nickel alloy at high temperatures and various strain rates are presented. The calculated viscoplastic strain diagrams are compared with experimental ones. Satisfactory agreement between the calculated and experimental results is observed, which indicates the adequacy of this variant thermoviscoplasticity theory and the method for identifying the material parameters.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):886-890
pages 886-890 views

Heat and Mass Transfer and Physical Gasdynamics

On Counteracting a Detonation Wave in a Bubbly Liquid Using Small-Amplitude Waves

Gimaltdinov I.K., Lepikhin S.A.


The paper presents the results of a numerical study of the interaction of detonation waves with counterpropagating pressure waves in a bubbly liquid. The change in the parameters of a detonation wave as it passes through the front of a counterpropagating pressure wave is analyzed. The possibility of controlling propagation of the detonation process by changing the state of the bubble system by counterpropagating pressure waves is studied.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):891-896
pages 891-896 views

Numerical Study of Thermal Destruction of Nitride Fuel Rods Using the Severe Accident Module of the Integral Euclid/V2 Code

Usov E.V., Chukhno V.I., Klimonov I.A., Veprev D.P., Mosunova N.A., Strizhov V.F.


The paper presents approaches that can be used to analyze the behavior of mixed nitride uranium–plutonium fuel rods during emergency situations accompanied by thermal destruction of fuel rods. The validation results based on currently available data are presented. The calculation error was estimated from the validation results. Based on the validated model, the results of a numerical study of the specific features of the breakdown of mixed nitride uranium–plutonium fuel rods are presented for accident conditions typical of reactor plants with sodium and lead coolants.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):897-903
pages 897-903 views

Influence of an Accelerated Electron Beam and External Electric Field on the Combustion of a Propane–Air Mixture in a Subsonic Air Flow

Bulat P.V., Volkov K.N., Grachev L.P., Esakov I.I., Bychkov V.L.


The influence of preliminary ionization and excitation of molecules of a fuel–air mixture when exposed to an electron beam created in an external electric field on increasing the intensity of combustion processes is considered. To study the effect of electron beam plasma on the combustion of a propane–air mixture, a series of experiments were carried out. The characteristics of the propane–air mixture are determined before and after irradiation with an electron beam in the presence and absence of an external electric field. The boundaries of the combined effect of an electron beam and an external electric field are found to increase the efficiency of combustion of a propane–air mixture in a subsonic flow. A physical model of processes in a non-self-sustaining discharge in a subsonic flow of a combustible mixture under known experimental conditions is developed.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):904-913
pages 904-913 views

Problem of Injection of Dry Steam into a Reservoir without Condensation in the Well

Alishaev M.G., Aliverdiev A.A., Beibalaev V.D.


Temperature losses along a well string are investigated for the case of dry steam injection in order to determine the possibility of its delivery to the well bottom without condensation. It is assumed that in the rock, the temperature increases with increasing depth according to the geothermal gradient, the steam flow is constant, the steam at the head has a high temperature and is dry, containing no water droplets. On the way to the bottom, the steam temperature decreases, but does not yet reach the saturation point. Heat loss into rock is calculated using the generally accepted formula. The position of the point where steam condensation begins in the well is determined. Calculations are carried out for the most probable flow rates in the fields: 25, 50, 75, and 100 t/day. The heat capacity of dry steam is considered constant, which is acceptable only for low pressures, up to 3–4 MPa. In this case, a formula is proposed for the steam temperature distribution throughout the well string and the problem is solved analytically. However, at elevated pressures, it is necessary to take into account the thermal dependence of the heat capacity of steam and use a numerical method to find the temperature distribution. Based on the calculated variants, a conclusion is made about the possibility of supplying the amount of phase transition heat to the reservoir in full. If the reservoir is highly permeable and lies close to the surface, then we can hope for complete delivery of the phase transition heat to the reservoir. At formation depths greater than 500 m, steam is completely condensed in the well string. The heat of the phase transition enters the rock.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):914-919
pages 914-919 views


Generation of the Second Optical Harmonic under the Action of Narrowband Terahertz Pulses in the Antiferromagnet NiO

Chefonov O.V., Ovchinnikov A.V., Agranat M.B.


The study examines aspects of the generation of the second optical harmonic in the centrosymmetric antiferromagnet NiO when exposed to narrowband terahertz pulses with an electric field strength on the order of 1 MV/cm. It was found that when exposed to terahertz pulses with a frequency of 1 THz, which corresponds to the antiferromagnetic resonance frequency of NiO, a significant decrease in the intensity of the second harmonic is observed versus exposure to pulses with a frequency of 1.5 THz. It is shown that the observed decrease in the intensity of second harmonic generation can be explained by multipath interference during the propagation of a narrowband terahertz pulse in a thin sample.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):920-925
pages 920-925 views


Hydrogasdynamics and Thermal Physics of Two-Phase Flows with Solid Particles, Droplets, and Bubbles

Varaksin A.Y.


The main problems and features of the study of two-phase flows are considered. The main methods for the mathematical modeling of two-phase flows, which describe the interface boundary, interface interactions, and turbulence of the carrier phase at different hierarchical levels, are briefly described. Some of the latest research results on two-phase flows with solid particles, droplets, and bubbles are described and analyzed: effective methods of thermal protection of power propulsion systems operating on solid fuels; determining the contribution of carbon nanoparticle condensation to the combustion and detonation of gaseous hydrocarbons; aircraft anti-icing methods; specific features of the development and stability of a spray plume; acoustic wave propagation in multifractional polydisperse vapor–gas–droplet mixtures of gas with solid particles; development of detonation waves in a bubbly liquid; and many others.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):926-948
pages 926-948 views

Short Communications

Direct Measurement of Zirconium Melting Line up to 4 kbar by Isobaric Pulse Heating Method

Dorovatovsky A.V., Sheindlin M.A., Minakov D.V.


The melting temperature of zirconium was measured at different pressures in the range from 1 to 4000 bar by pulsed current heating. The obtained pressure dependence of the melting temperature gives an estimate of the slope of the zirconium melting line of 62 K/GPa, which agrees well with the results of ab initio calculations.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):949-952
pages 949-952 views

Deposition of a Polydisperse Aerosol in a Narrow Closed Tube in Resonance Oscillation Mode

Gubaidullin D.A., Zaripov R.G., Tkachenko L.A., Shaidullin L.R., Fadeev S.A.


Nonlinear oscillations of a gas and deposition of tobacco smoke at resonance in a narrow closed tube were experimentally studied. The resulting oscillograms show asymmetry of the leading and trailing edges of the pressure wave. With an increase in piston oscillation amplitude, an increase in the sound pressure level of the gas was revealed to 163 dB at a maximum studied excitation amplitude of 0.3 mm. The deposition of tobacco smoke particles in resonance oscillation mode with an excitation amplitude of 0.3 mm occurs 24 times faster compared to natural deposition.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):953-956
pages 953-956 views

Numerical Method For Solving the Inverse Problem of Nonisothermal Filtration in Double-Porosity Media

Shamsiev M.N., Khairullin M.K., Morozov P.E., Gadil’shina V.R., Abdullin A.I., Nasybullin A.V.


A mathematical model of nonisothermal filtration of a fluid into a medium with double porosity is constructed. The influence of the filtration and thermophysical parameters of a fractured porous formation on the temperature and pressure in the bottom of a vertical oil well due to production is studied. Based on the proposed model, a computational algorithm for interpreting the results of the thermohydrodynamic studies of vertical wells is developed. Measurements of the pressure and temperature in the bottom of the well after its start-up are used as the initial information.

Teplofizika vysokih temperatur. 2023;61(6):957-960
pages 957-960 views

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