Optimal Organization of Complex Processes in Chemical Engineering Using General Systems Theory




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The organization of complex chemical-engineering systems (CESs) is optimized using the organism-based approach of general systems theory from the standpoint of information theory. It is shown that the organism-based approach makes it possible to write the problem of the optimal organization of a CES as a multilevel optimization procedure, which implies the coordinated functioning of the elements of the system at the macrolevel in conjunction with an increase in their efficiency at the microlevel. This allows to achieve synergistic effects in the system. Improving the organization of the CES objectively causes increases the macroscopicity or integrity of the system, as well its autonomy in terms of energy use. Organization criteria for designing new process solutions are presented, which characterize the optimal distribution of CES functions between elements and subsystems. The possibility of achieving synergistic indicators of energy efficiency was demonstrated in designing a new process for the removal of carbon dioxide from flue gases.


V. Naletov

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Email: jacen23@yandex.ru
125047, Moscow, Russia

M. Glebov

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Email: jacen23@yandex.ru
125047, Moscow, Russia

L. Ravichev

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Email: jacen23@yandex.ru
125047, Moscow, Russia

A. Naletov

Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia

Email: jacen23@yandex.ru
125047, Moscow, Russia


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版权所有 © В.А. Налетов, М.Б. Глебов, Л.В. Равичев, А.Ю. Налетов, 2023
