Analysis of Variants of Reforming of a Part of the Fuel (on the Example of Propane) in a Mixture with Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust Gas to Add the Reformate to the Combustion Chamber




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Thermochemical recovery of the heat of automotive internal combustion engine (ICE) exhaust gas saves fuel and reduces harmful emissions. Two designs of thermochemical heat recovery in propane-fueled ICEs are numerically analyzed. In both designs, a mixture of 10–20% of the initial propane with part of the ICE exhaust gas is subjected to catalytic reforming, and then the hydrogen-containing reforming products together with propane are added to the combustion chamber. In the first design, the reforming is carried out in an adiabatic reactor; and in the second, in a tubular one. In the analysis, the fraction of the exhaust gas recycle is varied within the range 0.1–0.5 and the temperature in the range 470–690°С. The second design is shown to be more efficient; it ensures an increase in the chemical enthalpy of the fuel mixture by 1.9–3.6% at a hydrogen mass fraction of 0.3–0.9%. For the operating conditions of an ICE with an effective power of 30 kW, the characteristics of an adiabatic reformer and a tubular reformer with a Ni/Cr2O3/Al2O3 catalyst are calculated.


A. Shigarov

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis, Russian Academy of Sciences,

630090, Novosibirsk, Russia


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