Universality of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in the Process of Tertiary Oil Production




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The results of comparative analysis for the key factors of the mechanism of oil-recovery enhancement with the use of gases in a supercritical fluid state as applied to carbon dioxide and propane (propane/butane mixtures) are presented. The above-mentioned factors as a subject of consideration incorporate the dissolving ability of compressed gases with respect to oil and its components, the phase behavior of binary systems containing the mentioned displacing agents and oil hydrocarbons, the critical parameters for the binary systems of fluid-phase behavior types I–II, the compressibility of carbon dioxide and propane under oil-displacement process conditions in tertiary oil production, the viscosity of the media participating in the discussed process and, finally, the swelling of oil as a result of its saturation with a gas. The results of experimental implementation under supercritical fluid conditions are given for an extraction oil-recovery process with carbon dioxide as an extragent in one case and propane in the other case. It is established that propane and propane/butane mixtures are three or more times superior to CO2 in dissolving ability with respect to oil components under displacement-process conditions; that they more often form systems of fluid-phase behavior types I–II with the oil components, which is preferable for the process of its recovery; that the compressor power spent on the compression of carbon dioxide and methane is threefold or more higher than for propane; and, finally, that propane has a much lower viscosity under oil-displacement conditions. In sum, propane and propane/butane mixtures are preferable for use in the oil-displacement process within the framework of tertiary oil production.


F. Gumerov

Kazan National Research Technological University

Email: gum@kstu.ru
420015, Kazan, Russia

Z. Zaripov

Kazan National Research Technological University

Email: gum@kstu.ru
420015, Kazan, Russia

V. Khairutdinov

Kazan National Research Technological University

Email: gum@kstu.ru
420015, Kazan, Russia

D. Sagdeev

Kazan National Research Technological University

Email: gum@kstu.ru
420015, Kazan, Russia


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版权所有 © Ф.М. Гумеров, З.И. Зарипов, В.Ф. Хайрутдинов, Д.И. Сагдеев, 2023
