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Том 60, № 5 (2019)


Multivalued Mappings with the Quasimöbius Property

Aseev V.


We continue studying the multivalued mappings of BAD (bounded angular distortion) class in Ptolemaic Möbius structures. We prove that the single-valued branches of these mappings are quasimöbius under some constraints on the metric spaces. Some conditions are found that guarantee the upper semicontinuity and continuity of BAD multivalued mappings.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):741-756
pages 741-756 views

Finite Homogeneous Metric Spaces

Berestovskii V., Nikonorov Y.


The authors study the class of finite homogeneous metric spaces and some of its important subclasses that have natural definitions in terms of the metrics and well-studied analogs in the class of Riemannian manifolds. The relationships between these classes are explored. The examples of the corresponding spaces are built, some of which are the vertex sets of the special convex polytopes in Euclidean space. We describe the classes on using the language of graph theory, which enables us to provide some examples of finite metric spaces with unusual properties. Several unsolved problems are posed.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):757-773
pages 757-773 views

Isomorphisms of Sobolev Spaces on Riemannian Manifolds and Quasiconformal Mappings

Vodopyanov S.


We prove that a measurable mapping of domains in a complete Riemannian manifold induces an isomorphism of Sobolev spaces with the first generalized derivatives whose summability exponent equals the (Hausdorff) dimension of the manifold if and only if the mapping coincides with some quasiconformal mapping almost everywhere.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):774-804
pages 774-804 views

Finite Groups Close to Frobenius Groups

Wei X., Zhurtov A., Lytkina D., Mazurov V.


We study finite nonsoluble generalized Frobenius groups; i.e., the groups G with a proper nontrivial normal subgroup F such that each coset Fx of prime order p, as an element of the quotient group G/F, consists only of p-elements. The particular example of such a group is a Frobenius group, given that F is the Frobenius kernel of G, and also the Camina group.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):805-809
pages 805-809 views

Boolean-Valued Universe as an Algebraic System. I: Basic Principles

Gutman A.


The paper is devoted to the study of Boolean-valued algebraic systems of set-theoretic signature. The technique of partial elements of these systems is developed. Some formal apparatus is presented for using partial elements and Boolean-valued classes in the truth values of formulas. The predicative Boolean-valued classes are studied that admit quantification. Logical interrelations are described between the basic properties of Boolean-valued systems: the transfer, mixing, and maximum principles.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):810-827
pages 810-827 views

Estimates for Solutions to Neutral Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients of Linear Terms

Demidenko G., Matveeva I., Skvortsova M.


Under study are the systems of nonlinear delay differential equations of neutral type with periodic coefficients of linear terms. We establish sufficient conditions of exponential stability of the zero solution, point out the attraction domains of the zero solution, and provide estimates for solutions characterizing the stabilization rate at infinity.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):828-841
pages 828-841 views

On Brown Polynomials. II

Ershov Y.


The results of the author’s previous article are improved. We also establish that each irreducible polynomial over a Henselian valued field is a Brown polynomial.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):842-845
pages 842-845 views

Analogs of Korn’s Inequality on Heisenberg Groups

Isangulova D.


We give two analogs of Korn’s inequality on Heisenberg groups. First, the norm of the horizontal differential is estimated in terms of the symmetric part of the differential. Second, Korn’s inequality is treated as a coercive estimate for a differential operator whose kernel coincides with the Lie algebra of the isometry group. For this purpose, we construct a differential operator whose kernel coincides with the Lie algebra of the isometry group on Heisenberg groups and prove a coercive estimate for the operator.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):846-860
pages 846-860 views

On the Class of Hölder Surfaces in Carnot—Carathéodory Spaces

Karmanova M.


Considering two classes of Hölder mappings of Carnot-Carathéodory spaces, graph mappings and smooth mappings in the Riemannian sense, we obtain an area formula for image surfaces. In particular, we describe the structure of the polynomial sub-Riemannian differential for graph mappings.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):861-885
pages 861-885 views

Example of a Smooth Homeomorphism Violating the Luzin N−1 Property

Kleprlík L., Molchanova A., Roskovec T.


This paper discusses some results concerning the validity of the Luzin N and N−1 properties for homeomorphisms. Also, we present a counterexample in the form of a C-homeomorphism that violates the N−1 property.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):886-895
pages 886-895 views

On Fredholm Eigenvalues of Unbounded Polygons

Kruskal S.


An important open problem in geometric complex analysis is to establish some algorithms for explicit determination of the basic functionals intrinsically connected with conformal and quasiconformal mappings such as their Teichmüller and Grunsky norms, Fredholm eigenvalues and the quasireflection coefficient. This problem has not been solved even for generic quadrilaterals. We provide a restricted solution of the problem for unbounded rectilinear polygons.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):896-901
pages 896-901 views

Two Applications of Boolean Valued Analysis

Kusraev A., Kutateladze S.


The paper contains two main results that are obtained by using Boolean valued analysis. The first asserts that a universally complete vector lattice without locally one-dimensional bands can be decomposed into a direct sum of two vector sublattices that are laterally complete and invariant under all band projections and there exists a band preserving linear isomorphism of each of these sublattices onto the original lattice. The second result establishes a counterpart of the Ando Theorem on the joint characterization of ALp and c0 (Γ) for the class of the so-called \(\mathbb{B}\)-cyclic Banach lattices, using the Boolean valued transfer for injective Banach lattices.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):902-910
pages 902-910 views

Ricci Solitons and Killing Fields on Generalized Cahen—Wallach Manifolds

Oskorbin D., Rodionov E.


We study Ricci solitons and Killing fields on generalized Cahen–Wallach manifolds. The Ricci soliton equation provides a generalization of the Einstein equation on (pseudo-)Riemannian manifolds which is closely connected with Ricci flows. We prove that the Ricci soliton equation is locally solvable with any constant in the Ricci soliton equation on generalized Cahen–Wallach manifolds. Using a Brinkmann coordinate system, we study the Killing fields on these manifolds and give constraints on the dimension of the space of Killing fields. Also, we obtain solutions to the Killing equations for 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds in small dimensions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):911-915
pages 911-915 views

The Morse–Sard Theorem and Luzin N-Property: A New Synthesis for Smooth and Sobolev Mappings

Ferone A., Korobkov M., Roviello A.


Considering regular mappings of Euclidean spaces, we study the distortion of the Hausdorff dimension of a given set under restrictions on the rank of the gradient on the set. This problem was solved for the classical cases of k-smooth and Hölder mappings by Dubovitskii, Bates, and Moreira. We solve the problem for Sobolev and fractional Sobolev classes as well. Here we study the Sobolev case under minimal integrability assumptions that guarantee in general only the continuity of a mapping (rather than differentiability everywhere). Some new facts are found out in the classical smooth case. The proofs are mostly based on our previous joint papers with Bourgain and Kristensen (2013, 2015).

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2019;60(5):916-926
pages 916-926 views

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