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Volume 57, Nº 4 (2016)


The automorphism groups of compact homogeneous spaces

Gorbatsevich V.


Considering the automorphism groups of compact homogeneous spaces we inspect certain general properties, indicate a method for calculating the groups, and illustrate it with examples in a few particular cases.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):565-581
pages 565-581 views

On spectra of almost simple groups with symplectic or orthogonal socle

Grechkoseeva M.


Finite groups are said to be isospectral if they have the same sets of the orders of elements. We investigate almost simple groups H with socle S, where S is a finite simple symplectic or orthogonal group over a field of odd characteristic. We prove that if H is isospectral to S, then H/S presents a 2-group. Also we give a criterion for isospectrality of H and S in the case when S is either symplectic or orthogonal of odd dimension.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):582-588
pages 582-588 views

The partial clone of linear terms

Denecke K.


Generalizing a linear expression over a vector space, we call a term of an arbitrary type τ linear if its every variable occurs only once. Instead of the usual superposition of terms and of the total many-sorted clone of all terms in the case of linear terms, we define the partial many-sorted superposition operation and the partial many-sorted clone that satisfies the superassociative law as weak identity. The extensions of linear hypersubstitutions are weak endomorphisms of this partial clone. For a variety V of one-sorted total algebras of type τ, we define the partial many-sorted linear clone of V as the partial quotient algebra of the partial many-sorted clone of all linear terms by the set of all linear identities of V. We prove then that weak identities of this clone correspond to linear hyperidentities of V.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):589-598
pages 589-598 views

On subordination of some analytic functions

Kargar R., Ebadian A., Sokół J.


We define V (α, β) (α < 1 and β > 1), the new subclass of analytic functions with bounded positive real part, \(V\left( {\alpha ,\beta } \right): = \left\{ {f \in A:\alpha < \operatorname{Re} \left\{ {{{\left( {\frac{z}{{f\left( z \right)}}} \right)}^2}f'\left( z \right)} \right\} < \beta } \right\}\), and study some properties of V (α, β). We also study the class U (γ) (γ > 0): \(u\left( \gamma \right): = \left\{ {f \in A:\left| {{{\left( {\frac{z}{{f\left( z \right)}}} \right)}^2}f'\left( z \right)} \right| - 1 < \gamma } \right\}\), where A is the class of normalized functions.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):599-605
pages 599-605 views

Countably categorical weakly o-minimal structures of finite convexity rank

Kulpeshov B.


We completely describe countably categorical weakly o-minimal theories of finite convexity rank.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):606-617
pages 606-617 views

Holomorphic extension of functions along finite families of complex straight lines in an n-circular domain

Kytmanov A., Myslivets S.


We consider the continuous functions on the boundary of a bounded n-circular domain D in ℂn, n > 1, which admit one-dimensional holomorphic extension along a family of complex straight lines passing through finitely many points of D. The question is addressed of the existence of a holomorphic extension of these functions to D.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):618-631
pages 618-631 views

Large-time behavior of solutions to degenerate damped hyperbolic equations

Luyen D., Tri N.


We investigate the asymptotic behavior of solutions to damped hyperbolic equations involving strongly degenerate differential operators. First we establish the existence of a global attractor for the damped hyperbolic equation under consideration. Then we prove the finite dimensionality of the global attractor.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):632-649
pages 632-649 views

On bounded solutions to weakly nonlinear vector-matrix differential equations of order n

Perov A., Kostrub I.


To prove existence and uniqueness (or just existence) of a bounded solution to nonlinear differential equations of higher order, we employ the contraction mapping principle and the Tikhonov Fixed Point Theorem. A quantitative estimate of a nonlinear perturbation preserving basic features of behavior of the corresponding linear equation (asymptotic stability or exponential dichotomy) is important when we pass to a nonlinear equation.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):650-665
pages 650-665 views

Isotopes of the alternative monster and the Skosyrsky algebra

Pchelintsev S.


We prove that the isotopes of the alternative monster and the Skosyrsky algebra satisfy the identity Пi=14 [xi, yi] = 0. Hence, the algebras themselves satisfy the identity Пi=14 (c, xi, yi) = 0. We also show that none of the identities Пi=1n(c, xi, yi) = 0 holds in all commutative alternative nil-algebras of index 3. Thus, we refute the Grishkov–Shestakov hypothesis about the structure of the free finitely generated commutative alternative nil-algebras of index 3.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):666-678
pages 666-678 views

The commutator width of some relatively free lie algebras and nilpotent groups

Roman′kov V.


We determine the exact values of the commutator width of absolutely free and free solvable Lie rings of finite rank, as well as free and free solvable Lie algebras of finite rank over an arbitrary field. We calculate the values of the commutator width of free nilpotent and free metabelian nilpotent Lie algebras of rank 2 or of nilpotency class 2 over an arbitrary field. We also find the values of the commutator width for free nilpotent and free metabelian nilpotent Lie algebras of finite rank at least 3 over an arbitrary field in the case that the nilpotency class exceeds the rank at least by 2. In the case of free nilpotent and free metabelian nilpotent Lie rings of arbitrary finite rank, as well as free nilpotent and free metabelian nilpotent Lie algebras of arbitrary finite rank over the field of rationals, we calculate the values of commutator width without any restrictions. It follows in particular that the free or nonabelian free solvable Lie rings of distinct finite ranks, as well as the free or nonabelian free solvable Lie algebras of distinct finite ranks over an arbitrary field are not elementarily equivalent to each other. We also calculate the exact values of the commutator width of free ℚ-power nilpotent, free nilpotent, free metabelian, and free metabelian nilpotent groups of finite rank.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):679-695
pages 679-695 views

On weakly SΦ-supplemented subgroups of finite groups

Wu Z., Mao Y., Guo W.


Let G be a finite group. We say that a subgroup H of G is weakly SΦ-supplemented in G if G has a subgroup T such that G = HT and HT ≤ Φ(H)HsG, where HsG is the subgroup of H generated by all those subgroups of H that are s-permutable in G. In this paper, we investigate the influence of weakly SΦ-supplemented subgroups on the structure of finite groups. Some new characterizations of p-nilpotency and supersolubility of finite groups are obtained.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):696-703
pages 696-703 views

Study of degenerate evolution equations with memory by operator semigroup methods

Fedorov V., Borel L.


We reduce the problem with some history prescribed for an integrodifferential equation in a Banach space including memory effect to the Cauchy problem for some evolution system with a constant operator in a larger space that possesses a resolvent (C0)-semigroup. This enables us to state conditions for the existence of a unique classical solution to the original problem. We use the results to study the unique solvability of problems with history prescribed for degenerate linear evolution equations with memory in Banach spaces. We show that the initial-boundary value problem for the linearized integrodifferential Oskolkov system describing the dynamics of Kelvin–Voigt fluids in linear approximation belongs to this class of problems.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):704-714
pages 704-714 views

The invariance principle for nonautonomous differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side

Finogenko I.


We study limit differential inclusions for nonautonomous differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side and Filippov solutions. Using Lyapunov functions with derivatives of constant sign, we establish an analog of LaSalle’s invariance principle. We study differential equations with either measurable or piecewise continuous right-hand side.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):715-725
pages 715-725 views

A p-adic hard-core model with three states on a Cayley tree

Khakimov O.


We examine the p-adic hard-core model with three states on a Cayley tree. Translationinvariant and periodic p-adic Gibbs measures are studied for the hard-core model for k = 2. We prove that every p-adic Gibbs measure is bounded for p ≠ 2. We show in particular that there is no strong phased transition for a hard-core model on a Cayley tree of order k.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):726-734
pages 726-734 views

On solvability of a periodic problem for a nonlinear telegraph equation

Kharibegashvili S., Dzhokhadze O.


The time-periodic problem is studied for a nonlinear telegraph equation with the Dirichlet–Poincaré boundary conditions. The questions are considered of existence and smoothness of solutions to this problem.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):735-743
pages 735-743 views

On {2, 3}-groups without elements of order 6

Jabara E.


We describe {2, 3}-groups in which the order of a product of every two elements of orders at most 4 does not exceed 9 and the centralizer of every involution is a locally cyclic 2-subgroup. In particular, we will prove that these groups are locally finite.

Siberian Mathematical Journal. 2016;57(4):744-746
pages 744-746 views

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