
Core Structure Formation in the Joints Fabricated by Friction Stir Welding of Metals with Polymorphic Transformations
Chularis A., Rzaev R., Zotov O., Zotova A.
Prediction of the Stability of the Technological Processes during the Electric Arc Welding of Metals
Bulychev V., Golubina S., Latypova G.
Effect of a Welding Method on the Fatigue Strength and Fracture of Foam–Aluminum Sandwiches
Shapovalov O., Kodzhaspirov G., Hantelmann K., Mikhailov V.
Effect of Steplike Plastic Deformation on the Mechanical Properties and the Fracture of the Bimetal Produced by Exposition Welding
Veretennikova I., Konovalov D., Smirnov S., Zadvorkin S., Putilova E., Kamantsev I.
Effect of a Thermomechanical Action on the Structure and the Mechanical Properties of the Welded Joints of a Hot-Rolled Austenitic Nitrogen-Bearing Steel
Kostina M., Kostina V., Muradyan S.
Effect of the Conditions of Machine Hidden Arc Welding with an Additional Hot Additive (Flux-Cored Electrode) on the Formation of a Joint Weld
Kobernik N., Mikheev R., Linnik A., Pankratov A., Brovko V., Galinovskii A.
Structure and Properties of the Metal in the Laser Welding Joints of an Austenitic Steel Containing ~0.5% N in the As-Cast and Deformed States
Kostina V., Kostina M., Voronchuk S., Muradyan S., Rigina L.
Effect of the Grain Size of the Initial Structure of 1565chM Alloy on the Structure and Properties of the Joints Fabricated by Friction Stir Welding
Ovchinnikov V., Drits A., Gureeva M., Malov D.
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