
Mass Velocity and Energy Index Oscillations in the Cyclic Electroslag Remelting of ChS-82 Steel
Kissel’man M., Lazukin A., Levkov L., Orlov S., Shurygin D., Dub V., Klochai V., Garchenko A., Samburskiy P.
Simulation of the VT3-1 Alloy Ingot Solidification during VAR
Kondrashov E., Leder M., Maksimov A.
Stabilization of the Liquid Metal Bath during DC ESR
Chumanov V., Chumanov I., Sergeev Y.
Development of a Commercial Technology for Plasma Arc Remelting of a Nitrogen-Bearing 05Kh21AG15N8MF Steel
Sisev A., Tsimerman S., Kostina M., Il’inskii A., Perkas M., Rigina L.
Improvement of the Electric Arc Furnace Manufacture of R6M5 Steel
Gertsyk S., Korolev M., Shil’nikov E.
Determination of the moisture content in the fluoride oxide fluxes of electroslag remelting
Vdovin K., Feoktistov N., Pivovarova K., Deryabin D.
Technology of Melting an Invar in an Induction Furnace
Gertsyk S., Smirnova V.
Columnar-to-equiaxed transition during the solidification of a Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy
Leder M., Kondrashov E.
Influence of the ESR Parameters on the Removal of Sulfur
Aksenov I., Matveeva M., Chumanov I.
Technology for Producing a Low-Alloy Martensitic 10Kh3A Steel with an Overequilibrium Nitrogen Content
Kostina M., Rigina L., Blinov V., Muradyan S., Krylov S.
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